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Everything posted by Darcsyde

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself, Kahi.Maybe you could pull an Ennar.
  2. Really loving your art style, Invi. You're very good with blurs and action lines.Intertaining to read, and always funny to see another odd interpretation of Santa.
  3. "There is no such thing as accidental looking." That made me laugh when I read it in your voice.Good comic, Ven. And the concept of you making Kahi and Eljay...unborn provided me with a few chuckles too.
  4. Darcsyde


    Livers don't go "crack." Tha'z unhealthy.
  5. Wooooow, Bio. Just wooooooow.All the jokes made me laugh, and I picked up a few graphic ideas from it.Good thing these comics aren't canon, because Santa seems to have a rapid respawn rate. I liked the verse ref. at the end too ;3Keep it coming, guys.
  6. Maybe the family...is the recepie...
  7. That's good, since I have a bit of catching up to do. >_>Obsidian has a lot of good stuff. That's where I got most of my brushes.Take your time.
  8. Ohey, long time no post.In case you haven't seen it in the Advent Calendar topic, here is my Christmas comic.Now that that's out of the way, I'm gonna start making actual comics again, so expect a few in the next 2 weeks and such.
  9. Both comics were quite intertaining. @Decei: Yeah, that's more or less how I imagined an average Odasho Christmas goes down. @Zero: All the interruptions made me laugh. Especially the final oompah. XD Well done, both of you.
  10. Darcsyde

    Mall Patrol

    So, if you kill yourself, real or not, is it still suicide? Funny comic. You must do more rage faces.
  11. I see I've found your hiring perogative, Kahi. Also, I see one problemo. Purple Matoran's reflection in the floor seems a bit off. Other than that, good comic.
  12. Darcsyde


    Wow. I didn't know you actually had a mask under thar, Ven. Anti-Venom...I should have a snappy remark about that. But I don't.
  13. She shall be educated or die.Well, maybe not die...That would be sad.
  14. First of all, what qualifies a set as "not for girls?"Just because a set isn't slathered in pink bricks or feature horses or princesses doesn't mean a girl can't play with it. In the past, sets aimed at girls have been more or less dismal failures, I think. Quite a large number of girls were just fine with Bionicle, judging from the multitude of female members here on BZP. And Bionicle was more than likely targeted towards a male audience. Just because a theme features ninjas, guns, explosions, or fantasy adventures doesn't mean a girl can't have fun with it. Maybe Lego is just that out of touch with kids' psyche these days. I mean, look at all us guys with pony sigs and avatars.
  15. Oneker, I really, really, really love your comic. IMO, the best song parody so far. @Emkay: Didn't quite get it, but I chuckled at the onomonopea (sp?). Excellent work, both of you.And yay I'm next!
  16. To quote WVUFan:"Just shut up and take my money, Lego!"Uruk Hai and Smeagol minifigs. Nuff said.
  17. Okay, when I read "Oh bother," I totally expected Winne the Pooh. Just sayin.
  18. That song makes me want to hang myself.But your comic, Eljay, made me laugh instead. You guys are really raising the bar for the rest of us, just sayin'.
  19. I knew it reminded me of something, and Calvin & Hobbes is exactly that. ^_^Loved it. The more I read, the more it cheered me up.I also liked how there was no dialouge, which just added to the beauty of it.Way to go, Absorba.
  20. Dragon fly, Dragaen Flai, Draginfli, etc. etc. Personally, I think that's slightly more feminine than "Toa Mata Nubie," and I think a change in sprite wouldn't hurt either. Your colors are fine, unless you want to orient them with your ponidentity. The mask is the biggest thing, really. I'm not trying to stereotype and suggest you wear a KauKau, I just think it's fairly masculine. Name: A name change would be good, since the term "Nubie" can be viewed as slightly derogatory nowadays.
  21. To quote yourself, Vataki: If that comic were a potato It'd be a good potato. Oh man, that had win all over it. And your trollface uses only increased the awesomesauce. Way. To. Go.
  22. Darcsyde


    Either line would've been just as funny. *Pon-3 shrug*But still, I laughed quite hard at it. So morbid, so amusing.
  23. A spy be sappin' my jokes! That was funny, especially how you censored the "mas" instead of "Christ." And if Kahi's your attorney, then I guess I can't really get too mad at you (which I'm not ).Good work, m'boi.EDIT: For those of you who don't get the reference, here's the comic in question that I made last year.
  24. Darcsyde


    Maybe it started life as a tree...Although I'm pretty sure hockey sticks are made out of fiberglass these days.
  25. Bio is Santa. My dreams just experienced a gruesome death. I think I've seen this comic pre-release, but it's still as funny as I remembered. Kahi singing, Bio as Santa, all quite lulzy.Excellent comic, MoC.
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