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Posts posted by Katuko

  1. With BIONICLE, all the stuff is the same canon.

    BIONICLE's various media still show different versions of events, and contradict each other on many things. Some are outright non-canon, such as Sidorak appearing on Voya Nui in BIONICLE Heroes. How do we know Pohatu's normal top speed, anyways?


    And what does it matter if it's Classic Sonic or Modern Sonic, comics or games? We can compare them all if need be. :)

  2. Bah, there is a difference between Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic as well a difference between cartoon Sonic and game Sonic.

    There's also a difference between comic Pohatu, game Pohatu, movie Pohatu, and book Pohatu. Which do we choose? If we go by comics, then Sonic can literally move faster than the eye can see. If we go by games, then Pohatu is pretty quick, but Sonic is even quicker. if we go by animated scenes, there are still cartoon scenes where Sonic appears to "phase" to a new location. In written works, Pohatu matches Sonic in terms of sheer speed.


    But we have no numbers, so all we can do is speculate.

  3. As I mentioned above, Sonic is at the very least traveling at the speed of sound, but comics and other media show him move far faster. The same goes for many other speedy characters, so it's very hard to judge their actual top speed.


    Rolling around at the speed of sound

    Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow

    ~ Escape From The City


    If he's literally following the rainbow, he's got light speed. :P


    Blue streak speeds by

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Too fast for the naked eye

    Sonic the Hedgehog!

    ~ Sonic cartoon intro


    Also mentioned: If he's too fast for the naked eye, that can also be interpreted to mean something close to light speed.

  4. Lariska, because she's a proactive knife-thrower who doesn't afraid of anything.


    Devastator is definitely on the list now that Lorax has reminded me of how awesome he is.


    Vengeance is a real treat mbacues he changes gear without even blinking. Lhikan defeats him, so he swears revenge on Lhikan. Then Teridax kills Lhikan before Vengeance has a chance to, so he vows to kill Teridax instead. It's like he doesn't even care that this is the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta that we're talking about, or that it was really just a coincidence that Lhikan died fighting him. Now Teridax is dead too, so who knows if he'll swear revenge upon Aqua Magna or something.


    Phantom sounds almost like he could be the Robocop/Adam Jensen of BIONICLE, which is kinda cool.

    • Upvote 2
  5. The most broken powers in this game are indeed Hunger and invisibility. They even beat the crazy powerful Disintegration beams, because they outright keep you from dying at all.

    This game is awesome! I have a lot of fun playing it! Thanks Katuko!

    Always happy to hear that people have fun with the stuff I make. :)

    When your toa is wearing a kanohi Huna and turns invisible, and then walks over to a miru and replaces their mask with that one, they stay invisible but also have the flight powers of the miru! I didn't test it with other masks but it might be the same case. The invisibility doesn't take any energy away from your character, so you're pretty unstoppable to everyone except toa wearing the Rode. It's kinda OP, I once got a hundred kills with that technique, and 0 deaths. I would've gotten more but being OP is pretty boring. :P

    That glitch works for the following reason: There is a single large script that controls the on/off toggle of every Kanohi mask power. It checks the ID of the mask you are currently wearing, and then performs actions based on that. It will automatically turn off your mask if you are no longer wearing it, or if your energy runs out. In order to save some processing power, though, the script will end itself after it has reached the ID of your mask. This means that if there is a mask further down on the list, it won't be affected. For this reason you can wear a mask with a high ID number, then switch to mask with a low ID number, and the "shut off" command will never run for the higher ID because the script quits when reaching the lower ID.


    Long story short: If you want to use multiple powers, equip a mask with a high ID number, activate it, then switch to one with a lower ID. Conveniently enough for you, the masks are listed based on ID number on the character creation screen, so you can just start at the bottom of the list and work upwards. You can not keep the effect masks with triggered effects (such as the Avohkii's light burst) because they check for ID per key press and not as a passive effect.


    We've known about that one for awhile actually. You'll be hard pressed to find a glitch we don't know about actually.

