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Kanohi Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Kanohi Dragon

  1. No. As it turned out, I have issues with them that could get more serious when I'm older.

    Ouch, that sounds painful. Needles are evil. :[

  2. I have no wish to overthrow the site at its current state, sorry!

  3. XD, that certainly happens a lot on this site.

  4. o_O That sounds pretty epic, XD.

    Mine was really good! I had dinner at my aunt's house. :]

  5. You should though, it might be something serious.

    I know how you feel though. Something similar happened to me with my kidneys. :/

  6. You passed out? Are you okay?

  7. Really good! How was yours?

  8. Really good! I went over to my aunt's house and had dinner there.

  9. Yeah, mine was awesome!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! How was yours?

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! Did you have a good one?

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! How was yours?

  13. Woot, break!

    XD, almost every single one of my friends have said that at some point today to me. I want stuffing!

  14. Wow, it's all backwards and stuff, XD.

    Woo, only two more days. I want stuffing, so freaking badly... >_

  15. Ouc, that really sucks. I hope you get it fixed soon!

    Wow, that's a lot of pets. 0_0

  16. It's the SAT they look at in most cases, not the ACT. There are some fields where you need to take that one, but I'm afraid I can't remember which... >_

  17. I actually didn't take the ACT. I was supposed to take it, but got sick the day it was on. I talked to my guidance conselour about the next date it wa son, and she told me I didn't have to take it because it's not needed in most cases.

  18. You don't have to pick yet, you could enter your major as underclared and decide later.

    Take the SAT. You don't need have to take it more than once if you do good on it, so try your best (trust me, it's torture; you only want to have to do it once). Also, apply to college early. I waited, and I'm stuck in a mess now cause of it. So, apply like in August, and apply

  19. Yep, I'm majoring in art.

    Hm, that's not something I can help with; I don't know of any such websites. Google what you want to major in + colleges; some stuff should come up.

  20. I only applied to one, and I'm hurrying to finish my portfolio for it. It's due Friday...

    Maybe I can help a bit?

  21. That sounds probable. Ugh, I really want the next chapter to come out. >_

  22. That's always good too. Nice long break. *sigh*


  23. I have a full week; I want it to be next week badly.

    Okay. Ah, you don't have to.

  24. Yeah, that part had me wondering. I can't think of what it could possibly be that would enable him to do that.

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