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Posts posted by Katuko



    "Ever heard of paintball? Just remove the t."



    Hey guys, here's some Gravity weapons (and a shield) that I made using the Gravity Hammer from the RayG Halo kit. The lime green areas on the weapons represents the character's glow color.

    Looking good. :) Maybe some tiny changes to be made as far as as shading goes, but the shapes are good. I wonder a bit about the size, but I know some people would like to carry oversized weapons anyways, so... :P Having more hammers and shields is nice too, as the number of styles I have for them is currently far outnumbered by the number of swords.



    Regarding sprites, here are some I recently made.





    I'm pretty satisfied with the shield, especially since those rotated angles were pretty hard to do. The design is asymmetrical and has gaps in it. If you're wondering, I have no idea what the inside is supposed to look like. I never got a Rhotuka set piece to study, and the images I found online didn't show the back of it. I might add some details to it if any of you have a images of different angles of the shield that I can study.




    With the exception of the one to the far left, these scythes were just the result of sticking other blade sprites on top of a stick. The first one was made for a friend of mine. That's also why it's currently white and red instead of the standard black and blank metal coloring I usually use for weapon sprites.


    As always, these sprites are free to use for anyone.

  2. CinemaSins tends to take the story premise as "OK", but then give a few smacks if the story strays from its premise. In BIONICLE, having half-organic robots with magic/tech powers does break with reality, but since it is part of the premise of the entire story it does not count as a fault. However, if we (for example) see someone use laser vision in one scene and then later they fail to use it at all when they are tied up and about to be killed, that would be a fault, because it breaks our expectations of their established abilities.


    Some of the things you list are valid complaints (such as the large amount of characters with hanging plot threads, and the gender issue; which we've discussed a lot on this forum), but they are not really the kind of things I would list for CinemaSins unless it can be tied directly to a specific event in the plot that is being dissected. Looking over an entire comic or movie and ten recounting the events that make you pause and think "eh?" would probably be the best and most entertaining once you put a funny spin on it. :)

    • Upvote 7
  3. A BIONICLE TV show would need to take itself somewhat seriously. I imagine something like the tone of the original comics and animations, with a mix of mystery, some action events and some dramatic talk.


    Otherwise, if it is a full-on children's show, it needs to be like Power Rangers: Reveling in its own cheesy awesomeness.

    • Upvote 2
  4. It wouldn't have been possible for the collision to burn antidermis all through the robot, though, wouldn't it. Would the entirety of Teridax's antidermis have been concentrated in a location in the head of the GSR?

    You'd be amazed at how much force, friction heat and pressure a moon can cause when it impacts a giant metal structure. In any case, the comic gives off the impression that the moon fragment tore straight through the robot's head, and left a smoking hole. It's like an artillery shell hitting a tin can, really; and even if Teridax managed to register it before it was too late, I have a feeling he'd be unwilling to retreat from such a position of power after "just" getting it.
    • Upvote 1
  5. In any least, here's what I've made so far.

    I like this style. Still a lot to decide on exactly how to place the bars and such, but it piques my interest.


    I definetly like how you're using Chimoru R in the HUD, however as I believe a few followers of this topic have already told you; it's a very underdeveloped kit mask-wise. I can sprite some, as well as accumulate the others not featured in the actual kit.

    I noticed. If I find a more complete kit in the right style, I might use that instead; or I could wait for others to help me sprite masks. In the meantime I wouldn't have any problem with placeholders.
  6. I think the toa nuva were somewhat inconsistent with their power levels, they demontrated in MoL that Tahu and Gail (and I can't remember if pohatu was in that fight) couldn't hold off 3 rahkshi from destroy ta-koro.

    I'd argue that had the Nuva used even just a tiny bit more of their power to fight Rahkshi, they would have prevailed sooner. Once they fight directly at Kini-Nui, they stop the Rahkshi without needing to exert themselves too much. Lewa makes a tornado that sweeps away three of them at once, and the rest are felled with just a few elemental blasts.