    Oh, I'm sure there are still plenty behind the scenes. :P


    Status update: I've moved into the student apartment where will be my main staying place for at least a year. I'll work on the game when I can, but I'll of course need to take some time to get into the new groove here. :)


    Double-post here so that this doesn't pass silently by and die.


    It's way past my estimate for release, and I can tell that I won't have all that much time next week. For that reason I am skipping the wave fight mode I hoped to add, and I am skipping on polishing the boss any more for now. This means that what you will get is not exactly how I envisioned it, but it's a good start. In my rush to release this I probably forgot something vital again, but we'll see. I've started to loathe releasing new versions. :lol:


    In any case, here is BIONICLE Fighter version a16.0 for you.


    >> Download from Dropbox (68.46 MB) <<


    New in version 16.0:

    - New map: Kini-Nui and Mangaia combined.

    - New boss fight: Makuta Teridax. Found in the Mangaia portion of the joint map.

    - Boss fight with Rahkshi moved from Kini-Nui to joint map. Defeating them opens the way into Mangaia.

    - Boss fight with Toa Mata moved from Ta-Koro to Kini-Nui.

    - New Rahi enemy: Nui-Jaga. A few of them appear in Onu-Koro.


    Bug fixes and engine tweaks:

    - Made bots use the new Plant Life secondary attack.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Status update:


    Kini-Nui/Mangaia map works for now. The Rahkshi can spawn, and their defeat blows open the entrance to Mangaia below. Jumping into the tunnel applies a low-gravity effect which allows you to land without fall damage. A Makuta spawner is placed here, which causes Makuta to appear, make a speech, then turn into his vortex form. The vortex can be harmed either by flying up and hitting it with powers, or by using melee attacks on the harmful tentacles it spawns.


    When the vortex collapses, the pieces reform into a more humanoid Makuta Teridax. In his current state he flies around and fires beams at you. I have yet to make him vulnerable to attacks, but that shouldn't take too long. For the sake of my sanity, though, Makuta will be immune to status effects. These will instead deal minor extra damage when they trigger, so don't worry too much about using Ice or Poison on him.


    Makuta currently uses the standard Fear, Disintegration and Fragmentation beams (though he can fire in any direction, the cheater). If there are multiple targets, he breaks out chain lightning at mid-to-long range, and a burst of gravity waves at short range. I have yet to give him Shadow smog and other such abilities. Too much hassle to program it all at once. Finally, if his primary target is low on health (less than 40 HP remaining), Makuta will use Shadow Hand to pull it in and finish it off. This heals him for however much HP he drains. This is mostly for show, though. He easily loses 40 HP over the few seconds it takes for him to finish the attack.


    On the off chance that he moves outside the map or gets stuck in a wall, Makuta can also turn intangible and dash towards the center of the area. You will likely not see this used unless you get him stuck in the rocky ceiling of Mangaia. I plan to give Makuta this as a general "dodge" move, as well as teleportation and a simple melee attack. It takes longer to program than expected, though, so it won't be in this update. He will receive new moves later, like the Exo-Pyro did.

  7. Status report: Kini-Nui/Mangaia map can now be walked around in. I'll place spawners and so on tomorrow, after work.


    To-do: I'll patch up the Makuta fight so it works better, then I'll see if I can't throw in some Rahi programming.



    Next week I have no work, but Thursday/Friday I will be moving to the place I'll stay for the coming year at school. Studies begin in less than two weeks, and I have no idea how much spare time I'll have once they do.

  8. will the takanuva boss still be in the separate mangaia map?

    Yes, he will stay there for now. However, I'm thinking of moving the Toa Mata from Ta-Koro to Kini-Nui, and have defeating the Rahkshi work as the trigger to opening the gateway to Mangaia in the joined map. The Rahkshi would then have their health lowered a bit.


    Also, since you said that you're looking for a background for Karda Nui on your "What YOU Can Do To Help" page, why don't you just take some official image or something from Faber? Like this ?

    So far I haven't really stuck giant background images anywhere for fear of lagging the game. I could break it up into pieces and see how it works. Still, I also need to make it scroll properly (because it can't possibly cover the entire room and also make it look good with the rest of the map features. Karda Nui is due for a future rework, we'll see how it turns out then. I should get myself some mountains for the background of the Kini-Nui area. That'd look good, I think.



