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Everything posted by Nukora

  1. Nukora

    Bzp Blank

    TPTI was wishful thinking for us all. I know exactly what you mean. I have the same problem. *points to member group*
  2. Awesome sauce! Publicity is always good.
  3. Nukora

    Does Anyone Know...

    Lih, your statement doesn't really state why the person chose that particular piece, though.
  4. Why did Never Gonna Give You Up become the song for linking unsuspecting victims? Why not something else? I have nothing against the song. In fact, I really like it. I rickroll myself often. But why was it that that song in particular became the rickrolling tool?
  5. Nukora

    Annoying People

    Yeah. I got confused about half-way through with the letters. You see, I was going to use initials, but the first three letters of K's and T's names are the same. Thanks for reading the long response, CF. Your last long paragraph with all the parentheses made some sense. I can see how 'cute' (as well as 'hot') could actually be taken as degrading. I think the older, more formal terms of 'pretty' and 'beautiful' (maybe 'fine', but that just sounds weird') would be better to use when necessary.
  6. Nukora

    Annoying People

    ...and yet, also my best friends. Note first that one of my best friends, whom we'll call K, is a guy in my grade. The other, whom we'll call T, is a girl in the grade below me. A lot of my friends are girls in the grade below me. K is really important because it means I actually get to talk to him at times other than before school in the morning and the 7 minute break in the afternoon. Also note that there is one class that involves grades 7-12, meaning I get to talk to T and others. One particular person, who I've been noticing lately (let's go with L), is also in this class. We begin this tale a few Thursdays ago, after the homecoming parade. There are no classes after that, but the buses don't come for an hour or so, so it's a great time to talk to people. I was talking to T, with L and a person we'll call Y nearby. Y used to have a crush on me. Y turned away from her conversation with L to ask me something. The question asked hinted that the two of them were definitely talking about me. I thought nothing of it as I continued to talk to T. Then a few seconds later I hear L saying "You only like him 'cause of his body." And following that: "Don't tell [my girlfriend] that. She'll kill you." This last week or two I've been hanging out more with L before that class. The teacher has to walk down from the elementary school to get to class, so we have minutes to mess around. It started with me taking interest in something she was writing. And after that, it just became practise for me to sit by her hideout, with several exceptions. On one of the first days I began doing this (maybe THE first), K pushed me towards/on top of her in his strange annoying way of making friends (and it works, btw ). One day, I sat by L in my usual practise, but a few seconds later, she moved. I moved with her, but when she moved again, I realised what was happening, so I didn't follow. I mentioned this to K, and he insisted on pointing out that he was also moving with me. Y also said that L was freaked out by K. So apparently that was why she was moving. Wednesday, K found out - no, he'd known for a while, I guess he just got it confirmed - that I have a crush on L. And because of K's loudness, T caught on. Between the two of them practically shouting about it with L less than three feet away, I'm sure she caught on. But both of them insist that she is clueless. Despite that, when I saw L on Thursday morning she was really...cold...to me. Maybe she was trying to imitate the type of humour I use to make her laugh (I love making people laugh, and now that I've made her laugh harder than I've ever heard her laugh, it's awesome), but I don't think so. She just seemed really cold. And yet she still talked to me later that afternoon and even laughed at what I was saying. And I would say she was talking to K and I, but I remember she did talk to me before K showed up. Rewind several weeks. I found out once about T liking this one guy in my grade and I've teased her a few times about it. One time when she seemed not to like me talking about it, I told her I only mentioned it around her. Thursday, the two of them were both in the same area as each other and I. All I said was half of T's name followed by "Mmm. Nevermind." She immediately turned around with "I'm gong to tell everyone you like L!" with my girlfriend right behind her. What I hated most about this situation was that it was Thursday at the end of the day, and I wouldn't be able to talk to her until Monday. I decided to go to the Volleyball game just to talk to her if she was there. I peeped in the gym and saw no one I knew, so I followed my almost-brother-friend to the 3rd grade football game. It was boring there. Just as I was about to go back inside to warm up, T showed up there. And there around a few other people, she brought up L and I (as in, me, not a letter I named a person with). One particular person there is best friend to L's little sister and a huge gossiper. I tried to ask T not to keep bringing that up around people and mentioned how I barely even said anything around the guy she likes - nothing noticeable. She insists that he would have known what it means. "Oh, and you're saying L didn't catch you practically yelling about her and I less than three feet from her?" "No. She thinks you like - " "Tell me." And the fact that she couldn't finish that sentence and "forgot" who L thinks I like is evidence that T could have easily been making that story up. One of the main reasons I don't want this talked about is that I don't think I'm going to pursue this crush. I'm going to make the attempt to overcome it. This would be especially good, since L is my girlfriend's best friend. Both T and I think that L wouldn't be near so friendly to me after I break up with my girlfriend. And there are so many other reasons I don't want to date right now. So I don't want anyone to hear I even have this crush on L, because I'm not going to pursue it, but I still want to befriend her, which becomes so much more unlikely if she finds out I "like her." I also don't want any (more) people finding out about this until after I break up with my girlfriend (which I will do, considering I don't want to date at this time anyway and I've found she's not the person I'd want to date even if I was going to at this time). Oh and also, L has a lot of similar behaviors as my current girlfriend, and L might be just as wrong for me as my girlfriend is. And then there's the general reason that people generally try and keep their crushes a secret anyway (whyever that is). Oh also, something up there in the other paragraphs reminded me of this. Why do girls always get freaked out if someone thinks they're pretty/has a crush on them. I mean, do they want to always be thought of as ugly or something? Because the way some girls dress would contradict that statement. Certainly they don't always want to be hated. Maybe they're just choosy. That's good, in that case, but I still find it odd. ...long entry. It'll be nice to have all those thoughts out of my head.
  7. Nukora