    I mean, look at how the Toa lost earlier in the movie. Tahu aims fire around Lehrak (likely because he doesn't want to kill), which stops the Rahkshi for maybe two seconds. Tahu then gets jumped without activating his Hau, and the short wrestle leads to Lehrak deciding to just melt the ground with acid. Understandably, this makes the two Toa retreat. Also, it is understandable that Gali is unable to do too much in a lake of fire, and that 3 Rahkshi firing death lasers at the area instead of the Toa is not really possible to block.


    Notably, Kopaka's powers are well suited to stop both Rahkshi and rampaging Toa swiftly - by freezing them solid. The fight he started with all 6 Rahkshi in the comic showed that Kopaka (and anyone with the right set of powers, really) could likely take them on just by dodging with Speed and using Ice to freeze them one by one, but obviously he can't do much against Vohrak's energy drain - especially not when he has 5 other enemies to worry about too. The powers he shows elsewhere have him creating ice structures in seconds as he skis down Mt. Ihu, most likely not expending more than a token amount of his power. Otherwise he'd probably be more conserving with it. I don't know if Kopaka Mata could do the same for any length of time without wasting a large portion of his energy, and I don't know by how much manipulating existing ice allows Kopaka to reduce his energy consumption.


    Onua tries to bury the Rahkshi, but since he doesn't do much else than bring the roof down we can't be certain to what extent he could have used his powers. Pohatu does nothing with his stone despite having plenty to work with in the caves, another case of powers being toned down for the movie, and of the Toa being surprised by "unblockable" powers. Onua gets energy drained, and Pohatu - instead of retaliating with something like super-speed or a giant stone fist (like what Hewkii Inika uses) - runs over towards Onua at normal speed... and gets fear-blasted. Later he throws his tools to pin Turahk to a wall, which is cool but also a rather pathetic loss for the Rahkshi in question. We gain no knowledge of the Toa's elemental power from this.


    The entire team got their butts kicked by the piraka (who then were defeated by a novice team). I'm not sure how to guage the inika power levels though, because the inika were supercharged with lightning. I personally think that the toa mata were somewhat weaker than the average toa, and that the nuva transformation gave them a power boost to normal levels.

    The Mata show enough power to be on par with the Inika, but their time as Nuva in general was met more with defeat because villains still had to be threatening (I'd say that the Worf Effect is very much present as the reason for their losses in both 2002/2003 and 2006). The Kal stole their powers, so we never got to see them properly in action then beyond the short sparring match the Toa had. The Rahkshi did their surprise attacks at first, and despite the comic showing some decent usage of power here and there we still had the movie, in which the Nuva were pretty much never using either their elements or their Kanohi power to full extent. I mean, imagine if Pohatu actually got to use his Mask of Speed along with some stone fists in Onu-Koro; the Rahkshi could have been the victims of some serious rock punting right there! If Tahu wanted to mimic Lehrak and melt the ground/roof/whatever, he could do so, but I suppose he's limited by not wanting to cause more environmental damage than the Rahkshi had already done (plus going mildly insane from being infected).


    Remember takanuva also looked like a toa nuva, and he beacame a toa in a more normal way (as normal as a toa of light can get anyway). The notion that the Nuva were more powerful than the average toa, disagrees with what the story demonstrates.

    Takanuva is a walking plot solver for Mask of Light, and obviously you can't have a legendary character with less armor than the previous heroes. It's the only reason he gets a hover-bike, too: because it looks cool. In the movie it does just about jack squat that Hahli couldn't do on foot. :lol: Now, given that he got that Nuva-styled armor, I wonder how much it is a part of Takanuva compared to the "extra padding" the Nuva got after their transformation. Did he, like, actually get extra metal armor just because he thought he should get it? Is the Nuva armor supposed to be just their normal armor re-shaped a bit, unlike what the sets and other animated versions show? Takua had seen Toa Mata before they became Nuva, why did he think he should be a Nuva? Lot's of questions about the bogus explanations that do not concern anyone except us nitpickers. :P


    Takanuva later gets both a Power Lance to channel his power more effectively, and a size increase. Both due to his new set, naturally, but also something that likely made him closer to a Nuva in power level anyways. The Lance was described as turning the slightest fraction of his power into a beam that could punch through stone. Compare to the movie, where he blasts Tuhrak with a non-boosted shot and does not make a hole straight through its torso (which, considering it had killed his friend and the Toa are said to dismantle the Rahkshi afterwards anyways, would not have mattered to the plot).