    Today's progress: Moved the visual parts of the map into the project. I will be adding walls, then features like the tunnel and some form of exit (pillar of light which you can stand in and activate to ascend, I think).



    EDIT: Quoting that link seems to break the quote. The rest of my post didn't show up for me until I removed it. You might want to do the same, Aeron.

  9. My father has said that this download is evil and will not let my download it because Norton Symantec says that the .exe of this application is a threat and needs to be removed. What gives? Is there a way I can forcefeed Norton this file? Is there somewhere online that there is an official distributor/publisher besides on this forum that I can show?

    You can "force" any download by removing it from the AV's quarantine or otherwise white-listing it. Of course, this must be done after it has already been blocked, so it's what your father doesn't want to do.


    If you can download it but not run it, then the issue is not with the hosting site, but with the file. The file is flagged because it is an executable file from an unknown developer with no real license info attached. From your computer's point of view, it could contain anything. It could be a game, it could be a virus, but it has no way of knowing, and so it gets shut down depending on what AV you are running. There is not much I can do to fix this, at least not now.


    EDIT: After checking my project file it seems that the "Author" and "Description" fields have somehow been returned to blank. I'll try filling them back in for the next release and see if that is enough to satisfy whatever criteria the file is being blocked for.



    If there's one thing I'll vouch for, it's Katuko's absolute honesty when he says he's not using his game to infect your computer with all manner of viruses and what not.

    Yeah, it would be kind of counter-productive to work for hours and days to make a fan-game like this, and then use it solely as a virus-spreading platform. If I wanted that I'd just do a 5-minute tutorial edit and spread it anonymously. :P
  10. is there anything else we should be expecting in the next update?

    I made a list. No promises, though. After all, the status report for today is: "I worked an early shift, then hung out with a friend, then got a headache and didn't program anything". I will try my best, but I have work every day this week.


    I KNEW IT everybody said " but mangaia already has a boss"

    Yes, you guessed well. I did tell everyone about Makuta maybe two years ago, but look where that went.


    More death?

    It's gonna be death-tastic.


    Squid launchers as disappointing in the game as they are in real life.


    Also the next boss is going to be Spiriah and he just dies the instant you walk into him

    I keep forgetting squid launchers even exist.


    Stop fooling around now, the boss has been revealed. ;)


    Now is good ol Terry going to be in his swirly mass of parts form or his '03 form? Because the vortex form would seem more interesting, imo.

    Whichever one is combat ready. I would assume it has WINGS like his '04 FORM to beat the flying rahkshi and ba-toa.


    I barely have any poses for Makuta's '03 set form. For this reason I thought I should have him work like a typical first-form Dracula from the Castlevania games, where the boss fires off an attack or two before teleporting to another place in the room. I wanted him to move around without teleporting all the time, though, so I tried taking Exo-Toa sprites, scaling them down, and coloring them black to make a walk animation. This didn't quite work out, and I've used Exo-Toa twice already. Therefore the humanoid Makuta form you will see is currently a modified Jaller Mahri sprite with wings. The AI code can potentially be converted to cover other Makuta as well.


    Makuta Teridax has two forms, at least for now. The first is the classic vortex from the MNOG, the second is a winged humanoid. While is size isn't quite that of a "titan", the wings help make up for it. I might add more forms to him in the future, but two is more than enough to debug right now.

  12. Is this still PC only?

    Yes, and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.


    Oh, also - I tried downloading, and Chrome says the dropbox download is malicious. Should I trust you?

    Yes, it is safe. After I save the game I put it in a ZIP folder, then I drag it directly into my Dropbox desktop app. Dropbox on its own is a legitimate hosting business that does not do anything shady with ads etc. If your computer is flagging the download, it is because it is an executable file in a ZIP folder from an unknown creator. :)



    Today's status report:

    I have ported over most of Teridax's boss code to the main project. After I tweak it a bit, I shall have to make the code compatible with the various elemental powers you can fling at him.

