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Posts posted by Katuko

  1. Again, if any names or powers in this post is already listed, I apologize. I got limited time to browse that topic ATM.


    Mask of Phaselocking

    Prevents the target from using teleportation, dimensional gates, spirit walk, intangibility, superspeed and similar powers by forcing the particles in its body to "stick together". Can be used in a pinch to make liquids solid, but is not as precise or diverse as the Density Control power.


    Mask of Elemental Adaptation

    For as long as you can keep your focus, your elemental power adapts certain traits from the environment. For example, near water fire could become gooey and napalm-like.


    Mask of Explosions (Straight out of Zelda)

    Creates a violent explosion at a short distance from yourself. The close proximity can easily make you hurt yoursel on accident.

  2. i don't think you understand the degree of Voporak's power. as evidenced by the Rahkshi that Makuta sends after him in Time Trap, anything that gets near him starts aging before it even touches him, and ages extremely quickly. you couldn't harm him just by toppling a building on him or cutting him with a weapon - the building, the weapon, and whoever was holding it would all turn to dust before doing any damage.

    I assumed that if the Shadowed One (who is partly organic, even) could get close to him/touch him and not be dust in a moment, then a completely inorganic structure like a building or a car or whatever would have the same ability to stay in one piece even if aged a few thousand years. Maybe in real life erosion would remove large parts of a rock in those thousand years, but the time field is not able to suddenly bring in wind and weather. It has to work with what is already in the vicinity of the field, and if that is rock and air, then I doubt the non-windy air would affect the rock all that much by comparison.


    A also agree with the other points raised here about lasers etc. They do not dissipate based on time, they dissipate because of the things they bump into on their way through the air. Speeding up their time would make it all happen faster, but this should only cause the laser to reach its destination sooner. Honestly, without having ever cared all that much about Voporak, I was under the impression he was most dangerous to living beings.



    Well, yes Gorast is dead, but I'm saying that using a mask like hers could affect Voporak. :) And the Shadowed One only got aged because Teridax picked him up and threw him at Voporak. He aged because Voporak took the Shadowed One's advance as an attack and activated his "defense aging shield" therefore aging him. He can turn it off or turn it on at will. :)

    If Voporak has the shield off at any time, then I believe he can be killed by pretty much any sort of quick ambush.
    • Upvote 1
  3. I imagine using certain powers indirectly - such as by toppling a building over him - would be something Voporak can't simply age to dust to get away from. Just slashing him with a sword should hurt him in a way, so long as the sword was made of materials that stand up well to age. Drowning him should also be efficient.

  4. Mask of immortality, it makes you immortal(Duh)

    Well, immortality is actually never "duh" because it can take so many different forms. Do you mean it stops you from aging, or do you still grow older while just not dying? Is the mask meant to keep you from dying from disease, wounds, and so on, or is physical protection meant to be out of its league?


    Mask of Animal Spirit, ability to transform your body into any spiritual animal(owl, lion, eagle, and so on)

    Are we talking about turning into a ghostly Rahi, or am I misunderstanding?


    Mask of invention, able to create any weapon but boosted with the power of the great beings.

    Sounds OP. ;) We got the Mask of Creation in canon, which can do similar things, but that is classified as one-of-a-kind and Legendary to boot.



    The rest of your ideas sound nice and straight to the point, but I'm curious about your intended details for these. :)

  5. I know I've seen fans trying to make Super Smash Bros.-styled fighting games for BIONICLE in the past. The style of more traditional fighting games like Street Fighter, Soul Calibur or Mortal Combat might lose some of BIONICLE's potential, I feel, if things get reduced to mostly re-skinned basic attacks and blocks. Still, the Toa appear in MUGEN, so evidently someone liked the idea. :)

    • Upvote 2
  6. No special setup. A Windows Vista laptop. My brother's computer runs it fine. Great game.

    Sorry, I missed this post earlier. Devil's in the details, they say. What graphics card do you have in yours? Can you hear sound?


    I managed to make a GIF for the fire. It's a bit off, but I can fix it later. The thing I used to make it a GIF darkened it a bit, btw. VX8fIi.gif

    Looks compressed. I can see the background being noisy.
  7. I agree with Makuta Luroka: the flames might need to be a bit brighter, probably just by upping the opacity/alpha of the fire to max. Interesting take to make it burn in a spiral; if you made about three frames total for that spiral moving up or down the blade that would be nice. I imagine a spiral-shaped flame could be recolored and resized to match other blades and elements as well.

  8. I downloaded this, but for some reason the screen stayed black once it loaded.

    Sounds like a graphics card issue. What system are you running, and do you have any special setup such as dual GPUs etc?


    @Flamewing: Feel free to make separate frames for whatever effects you think your weapon could use. The Ice Axe, for example, has the ice coating as a separate image that is laid over the main weapon sprite.