    The Nuva, meanwhile, certainly had powers no other Toa could have, like the ability to time-delay blasts, and the obvious extra elemental energy stored in their Nuva Symbols. They have much greater control, but the magnitude (as in, the strength of a single fire blast, for example) we guess to be only 25-50% higher than a normal Toa's. Still, a "regular" flame in real life burns at somewhere between 700-3000°C depending on material. Wikipedia notes that a candle flame, at around 1500°C, "produces too low an ion density to be considered a plasma". BIONICLE separates Fire and Plasma into different elements, and we know ionization is important there. We know Fire produces a visible flame, more like a Bunsen burner on low setting than a blowtorch. We may conclude that Fire is not reaching Plasma levels of heat. Still, I imagine that with Nuva powers, you can ramp that flame up to a higher maximum, like 5000°C (as can be reached by burning cyanogen in ozone rather than oxygen, where it "only" reaches 4500°C). Maybe a regular Toa of Fire starts at 1500°C, and goes up to around 3000-3500°C when they force it. Can melt rock, but slower than a Toa Nuva at maybe 2500°C at the "relaxed" setting and 5000°C as the max. Just guesswork, but I think it'd be reasonable if we were to put numbers on it. The Toa of Fire would still not be going beyond the limits of "Fire", and it would not be all that obvious at a glance, but they'd still be more powerful without question.


    Toa of Plasma can, by the very nature of their power, instantly output temperatures several thousands of degrees high -- and that is what we call "cold" plasma. It stands to reason that if a Toa of Fire and a Toa of Plasma were to compete in melting/vaporizing things, the Plasma would win by a mile. Still, a Toa of Fire can do a lot with "just" a few thousand degrees, and I view a Toa Nuva of Fire to be capable of reaching a level much like a low-end Plasma power as far as melting stuff goes. That is, in addition to their already lethal range of Fire powers. Pure temperature is not everything, just making someone's robe catch on fire is enough. Toa of Plasma could likely not cause "just" combustion like that, they'd just make a hole in the robe that does not ignite so much as it just... vanishes.


    Plus, if Toa Pohatu expends maybe 25% of his total energy supply on toppling a fortress, then Toa Nuva Pohatu probably only used around 5%... with more control of the effect. The ability to keep going may very well put a Toa Nuva ahead in a contest of endurance, even if their regular Toa counterpart could possibly keep up for a while. Like, a Turaga goes "please disintegrate these rocks, they're blocking my view of the sunset". Toa Tahu has to spend a few seconds on each rock, and runs out of energy after 20 minutes, while Toa Nuva Tahu uses a second less per rock and runs out after 45 minutes, for example. Meanwhile Pohatu could have the job done much quicker simply because his power is better suited to deal with rocks.


    Tahu, back to his Toa Mata level, managed to melt Nektann's armor off his body. If we assume the melting temperature of metallic protodermis to be close to iron, then it's somewhere around 1100°C to 1500°C; something Tahu could easily reach anyways with a normal flame. Dunno what to say about a Nuva's power in the same situation, but I know that Mask of Light at least showed him melting rocks, which then partly melted Rahkshi. Obviously they did not melt very quickly, but then again the blast was not direct and they were frozen almost immediately afterwards. This does not speak all that much of Tahu Nuva's power, but it places Kopaka Nuva's power as able to instantly freeze a substance that was likely around 1200°C at the time.


    Tahu Mata also heats the air in a Bohrok chamber enough to blow it apart (Comic #7) and escapes unscathed. By estimate, he did this in less than a minute. In the same comic, Kopaka also states that his ice can hold lava at bay for "a few moments". I dunno, but instantly freezing lava around the Rahkshi may show an increase in power from that time, or it may just show that lots of lava = hard, small pool of lava = easy.