  13. A friend of mine has been back home for a few weeks, leading to us wasting two days on video games 'n' stuff. Completely messed up my sleep cycle even further than usual. Worth it. :P


    The coming week I have work every day, which will naturally cause me to get slightly tired and thus not be all that keen on other types of work. I have promised you a new release, though, and you will get it. In order to make myself actually put some effort into programming things, I will make a list of things I hope to include in the coming update, and then give a short status report every day from here on out.


    Here goes. Things that are done, and things I hope to include:



    • Enemy Toa of Plant Life did not use their new Entangle ability when it was added in the last update. This has been rectified.
    • New enemy Rahi: Nui-Jaga. They crawl towards you on the ground and stop to shoot a quick spurt of poison at you. They can take damage from being hit with poison attacks (even other Jaga's), but they are immune to poison as a damage-over-time effect. Nui-Jaga come in blue and purple colors, which is a purely cosmetic difference.
    • New boss fight: Makuta Teridax. He's got a bit of this and a bit of that from his various incarnations throughout the BIONICLE story, and is using a new state-based AI that I will later develop further into new player bot AI. Makuta currently has two phases in his fight, which have been designed to feel threatening and yet manageable at the same time. The current bosses just lash out with high stats and numbers. Makuta is more uniquely programmed.
      • The first phase starts out a bit slow and grows more intense as the boss takes damage.
      • The second phase is when Makuta "gets serious" and starts using his large repertoire of powers. Some will probably catch you by surprise.
      • He has a short pre-battle phase where he introduces himself. He can not be hurt at this point, but attacking him will skip the introduction and start the battle immediately.
      • In the second phase, Makuta will base his actions upon the enemies he is facing. Examples (not fully implemented yet): Using Disintegration against a single target, but Chain Lightning against a target that is clustered with several others. Not using Fragmentation on an enemy that is right in his face. Attempting to dodge when he takes a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
    • A few minor fixes here and there.
    • Make Nui-Jaga attacks also cause melee damage at close range.
    • Distribute Nui-Jaga in sensible places.
    • "New" map: Kini-Nui and Mangaia combined. This will be a separate choice of map; the current Kini-Nui and Mangaia maps will stay as they are. The combined map will allow you to open a shaft in the center of the map in order to reach the underground parts.
    • Port Makuta fight over from test runs to the main project file.
    • If there is time left other: Add some extra flair to the Makuta fight.
    • Survival mode: Fighting waves of enemies until you die. Wave system: Easy, can be implemented very quickly. Enemy Rahi and other AI enemies: Lacking. Potential candidates that are easy to program: Tarakava (walk and punch), Muaka/Kane-Ra (walk and bite), Bohrok (walk and shoot/headbutt), Fikou (walk and jump), .
    • Upvote 1
  14. Sunlight bleaching dark red would not suddenly turn it into a bright, saturated red. Their color change is just artistic license.


    I've also always felt that with the exception of maybe red and white, the Metru colors looked horribly dull up until they started mixing them with other secondary colors than gray and silver.

  15. And since MU is suuuper big, I'm guessing that a combination of


    Intangible+accurate flight calculation+gravity field of MU


    would allow the Toa to be accurately delivered where the system wanted hem to be delivered to.

    Just forgo the Toa and fill the canister with explosives. Have it phase through your enemy's walls and then detonate. :D
    • Upvote 1


    Your wording makes it sound like you don't know this, so, I'll say it just in case -- but the canisters have an intangibility power. :) There's no path that they need to follow.

    Wait, where and when was this revealed?





    Unlike other wikis, BioSector doesn't seem to use footnotes pointing to source quotes. The article therefore only restates the info, whereas I was looking for the official source. :) The source list would help, but I don't have access to most of the books on the list to check for myself. I can guess it was Greg or one of the books I haven't read that mentioned canisters having intangibility powers, but this is the first I've heard of it.


    That's a good point about the barren land being a safer landing zone. That could apply to that Mangaia landing idea too -- I should have thought of that. Especially with all those skyscrapers. Metal version of "tiiiiiiimberrrrrr"!