  9. Maybe you could add a skrall shield that if enemies get close, takes damage when "blocking"? :) Or did you state that you're not planning on adding Glatorian elements?

    I wish to keep the game in the Matoran Universe. I have already used a sprite of Gresh' blade as the "Poison Sword", though, and Strakk's Ice Axe is also present. I'm not entirely opposed to including Bara Magna items, you just won't see Glatorian combatants and such. I already have enough to do with the MU species, and I honestly just like them more. This game is a years-old idea as well, and despite receiving lots of changes it still sticks to the initial concept of a MU-based war.



    It might be somewhat simple for katuko to copy/paste the entire game and turn it into a Bara Manga version :P


    Highly unlikely, and I don't think you can actually copy/paste an entire game like that. I'm not sure, as I haven't used GM in a long time.


    Also, quote pyramid.

    I could probably re-use a lot of the coding for other things, but by the time I'm done with this game I will be ready like you don't believe to do something else than rehashing the same game. :P


    Please, everyone: Remove posts you are not directly quoting from your quote chain, or cut them down in size. It's annoying to see the same posts repeated over and over, especially big quotes that start taking up half a page just by themselves.



    EDIT: Another new sprite. Some of the Toa Metru weapons I have available in the Rayg kit don't look so good, so I'll be redoing them. Here is my version of Nokama's Hydro Blades.



    • Upvote 2
  10. Maybe a more primitive version of this can be used as a Vortixx ability or something?

    If you have specific gameplay mechanics in mind, I'd be glad to hear them. :) Otherwise I have enough to do with re-balancing other powers, really, I'm sorry.


    Would other shields have an attack as well? Maybe something like a shove like in skyrim, or just blocking?

    The shields with abilities would likely have their ups and downs. For example, the Rhotuka shield would likely be one of the shields that are heavy enough to make you a bit sluggish in using it. Tahu's spinning blade shield may have a slight projectile and/or contact damage feature, but although it would be quick to use it would also require a very brief spin-up time before it reaches full efficiency (and would maybe just have 75% damage resistance before it does, compared to normal shields and their 100%).
  11. I like those suggestions. :) Very well thought out. But I must remark, that the mask of shielding does project a force shield around its user, as stated in Biosector01, so would the mask of protection work against ambushes as well, or were you going to add a different type of protection then?

    The mask would essentially give you armor of a sorts which works regardless of whether you can see the attack coming or not. The Hau requires you to be aware of an incoming attack for the sphere-shaped field to deflect it. Essentially a Mage Armor/Stoneskin spell. :)
    • Upvote 3
  12. I may be asking for a bit too much, but would custom weapons be possible? Like giving the player the choice to create their own weapon? With custom effects? Like explosions? And fiery stuff?

    It is technically possible for me to allow sprites to be mashed together and saved as a custom blade (for example), and to allow players to use some menus and sliders to set an effect for the weapon. In practice, though, it is too much trouble to be worth it, honestly, when the game already has hundreds of things left to program and balance.
  13. I like the Rhotuka shield, very nice. In the game, will it actually fire a spinner?

    Also, maybe you should add Iruini's spear to the game. It could create a horizontal tornado!

    Yes, the shield is planned to be able to fire a spinner with a certain cooldown time between each shot. I imagine you would fire the spinner by keeping the block button pressed and then pressing your Weapon Power activation key. If that ends up interfering too much with the controls for regular weapon powers, you might need to double-tap block or something to fire Rhotuka.


    Torando power would work like other weapon powers do at the moment.


    On that note, add the other Toa Hagah's spear. I forgot his name, but I think it's supposed to shoot magma or something.

    Lava could be a thing as well. :)


    Actually, nevermind, probably everything is, but not everything has a use.

    There's actually a lot of things that are not in-game at all. :)



    I don't know, having a cyclone spear seems a little OP for me, at least if the tornado has the same throwback ability as a normal Toa of Air. And lava too, unless it's a lot more weaker version of the lava that's in Ta-Koro, and doesn't do as much damage.

    I can tweak the size and strength of pretty much any given effect, so don't worry. A Tornado Spear would only fire a small tornado with much less force behind it.
    • Upvote 1

    Why not a mask made from the "weaken" kanoka? lt would of course have the ability to decrease the strength of a target like the kanoka from wich it would be made from.

    I really like that idea, I loved that the Kanoka were basically Kanohi-like projectiles that even Matoran could use, and it would make sense for the masks built from em to have the same power :)


    It's all but confirmed canon that those masks would exist somewhere in the MU, because it's rather obvious one should be able to use a Weaken disk to make a Weaken mask of some sort, just like you use a Teleportation disk to make a Kanohi Kualsi or a Shrink disk to make a Kanohi Pehkui. Regenerate is confirmed to be the disk power used for Kiril, and Bomonga wore a Mask of Growth (Enlarge). We can assume that it would be possible to make masks of Remove Poison, Freezing and Reconstitute at Random as well, but that perhaps other things does the job better - such as an herb for curing poison, or a Mask of Elemental Ice if one exists. Possibly adding something like Regenerate to stabilize a Reconstitute mix would result in a Mask of Shapeshifting or Mutation, right?


