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Than the Moa

Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Than the Moa

  1. No, I probably won't buy it either unless the price comes down. $10 for only 3 new modes doesn't seem worth it.

  2. Nope, I can't ban people, I can just whine to an admin until they do :P

  3. Nope, I'm just making a spreeing post.

    And I'm not too sure I even understood what I just said there o_O.

  4. Nope, I'm just the old Than. :)

  5. Odd, I don't remind myself of Toaraga at all.

  6. Oh for sure. The cutscenes were absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't mind seeing more or some sort of mini-movie done in that style.

  7. Oh my. I wouldn't even know what to do next. I didn't really plan these out to be one month this, next on this, etc... It just kinda happened that way.

  8. One could make that deduction, yes.

  9. Packer parteh all the way!



  11. part 3, lol

    Then again, I do believe nothing substitutes for social interaction and real parental involvement.

  12. Probably someone linked me to your profile or I was trying to find something and it led to your profile somehow.

  13. Right you are sir.

  14. Saw sucks.

    Just sayin. :P

  15. Seems this current gig doesn't leave you much better off.

  16. Should be noted that yes, reporting is appreciated, however posting to tell people what they can't do is just as much against the rules as whatever they did.

  17. So this is a slow response to that comment you posted in my profile.

    Anyway, last I knew, Bungie said ODST was slated for a fall release, So I doubt FYE has the correct release date there.

  18. Social networking sites (outside of twitter) are not allowed to be posted on BZP. Violating status updates have been removed.

  19. Sorry, I thought I responded to that PM already. I sent you a response now.



  21. Thank you very much. I made it myself. :D

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