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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nukora

  1. Nukora

    It's September

    Wake me up when September ends.
  2. Nukora


    My name looks so weird in OBZPC orange. I'll have to post somewhere and see how my posts look with all that weird stuff gone. 3 Jan, 2007 to 1 Sept 2008 makes almost twenty months. Just one day short (as 2008 was a leap year). Y'all welcome DV, y'hear?
  3. la-la-la-la-la-la-lai-é

  4. Nukora

    Ironic Loop

    One of these days Apple is going to come out with an iRonic. It won't be made of iron...or it will, depending on which you find more humourous. Anyway... When getting on BZP today, I opened my profile to see how it looked currently. When I got back to that tab, I saw "1 New Message", so I checked it out. The message title said "New Comment Pending Approval", so I didn't open it. And there I went, back to my profile. All that page loading for naught.
  5. Nukora

    Meaningful Content

    I've been on my cross-country team since 7th grade, too. And since the team is so small, I guess you could say I'm one of our fast people. >>
  6. Nukora

    Time Machine

    If a time machine is ever invented, it would eventually get to the point where it was invented in Year 0.
  7. Today in History we were told to find and label certain areas/locations on a copy of a map. I was quite disappointed to see that Madrid, Berlin and London had to be labeled while Paris and Rome were left off of the list. In my experience Paris is much more influential on the rest of the world than Madrid currently is (though Spain was a large power in the past). Rome is easily the most important city in history, IMO. So I'll be labeling those on my map, even though it wasn't assigned. I also managed to make myself look rather stupid today. I was attempting to locate Berlin (capitol of Germany, for those that my not realize) on the larger map. A star was located in the North-East of Germany, but the label for it was illegible. The teacher was talking to someone at the moment, so I waited for him to finish to ask if that star was Berlin. However, when I asked, I pointed to the star in North-East Poland. Why do two countries near in location and size have to have capitols in the same area of them? Four-day weekend!
  8. No, no, no. Ctrl + T is what opens a new tab in FF. So I just press it when I need a new page - even when FF isn't open and I don't realise it. AA: I think the new word does, but I'm not sure. It'd be handy for some people.
  9. ...the only program you have open is Microsoft Word and you press Ctrl + T to open Firefox.
  10. But it's just about to begin. >.< I'll be going into grade nine in two days. Which means I only have nine days to change my schedule around. I'll be taking 11/12 Math and the rest of my schedule will be the stuff for the freshmen. The schedule for freshmen is pretty flexible (two instances of each required course), but as my Advanced Math takes place during one instance of Physical Science, I have to take the other Phys. Sc., which locks in History, and all the other required courses. It also forces me to take Spanish I (only course offered that hour, actually). Sixth hour's options were Band or Art. I'd taken band the last two years, and I'm sick and tired of it. The teach doesn't commit very well and she expects all her students to actually like music. However, I know from several previous experiences that my art skills can hardly be helped. Art was a full class anyway. So I was forced to take band one more year. What I didn't realize when I made my schedule was that my Literature class wasn't locked. It was flexible despite the others being locked. It's offered in the last two hours. So I do have options. 6th: Art, Band, 9th Lit. 7th: Chorus, 9th Lit. Chorus is also taught by the band teacher, so I can't get out of being with her. But I would like to take chorus for at least one semester. It'd be nice to at least have a moderately tolerable voice. Eventually I'd like to record my songs, so I'd have to be able to sing. As such, I'll take Chorus in the first semester and trade it off for Band in the second semester. Taking chorus also lets me stay in one half of the building until the last hour when I have to walk across the school to take chorus. Plus, there's a ten-minute break before 7th hour. That'll be handy.
  11. I was hoping you'd post this here. Awesome work.
  12. Wow. I'm really glad that my county fair only lasts a week. I'd hate to wait more than 99 years for the events which occur last. Lucky for your sister. She eats without singing.
  13. Nukora

    I'm Blind!

    I wasn't aware they still dilated eyes until someone on my Cross-Country team said he had his dilated the other day (probably not too far from the 18th). Odd.
  14. 404: Domain not found.
  15. Same here, Shyyrn. Actually, wait. I like Yes better than Violet Hill.

  16. Nukora


    No. Just worse than I've had it before.
  17. Nukora


    With school beginning next Monday, I have to start getting up at around 7:00 AM. As such, getting to sleep earlier would also be good. Nine PM would be welcome, but I doubt it's ideal. Ten or Eleven would still be acceptable. In any case, staying up past midnight is out of the question. I haven't done so much lately, but I consistently sleep until 10:00 AM. There was a time previously when 1 or 2 AM was a normal bed-time. Last night, I glanced at the clock to see it read 1:15 or 2:15. I don't recall which. I shut down the computer, went upstairs and prepared myself for bed. It didn't take me long to realize I wouldn't be able to sleep - I hadn't been tired last night, even with Cross-Country running practise. I restarted the computer. At 4 AM I returned to my bed. I still wasn't tired, but I didn't want to be up when my mom awoke. It was 5:30 ante meridiem last time I looked at the clock. So, I thought. "Maybe sleep deprivation and running will tire me enough to go to bed earlier tomorrow, and thus awake earlier and kick me into school scheduling." I woke up at ten or ten thirty, as usual, which is amazing. Fortunately now, at 10:37 PM, I am a bit tired. Hopefully my alarm going off at 7 will awake me, and I can get into proper swing.
  18. Nukora


    Does it really need to talk about the expansion of the universe so much? I tried to tell it I already knew about it the first time, and it went on and on and on. And then it brought it up later!
  19. The sad thing is, he's one of the smarter bots out there. Almost too smart to be funny. But not quite. I thought you couldn't invite bots into chatrooms, but you can with mybotai. O.o
  20. Nukora


    I have no idea. I just started looking up the alphabet yesterday. It'll be good to learn though, as astronomy uses it to designate stars in a constellation. It'll be much easier when I can say "Nu Orionis" instead of "That v-like letter Orionis".
  21. Nukora


    Greek is awesome. -Νυκορα
  22. Lluvio: Is that what they mean by a pick-up truck? It picks up other trucks. Lehatu: That's odd... CF: What.
  23. They make trucks for everything. I was running along this backcountry road and a caution sign read "caution log trucks." I don't even know what a caution log is, but there's a truck for it.
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