    For powers that have not been used, I imagine we could take the typical RPG status effect of "blink", "blur", "improved dodge", whatever, and toss it into a Mask of Making You Blink Rapidly On The Spot So People May Not Hit You. Or use a Mask of Intangibility, probably simpler. :P


    Since we have a Mask of Charisma, a Mask of Mind Control and a Mask of Mind Reading we should probably have a Mask of Emotions as well. It's be like Fear and Anger and stuff all rolled up in one mask. If we have a Mask of Summoning which pulls creatures in at random, and a Disk of Teleportation which tosses you to a random location, then that might pave the way for a weaponized Mask of Dismissal (Forced Random Teleport) as well.


    As has been said above, likely all powers we've seen can be replicated as masks, since all of the powers originate from protodermis anyways. The Mask of Conjuring even lets you make your own power, like a computer programmer working with source code. As long as protodermis can do it, it could be a power. The Expanded Multiverse and Chro's notepad up there already has several rather good ideas; and I notice several are adaptations of powers that already exist in MU canon.



    Here are some ideas of mine; sorry if any have already been mentioned. I forget exactly which I've read and which I've come up with. :)


    Mask of Vocal Mimicry

    Where the Mask of Illusion creates images, this mask creates sound. Based in Sonic powers, and already present in the abilities of Oohnorak.


    Mask of Disintegration

    Causes an inorganic object to turn to dust. If the object is very large the mask may only be able to destroy parts of it at a time.


    Mask of Analysis

    Reads information about the targeted object or being and feeds it directly into the user's mind.


    Mask of Protection (EDIT: Apparently something similar is called the Mask of Quarantine in the EM)

    Unlike a Mask of Shielding, this mask entirely envelops the user in a force field. The force field stops blows, projectiles and dangerous substances from touching the user, but does not have any reflective force. Also unlike Shielding, the protective shell is more taxing to keep up.


    Mask of Duplication

    Creates a copy of any given object which the user is in close proximity of. The process takes time to complete, forming the new object by gathering particles from the immediate surroundings. If the right materials are not present, the process can fail entirely. Generally, the larger and more complex the object, the more time it takes to duplicate.



    The EM topic's formatting is entirely broken, so I didn't bother to read it all for already suggested Kanohi.

  15. I'm just here to interject that seems a little pointless endeavor to still cling on Bionicle canon, when there is no more new Bionicle canon.

    Well, the story that lasted from 2001-2010 is essentially what there is of BIONICLE. To ignore it would be to essentially invent a new series.


    Also the fact that the canon we are defending is simply rubbish anyway, but that's neither here nor there.

    I can agree with that. A lot of the BIONICLE story was actually pretty 'meh', depending on who you ask. As such we have a bunch of head-canon etc., but although we must press on with fan-created media it does not invalidate what is official, established canon. We are of course free to ignore the parts we don't like in our fan works, but if everyone starts working with pure head-canon at all times then the Storyline & Theories forum would simply lose most of its meaning.
    • Upvote 1
  16. Why has nobody mentioned the fact that they were specifically in Toa Canisters at the time?

    We did. :)


    Plus, they had already taken the initiative to seek out the Toa Nuva on the surface, and they were traveling in designated Toa canisters. Even if the Red Star ignores any past history or destiny the Matoran might have, those canisters must have acted like magnets to the lightning targeting system.

    I agree with your post. If the Red Star was prepared to cause emergency transformation of Matoran into Toa, then targeting the healthy, somewhat special Matoran traveling in canisters would be better than targeting some random half-broken Karzahni Matoran. The Red Star can likely monitor the entire MU, so if it somehow knew this group of six Matoran was trying to reach Voya Nui, it would wait with the emergency beam until they were "in range" of the situation or at least confirmed as viable targets.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Most likely there would not be an effect until one was broken or used excessively. The Legendary masks have always appeared to me to be dangerous because they contain so much power, not because they are intrinsically bound to the reality itself. Ejecting the Ignika into space was after all a solution to its "kill everything" ability, and breaking the mask while it's in space would not suddenly affect the MU systems. It's like a nuclear reactor: it is harmless before it's built, and once built it gives you access to immense power but does not change the nature of nuclear physics in the world.


    So yeah, I think you could bring in 3 or 4 extras from alternate dimensions without breaking anything at all. Better keep a constant look on them, though.

