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Year 19

About Katuko

  • Birthday 01/10/1991

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    Computer games (I'm also making some), art (especially digital), animation, manga and anime.

    Genres: Sci-fi and fantasy mostly, but most anything can be good if done right.

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  1. I can't help but notice that the Mayan apocalypse BS didn't come to pass. I suppose it's too much to hope tha people will WISEN UP after this latest failure of a prediction.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katuko


      Hm, comments cut early. Was gonna end the sentence with "...then I'll stuff my foot up their rear exit." So there.

    3. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      I dunno. I kinda like it when these kind of things happen because it goes to show how ignorant some people can be if they don't do their research (or don't use basic common sense).

    4. Katuko


      Yeah, that guy stabbing a bunch of school kids in China due to some crazy belief in the Mayan apocalypse sure was fun. Not to forget the riots around the South-American "UFO mountain" where the "true believers" would be beamed up and saved, or the people who genuinely believed that this was their last few days on Earth and spent the night crying and praying.


      Honestly, we humans can do better than this, and I'd prefer if a certain level of common sense could be a...

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