    In any case, BIONICLE plays fast and loose with power levels. I have no idea how to estimate these things. Honestly, even if I were to write for 5 pages I'd still only be pulling numbers out of the air. :P


    Yes, the toa were able to hold off makuta in Karda nui, but most of those makuta were handicapped in some way, and the toa were backed up by takanuva, and ignika, two toa who were incredibly deadly to makuta. Plus the toa got a gear upgrade in the form of adaptive armor. I think the toa nuva were fairly average as far as power is concerned.

    If the Makuta wanted them dead, they would have just teleported over and crushed their heads with Magnetism anyways. One Makuta for each Toa, teleport behind them. Maybe use the Vohrak's power of energy draining instead, which has been able to stop Toa Nuva almost instantly before. Should be child's play. In such a situation, it doesn't matter if you have the power to vaporize mountains in the blink of an eye, once your skull goes "crack" I imagine it becomes hard to focus.


    Similarly, Tahu Nuva could likely manage to ram his weapon into a Makuta's mouth hole and then cause the inside of their tin can to light up in a second. The Makuta are beings that could teleport away from such an attempt at their life, but in terms of effectiveness I'd bet on Tahu Nuva being quicker to do the job than Tahu Mata, especially if they had to melt through protosteel first. A second or two of metal-heating can make or break the attempt. :)

    • Upvote 6
  7. I'm not sure on this, but can a Toa absorb (or save extra) power from their element? If that is the case, the Toa Metru, on industrial Metru-Nui, didn't have as much exposure to the wild elements as the Toa Mata on tropical Mata-Nui. Thus, the Metrus' powers were drained all the faster, whereas the Mata could conserve their power by manipulating what was already around them.

    Yes and no. I believe we've seen Toa absorb their element with ease, like Vakama absorbing the heat of the room in order to freeze the Fire Entity he faced, and Kopaka absorbing the blizzard around himself in Mask of Light. How long they can retain it, though, is not stated.


    We know that a Toa can absorb their element as part of the control they have. This converts it to elemental energy, and I have just taken it for fact these past years (especially due to Gali's actions by the river) that Toa can recharge themselves by just storing that elemental energy. It stands to reason, though, that at some point the energy tank - or whatever it is - will be full. Vakama fainted from the effort, so he definitely overexerted himself there. I don't think there was any mention of where the heat would have gone afterwards, but it seems likely that when Vakama lost his grip on it it would simply go back to being "normal" heat in the air around him. Absorbing heat and controlling heat can blend a bit, and I have no idea whether "absorbing" heat would actually require expending elemental energy in order to move the heat towards yourself and keep it contained. Seems just as likely, actually.


    Still, my (personal) canon has been that Toa can absorb their element, convert it to EE, and store it... but only up until their normal maximum amount, and only by being in direct contact with their element (essentially "eating" it through their hand receptor). Gali's description of her own Nova Blast had her "summoning every last bit of moisture from the air for hundreds of kios around". She is calling it towards herself, which is probably just normal water control done with the maximum amount of energy you can muster. She did not absorb any water here.

  8. On Mata Nui, the Toa appeared to be extremely powerful. Gali and Lewa, still in their Mata forms, managed to call down a thunderstorm. Kopaka stops an avalanche in seconds in his CGI promo video. The Toa sometimes appeared able to disintegrate big rocks thrown at them right before they hit, using only fire or ice, which makes their power very high already. In their Nuva forms, it seemed to me that they had roughly 50% increased max potential, though I long thought it was something like 200% to 300% based on how the promo blurbs spoke of their power.


    Later, the Toa Metru set a lower standard for elemental usage, but they were untrained. The Toa Inika had what I like to think of as the average amount of elemental power potential. I think the Nuva's power comes from diversity/more control, expending less energy total on each move, and of course a certain percentage increase in raw strength/amount of the element to be conjured at once.


    Pohatu used a time-delayed elemental blast to completely dismantle the Dark Hunter's fortress on Odina. I have to assume that a regular Toa of Stone would not be able to topple it entirely in one go.