    Silly Teacher

    One of my English class handouts (a checklist to go over before turning in essays), includes the following sentence: Primarily, she didn't include "or" on her list (well, there is an instance of the word "or" in the sentence, but it's actually serving its purpose, rather than being listed). Secondly, I know what she's trying to say with the "because", but it just is worded poorly. I think she's saying not to separate the 'because' clause from its dependent companion. However, leading with Because is acceptable. "Because I am picky, I made a blog entry pointing out the errors of my teacher."
  8. Didjaknow that in Firefox you can set it so that you can just start typing and it'll immediately search for the first (but only first) instance of the type? Tools-->Advanced -CF I didn't know you could set it not to do that.
  9. Nukora

    I Am Insulted

    You can see one of them. The other I can't link to because of the advertising rule. Just IM screenname 'nukorabot' on AIM next time I remember to sign it on.
  10. The tuition is in-state. Both New Zealand and Australia would be awesome. I just want to go someplace that primarily speaks English. My only fear is I'll have to start spelling things like coloUr. I'm going to keep looking into this. I suspect I went to this one table and there might have been more I didn't see with similar options. -CF Spelling colour correctly won't be the hard part. Spelling differently is easy. Spelling one word in two different ways would be hard. Sometimes the superior thinkers separate the definitions of what you call one word into two words. All I can think of at the moment is 'program' (computers) and 'programme' (a general plan or schedule). Think about it. The whole world learns to spell correctly. Why do Statesmen get trained illiterate? I would jump at the opportunity to get taught by someone who will help me to break these US habits. I would try to learn how here, but where teachers don't encourage the effort, it'd be too hard.
  11. Nukora

    I Am Insulted

    I didn't program it.
  12. Nukora

    I Am Insulted

    My graphing calculator just insulted me.
  13. Good. For a second I thought you'd gone crazy and actually liked the language.
  14. Nukora

    Girl Updates

    Yeah, case in point. Like, if they were in their forties, it wouldn't have been odd at all. But at this age? No. Uhhh... no. o_O;; It's not so much the number of years in between the two that matters. As you've said, it matters more when younger than older. It's the percentage of ages. 17/22 = 77% = huge difference 37/42 = 88% = not so much
  15. Nukora

    Forget Autumn

    It's cold. It warmed up today to 31oF / -1oC. There's an inch of snow on the ground as well. And yes, it's still Septober. Fall barely 'officially' started.
  16. The songs on my album, to be title Evolutions are gradually coming nearer to completion. This week saw the birth of a few ideas, and will hopefully see their completion. Already 29 minutes of audio has been composed (although not all of it will be featured on Evolutions, a good chunk of it will). I started work on the album cover, rear cover, and inner booklet a while back, and that is pretty much up-to-date. With two or three songs to write and several to modify, the release date is looking at a hopeful January 1st. Although, March, the 1-year anniversary of its beginning, might be more sensible (or even too long). Great progress has been made today however. I found a really awesome .midi to .mp3/.wav converter program that has saved a lot of time. Before I was fearing I'd have to record the midis manually. The files also sound better with this change.
  17. Congrats! My CD is looking closer to either the end of December, or possibly March. *filling form*
  18. You're right. I was.

  19. Scarier is the fact that the last one in this century is December 11th 2010.
  20. Nukora


    Last year I received a wristband for an event I participated in. It was pretty cool and I wore it pretty much everyday. Eventually, the lettering engraved into it provided a weak spot and a hole from inside the L. I eventually stopped wearing it. This year I received a similar wristband. Only a couple days ago (much less time than the other one lasted), I noticed a small cavity inside the same letter. It wouldn't be enough to see through for a while, and even after that it wouldn't snap for some time after that. Unfortunately, it snapped either yesterday or the day before when I was taking it off. Today I wore the old one, which I was surprised to find out actually hadn't broken before I stopped wearing it. I took it off to run today, because I knew we had a hard workout. And it then decided to snap as well.
  21. Nukora


    I have very little homework, and it's prewriting for an English essay. ^.^ It's odd how long cross-country practices line up with lots of homework to make an awful day and then easy homework and easy practice line up for a free day.
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