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Everything posted by Darcsyde

  1. Aha! New comic!PGS's With HatsThank you, Zero, for 95% of the dialouge. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  2. Darcsyde


    I would do that for most of the Halo games...I lol'd.
  3. Exactly what my brother said. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngNew comic out tonight, hopefully.
  4. For some reason, I'm always looking for the quality of people's shadows...Yours, sir, are very well done. And, very true. Intro comics are hard.Keep it up!
  5. They told him he could be anything he wanted......So he became a horse.Brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT.
  6. Well, I'm officially scared silly of DSi's.Lucky for me, I lost interest in the DS franchise long before the DSi came out.
  7. I see someone's been siphoning the soda...Dastardly! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif
  8. MLP isn't really a meme, I think. Maybe we've gotten into memes in BZP's abscense, but I guess it's more of "Oh, BZP's gone. Guess we'll have to find some other form of intertainment..."
  9. yes, i know that, i actually know that (as per the one who told me, and she is in the production so i think she would know) they are 100% done with all the set building, recording, and voice acting, and as far as I know the only thing they are doing now is working on their second script, but this is entirely unofficial and im sure they have editing to do if they are going to put it on the ubertubes The production team divided the creation of the movie into two parts: the story revolving around the Toa, and the story revolving around Takua. As far as I know, the section about the Toa is complete; the team is currently working on the story around Takua. I have not yet recorded my lines as Matoro, so not all of the voice acting is done. -Shyyrn And I have not yet recorded my lines for Nuparu.Yeah I'm pretty excited for this.
  10. Cal's a PGS? Nice! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngI liked the Halloween comic. Your graphics are really improving.
  11. Aw, thanks guys (and gal :3). It's really refreshing for me to make something successful, since I'm going through a lot of ainxiety and frustration as of late.@JK: Yeah it's both. @Shad: A copy of GTA: V would be a better description.@Hordika22: Yes, psychotic randomness is a beautiful thing.@KJ: If you can't jump it, ride it, I guess.I'll try to have a comic out tommorow. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  12. ^What he said.^I laughed at the Lawyer of Comedy comic. I'm not sure who would intimidate me in court more: you or Kahi.
  13. Congrats, Gav. You must now engage something every man experiences in a relationship.Talk yourself out of the corner.EDIT: Triple agreed.
  14. Darcsyde


    QUICK! START HEADBANGING A WALL!Owait, then you'll get the green goo all over your face...
  15. Got the header finished! :pirate:Maybe it describes the internet more than my comics...Comments and crit.?
  16. There'll be another contest soon enough, don't worry.That's awesome. Also, awesome new comic, I did not comment on it yet. Garda is obviously in a way confused. It's pretty funny. And Darc kind of deserved that http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tounge2.gifYes, yes I did. @Comic: So you're accepting applicants to make comics for the ICC? Or some thing like that? Not that I'm interested (leader-to-be of the NGC and all), just trying to get things straight.Lol @TF2 joke: Who wouldn't want to play TF2 during a board meeting on that? EDIT: Hm, you have a point there, Almighty Nope. A British accent fits Kahi quite well.
  17. Darcsyde


    I don't see what the big deal is.Just step on the li'l wriggler.
  18. So now pizza franchises are handing out late-night variety shows? ...I love these comics.
  19. Wait, Terton's a zombie? I lol'd at "Tax exemptions."
  20. Calvin & HobbesPearls Before SwineAnd Bone doesn't count (unfortunately).
  21. I haven't had time to do much in terms of comics lately. I'm working on one right now tho.Anywho, if you're referencing the RZMIK comic I did earlier, I justo do those whenever.And yeah, my Halloween comic is gonna be WAY late. XD
  22. The thing that comes to mind when reading these is my previous Wun Shaed Chimroru story arc.I doubt that's the kit, though.
  23. Darcsyde


    I see we get to experience Joland's...http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngDarcsyde.YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!!Cheap jokes aside, that was a good comic."SNAZZLEFRAZZY!"Again, is this a legit Joland quote? It wasn't quite as sad as it was touching. It showed that Joland isn't the insane psychopath we take him for, and actually needs a bro at times.These comics are really improving, if not just being deep as heck.
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