    Regarding running low on energy: At least Mask of Light showed Gali being very tired after using her energy to heal Tahu. She is then seen kneeling by the river, with waves of energy flowing into her hands from the water. To me it looked very much like she was recharging. Also, I believe official material around the same time mentioned that Toa could cleanse infected masks by expending a great deal of elemental energy to do so - enough that they would have to recharge energy for a while. I don't recall if this was stated during the Rahkshi events or if it was earlier.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Concerning why Bitil didn't (or rarely) summon past selves from before he entered Karda Nui, I believe Greg said that if one of those pre-mutated duplicates had come into contact with the pit mutagen, then Bitil would have been mutated that much earlier in the timeline. Thus, it was very risky for Bitil to summon a past self from before he was mutated in Karda Nui.

    The whole "messing with the timeline" deal is the reason I'd much, much rather want the mask to just clone the user based on his/her memories. You can still have them tied together in life-force or something, so that a mishap leads to injury or death for the original. It saves us from all kinds of paradoxes and retcons that the mask otherwise brings into play.
  10. I may sound a bit crazy, but I feel like you're overthinking it and trying to find a totally "scientific" explanation for it ('cause Bionicle science and our science are two different animals) but I think it could just be nice, old fashioned magic.

    Problem is, we have Vakama's visions designated as "glitches", and other masks seem to at least operate under a set of rules. The further we got in the story, though, the stranger they became.


    Why can't it be magic? :P Up to a certain point I stop believing that everything can be explained with giant robots and protodermis and programming. Why can't Destiny be just regular old mystifying destiny that we can't explain away, and that a whole world of biomechanical robots and their makers happen to study and follow? You've just gotta beliiieeeevvveee :P

    I'm the weird kinda guy who needs no explanation for why you can shoot lasers out of your hands, but more metaphysical concepts like manipulating probability (that's a mask too) sound strange to me even by magic standards. I am quite fine with the Hau's force field and the Kakama's speed boost never being explained in full, but I'd really like Clairvoyance to have at least a vague mention of how it does it.


    Alternatively, if Bitil's mask can go and pull copies of him right out of the past, I'm sure the Mask of Clairvoyance can just tap into the future by the same principle and pull out information and images. It doesn't seem that far fetched to me, considering all the crazy things that Kanohi can do.

    You know, I really, really don't like the Mohtrek's power description either. :P He never allowed pulled out any true past selves anyways, as they all had his Karda Nui form, so why not just say it's a mask that clones the user? Sounds much simpler, and while there's just as much magic going on, it is less convoluted magic.
  11. Vakama's visions are called "glitches", but if I were in charge I'd call them one way for the Destiny system to try forcing his hand towards certain actions because he was completely lost at times... but unlike the other Toa (who would need a Mask of Clairvoiyance) he was possible to reach with input like that.


    Actually, the Mask of Clairvoyance is pretty BS in my book. I mean, I can get that advanced technology would be able to take all the data available to you and people in the area (via a telepathic sub-power) and form some sort of predicted outcome of their intended actions. But the Mask of Clairvoyance seems to take it a step further, not just simulating the experience like the Mask of Alternate Futures does, but actually going so far as to predict events outright.


    Although, I guess you could make a case for the mask not predicting anything in particular, as Gaaki only said "one of us will not return", and that could be true for any number of outcomes. Teridax kills one of them (he's very likely to try), Teridax imprisons one of them, the person flees or chooses to stay, etc. Like, if you are planning to go fight Teridax with a team of 6, then the mask could actually be going through the data of "in 10 out of 12 predicted outcomes, the result is one of you dying brutally while the rest use the distraction to stop the villain". The "predicted outcomes" could then include situations based upon the team's personalities, their available equipment, what is known about Teridax, and so on.


    I wonder if the thing taps into the MU systems in order to read data and possibly info about destinies? It seems certain beings were able to read the destiny of others, or at least make educated guesses. Mata Nui, of course, had full access. I imagine him to be playing Sims, now, but eventually lose interest in the "game" because the commands he scheduled never happened as he wanted them to (because of full sentience being developed).