    Well, so long as they only turned tangible again after touchdown in the ocean outside the city, there shouldn't have been any trouble landing there. The city being in ruins would just point to it being dangerous to traverse for Toa who were just slipping back into consciousness.
  17. Your wording makes it sound like you don't know this, so, I'll say it just in case -- but the canisters have an intangibility power. :) There's no path that they need to follow.

    Wait, where and when was this revealed?


    As for the Toa Mata in the alternate universe, I can't quite remember whether or not they were actually launched. They may have just been "found" in Karda Nui, though I can't remember for sure.

    Wouldn't the energy storms be active and prevent anyone from visiting the place?



    In any case, I believe the launch system for the canisters would be able to tell where they should land. When the Toa Mata launched, the Great Cataclysm had just happened. Metru Nui was broken along with countless other places inside the MU, Mata Nui himself was asleep, the robot was submerged in an ocean, and the island camo was active. If the MU itself is considered "broken and unsafe", then the barren island with an easy access point to the city housing the Core Processor would be the best place to send the canisters. Dropping them in a potentially unstable city ruin would not be so good. Imagine if they landed in the Great Temple of Metru Nui and found that whatever wrecked the city was still a danger.


    Plus, the malfunction could indeed have caused more than just missing the island. It could potentially have been the reason they left the MU in the first place, as Banana Gunz says. Having the intangibility power and the canister engine run for a few seconds too long would send them flying straight through the roof of Metru Nui, and then arc into the ocean outside. From there the malfunction would keep the canisters from hitting the shore, and leave them drifting until Takua eventually called them.

  18. But on the topic of Hewkii x Macku, it's been getting very hard to ship them, with Hewkii's transformation into a toa.

    True love never dies, they say. If him being a Toa suddenly caused them to lose all feelings for each other, then it would have been a pretty weak love in the first place, don't you think? :)


    EDIT: Does anyone else ship Lesovikk and Nikila? They were described heavily as "best friends" and she's the only one from Lesovikk's old team that he actually bothers to describe, showing that she meant a lot to him. It's like a sad love story, and it gets even better with the introduction of the Red Star and the possibility of her still being alive!

    I prefer not to, since we only have, like, one or two lines from her total. Why ship someone we don't even know?


    This thread has rapidly derailed into a shipping thread, and it's absolutely glorious.

    Ever since I saw the (joke) fan art: Krika x Takanuva forever.


    I've never shipped the Toa Mata in my headcanon at all. I didn't appear to me like there was any base for romantic relationships in their team, unlike the much more obvious Hewkii/Macku pair. I mean, in addition to being good friends, they appeared to have dolls of each other in their homes. Could be Macku being a fangirl, but her teaching him to swim etc. makes their relationship much closer. They could very well have met because she approached him after thinking his Kolhii talent was cool, though.


    For me, Jaller x Hahli teasing seemed to come out of the blue in the movie for me, until I remembered the online episode where it was hinted as well. For some reason Jaller from the Flash media feels like an entirely different character to me, though, than the Jaller in Mask of Light. I think it's because his serious demeanor in MNOG (and the frown on the Hau just makes it more apparent) clashed with the smoother and "kinder" expression he has throughout the movie. That, and his voice actor.



    In all honesty, though: I'm glad BIONICLE only teased a few relationships back at the beginning, and otherwise didn't do any romance plots. Of the main characters there was usually only one female per group, and shipping them with another team member just because has always seemed forced to me. So I don't ship Gali x any Toa Mata, I don't ship Nokama x any Toa Metru, and I don't ship Nikila with Lesovikk just because they happen to be the only two members of their team that we know the names of. For all we know Lesovikk's team was filled with 3-4 other female Toa that had the same attitude. ;)

    • Upvote 2
  19. Sonic's top speed is hard to define, but various sources give an actual number. After some searching, I found that the Sonic Unleashed checkpoints show his speed as 2 500 mph (4 023 kmph). Sonic has also been described as being able to go at "hypersonic" speeds, which is beyond regular supersonic speeds. The minimum required to be labeled "hypersonic" is 3 840 mph (6 150 kmph). Pohatu, when using the Mask of Speed, is shown in the MNOG to vanish from Takua's sight in only a second. Let us say that in order to achieve this Pohatu moved at least 1 to 3 km in this single second. That would put him at a speed ranging between 3 600 and 10 800 kmph (2 237 to 6 710 mph). This rivals Sonic's supposed speed.