    • Upvote 2
  18. On BZP, I could probably list the admins and the most active of the staff. People I have spoken to personally come to mind when I think of BZP as well. Still, thinking about the fandom as a whole, I believe the ones involved with fantastic MOCs, art, animation etc. will be recognizable to more fans. At the moment I actually drawing a blank, but everyone above me have already said many names I instantly recognize, so thanks to you for saving me the trouble. :P



    Aw man I still remember the day he started using my sprites for his comic. That was great.


    How has nobody mentioned Razor anyway?

    Since I saw this topic and have an opportunity to do it, I just want to say thank you for making that sprite kit of yours. :) While I've made a few sprites in the same style to supplement it, I can safely say that without the kit proper I would currently not have a game in progress at all. I made my initial attempt at a BIONICLE fan-game several years back, when I "only" had Rayg Kit 2.0 to work with. I failed to make anything truly worthwhile due to a lack of programming knowledge. When I found the 2.5 version of the kit and saw all that wonderful new shading on it, I just had to re-do the project with those sprites.
  19. I have some experience with making short films as part of my media education. I can tell you that if you go with a long live-action movie, then planning everything out beforehand is absolutely crucial. Writing the script is one thing, rigging up the equipment is another, but make sure you have the logistics in order. Nothing sucks more than arriving on set and finding out that no, three of the people you needed suddenly have other things on their schedule, or someone failed to get the memo about shooting, or maybe you've broken a prop during transport and don't have duct tape on hand. Plan everything on paper and bring sheets and to-do lists with you.


    The technical things you will need for a good movie:


    - A camera (and maybe even two or three of them) of high quality. You can't shoot a long film with a mobile camera, of course. Being able to adjust things like gain, white balance etc. is key, as is the ability to use optical zoom rather than digital zoom. Make sure you have a good camera stand, preferably one with "easing" on the movements. This allows you to pan and tilt the camera without having to worry about the image shaking.

    - Lighting. It may look like a nice day to shoot, but suddenly the weather outside is grey or the interior location you are shooting in is too dark. Lack of proper lighting = horrendous image quality, and this is something you often see in amateur films. Ideally you'll have maybe three proper light sources available. Look up lighting techniques on the net to get a feel of basic three-point lighting etc.

    - A good sound recorder and microphone. Sound is the second thing that amateur films often skimp on. The camera's built-in mic is not good enough if you want nice sound. Something as simple as plugging a proper handheld mic into the camera can vastly improve the sound of your film.


    Equipment don't need to be bought; that is expensive. If you're lucky there are people you can lend proper equipment from, but in that case make sure to have good material on hand to show that you will actually finish the project. ;)



    Dedicating different people to these roles depending on what they're good at will make things a lot better for you. But then the main question is: Do you know enough people to fill the roles of camera crew and actors at once? The film projects I have been a part of have all been done by a crew of 4-6 people, and then 2 or 3 actors on stage at a time. This was a normal film, not sci-fi or anything. BIONICLE requires a lot of things to work due to its setting filled with tech and magic.


    Like, if your script involves just three Toa and a few Matoran, you already need several props for Kanohi, armor, and other things. If you want them to look even remotely realistic, you need to put in some serious effort in each and still be able to keep a schedule.


    Then comes things like special effects, and things like music, sound design, etc. Many of these are probably done in post-production, but if you make a live-action BIONICLE film, you would likely be better off if you reduce the special effects to a minimum. Like, if the official BIONICLE films tried to avoid it, it was probably for a good reason. 3D-animated effects are harder and more costly to make than hand-drawn effects in a 2D cartoon. People like Corridor Digital on YouTube make incredible effects, but they devote most of their time to these effects, and they don't make films longer than a few minutes or involving a few actors at a time.


    This is all disregarding that you will need to make a human actor look 85% mechanical without making it look like obvious makeup. For example, painting your face grey will not give of a true mechanical vibe, it will rather seem kinda 80's and probably not as serious as you may want it.



    Animation, on the other hand, don't require locations to shoot, or realistic makeup, or props that can break. It doesn't require dealing with weather, or noisy environments, or actors that don't show up on schedule. There will be no worries about shaky camera or having to do re-take an entire scene because someone messes up a line. It does require a bit of technical expertise, and don't get me wrong: it is still very hard to make a full animated film. I just think that for something as complex as BIONICLE, a sci-fi series filled with non-human characters and special effects, animation will be the better choice.


    Legend of Ignaqua is an animated BIONICLE fan-film that has been completed. You may want to look at that for some inspiration, perhaps? It uses stop-motion mixed with 3D animation. Quest of The Toa was to be full 3D animation, but production of that eventually halted. Live-action can probably work too, but I imagine it will be kind of like Power Rangers in style: still fun and engaging, but a bit cheesy and not at all convincing as far as realism goes. It would also need to be shorter than a full-length, since I have a feeling you don't have a full team of BIONICLE fans and media enthusiasts ready to help you at the moment?

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