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Kanohi Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Kanohi Dragon

  1. Not much. I'm sick again, so I've just been resting. What about you?

  2. I'ma poke you in your profile!

    *pokes* :]

  3. And now I definitely want to read the book first.

  4. Yeah! I haven't gotten a chance to read the book or see the movie though.

  5. It's a traditional PA Dutch food; basically, leftover pig parts that are finely ground, put into a cube, and then fried. It sounds disgusting, but it's actually really good.

    XD, I just has soup for dinner.

  6. I had scrapple for breakfast the other day. That stuff is amazing! 0_0


  7. Pretty interesting. Tuma ended up reminding me a bit of TSO.

  8. Yay for food!^^

    Except now I'm hungry... :/

  9. Cool. The Bionicle stuff is the main reason I want to give it a go. :]

  10. No. I've been wanting to try it out, but just haven't had the time. How is it?

  11. But radomness is good! D:

  12. Ah, I had to do an element prject a few years ago. I think I had Berylium (which I don't think I spelled right...)

  13. Cool, but a supporter of what?

  14. Cool. I've never seen that one, but I've heard it's good.

  15. I'm lurking on the forums while taking a break from homework. I have some worksheets for Zoology and a powerpoint for Penn Heritage. :/

  16. I hope we get a lot. I haven't gotten to go sledding yet this year (or last year, I guess... 0_0)

  17. Do you have a favorite one?

  18. That's good. :]

    No snow, but we did get a lot of ice. We had a snow day yesterday.

  19. It's okay, don't worry about it.

    So you like anime? Pretty awesome. ^^

  20. Yep. ^_^

    Sorry I wasn't on real long, I only had time to go check my mail real quick. :/

  21. To draw more and experiment more with different media. What's yours?

  22. Wow, that's awesome! I'm only on diffictult. :/

    Pretty awesome. I still haven't gotten to ply mine yet. :[

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