    A Sonic cartoon intro calls the blue hedgehog "too fast for the naked eye", which would - when taken literally - approach light speed. Or, we could take it to mean that he moves so fast that an average human reaction time is not enough to keep track of him, which would be substantially lower. The average human reaction time is 300-500 ms. Moving fast enough to cross your field of view would be enough, and then your perception will vary with distance.


    In their respective stories, Pohatu's greatest feat is to move at light speed (when connected to a certain Matoran). This would put his max speed at 299 792 458 meters per second, or 1 079 252 850 kmph (670 616 629 mph). Sonic also holds this claim, however, as at least one story shows him move by just "fading" and the reappearing somewhere else, and I think maybe 2 or 3 have him travel so fast he travels through time. Thus both characters can reach light speed under the right circumstances; Pohatu when receiving aid and Sonic when being boosted or straining himself a lot.


    It's probably worth mentioning that The Flash has them both beat by a large margin. A nuclear bomb goes off. Now, Flash is faster than it, and the comic puts him at "a hair's breadth short of the speed of light". But as the poster mentions right below, it doesn't add up that he carried that many people away so quickly if he wasn't going even faster. Flash is subsequently calculated to have moved at 13 trillion times the speed of light!


    Even when below light speed, in the Justice League cartoon The Flash appears to circle the Earth twice a second, which means he travels 80,000 kilometers per second (288 000 000 kmph). Then he does some sort of vibrating super punch that causes his molecules to glitch and warp to another dimension or whatever, but in pure running speed (and acceleration) The Flash wins by far. Superman - The Animated Series show The Flash and Superman being roughly equal, and far slower (their race around the earth in Speed Demons lasts for the full episode). In this series, Flash appears very similar to other speedy characters like Sonic the Hedgehog. Flash is also able to vibrate his body.


    I think it's safe to say that most super-speedy characters get the same kind of extra powers added as time goes on. First they are shown to have an incredible top speed. Then they show the ability to accelerate instantly. Then they gain the ability to run circles around the earth, or move so fast that you can't see them. Finally the power creep reaches a level where time stands still or they pass through objects. Same thing happens with both The Flash, Superman, and Sonic the Hedgehog: When the writers want to show their "true power", they stop being just "fast" and start moving so quickly you can't even see it. Pohatu is the only one who doesn't rise as quickly in power, but we see the tendency in him too as the story goes on.


    I imagine that Sonic the Hedgehog (with no power-ups) and Pohatu (no Nuva upgrade) would clock in at roughly equal in a regular race. The Flash, depending on the writer, would either be equal to them, or far beyond.


    Speaking of super-fast characters, I wonder how the Speed Booster from Super Metroid matches up to Sonic's max running speed on Sega Genesis - and by extension, Pohatu's speed when using his mask? Or how the vehicles from F-Zero (usually go between 600 and 1,500 kmph in an average race) measure up to Sonic when being boosted by speed arrows on the track? In practice the Mask of Speed is probably not as quick as it's shown to be in the MNOG (because then Pohatu could never be caught by anything ever). Kopaka's use of it in Mangaia is probably closer to the actual speed it can go.

    • Upvote 2
  20. Thanks, I've now corrected that in my project file.



    - Boss programming is seeing progress. Some kinks to work out still, but it's looking good so far. And to be clear: Yes, it's Makuta Teridax.

    - Nui-Jaga are almost complete as well. Nui-Jaga will appear in some areas of Onu-Koro, and maybe walk in from the edges of Kini-Nui.

    - I'm looking at other Rahi that are simple to program, so that you might get a bit more variety in the game. I'm looking to include a Survival game mode, where you cannot respawn. The goal will be to defeat as many enemies as possible before you die. This mode will have no spawn pad healing available, and continuously spawn new foes.


    I need to fix some stuff that could potentially take a long time, so I'm still not sure when the next update will be. I hope to put it all together within a week or two, though.

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