  12. I've viewed Destiny much like a computer program scheduling things as well. We really need a new Toa to go fetch a Zyglak, and we want Matoran A to do it, because he has qualities that are suited for the job. However, on the way it might be that he meets a Muaka and gets chomped to death. Whoops. Can any other Matoran with Toa energy in him do the job Matoran A was supposed to do? In that case, let's shift some destinies around and try to make Matoran B into a Toa instead. If not, then we get The Kingdom, with a massive change in schedule due to the failure. :P


    The system is in place, and can probably influence things to a small degree, but I'd certainly hope there's not a big super-program in the MU that directs people's actions and actually tell their brains to make certain decisions. That alternative is basically everyone running on some form of mind control towards their pre-set goal, which is a case for predetermination of events and a type of storytelling I just find "bleh". :)

    • Upvote 1
  13. I like how you used the Chimoru mask for the HUD, But that's going to be a problem for masks that haven't yet been made in Chimoru.

    If we can make custom sprites in Rayg style, I am sure we can make custom sprites in Chimoru style as well. I've just never used the kit before, so I haven't had a reason to do so.


    Granted, but I like the idea of a Gravity-based weapon. It might be fun if more elements could be used in weapons, given that the only elemental weapons so far are either Ice or Fire.

    Well, as I've mentioned before, every element will be given a power related to itself that can be channeled through weapons that don't come with a specific power. There are shock and light weapons, by the way. The Rahkshi Staff also probably counts as elemental. But I hear you, more weapons with a specific element might be a thing.


    Edit: Just a couple comments on the AI...

    • When they are in water and they aren't targeting anyone, they let themselves sink and eventually drown.
    • They never use the Olmak power
    The whole deal with AI that shuts off the moment they lose their target is a major problem, but it will hopefully be improved by rewritten (state-based) AI sometime in the future. Same goes for the Olmak power, since I couldn't find a good way to have the AI use it without it seeming too overpowered. I wanted to have them spawn one portal in a relatively dangerous place, and another a short distance in front of you, but since they did this without having to stop and aim it ended up as way annoying. I'll play around with having them use a delay while placing portals, but then I'll also have them stop doing what they do with, well, drowning themselves or something because they stop doing whatever life-preserving activity they did before aiming. :P


    ... and a comment from my friend, who was watching me play for a couple minutes. "the healing pad is the same as a spawn point? That's just ASKING for spawn kills!"

    I kinda agree with him on that. When he said it, I was playing as a Toa of Psionics and I had the emanate ability activated with a set of throwing knives and every time an enemy appeared, they were instantly taken out.

    Spawn camps ahoy, yeah. The healing pads will be gone later in development, after I balance the amount of healing you get from killing enemies. It was supposed to spawn health based on how much damage you caused (so that killing an enemy from full health would yield you more healing than if you finished off someone who had 5 HP left) but right now it seems to just spawn a random amount anyways.
  14. I am not into My Little Pony, as I do not enjoy the art style and a bunch of other stuff about the series. However, I have laughed at a few of the show's jokes, and I understand posts where people explain what they like about it. Just not my cup of tea, you know. I have no problem with others liking it so long as it's not shoved in my face. It's like that with every show, from MLP to Pokémon. I am a Touhou fan, though, and that is a video game series filled with nothing but cute anime girls. Granted I played the fighting game spin-off, so I guess you could say I have a penchant for violence still, but I can still spend an hour or two reading Touhou manga with no other plot than "isn't this cute?".


    I am a fan of all sorts of other anime and video games, both hardcore violence slaughterfest settings and more cutesy-wutesy settings. I like giant robots punching monsters in the face, I like seeing people firing machine guns with bottomless magazines, and I like to... spend an hour tweaking my character in Skyrim, essentially playing "dress me up" for a while. :) I also happen to play as Gaige in Borderlands 2, who is a schoolgirl-aged robo-engineer. She happens to have a few MLP references in her ability names.


    People are more complex than just "boys like guns, girls like dresses", and the posts above summed up most of my thoughts on the matter. An overlap occurring between two decently-sized fandoms is natural, anyways. Apart from MLP and Homestar Runner, Homestuck was/is big for a while here too, AFAIK. On other forums I have seen at least one fad where people tried to make a Minecraft version of every character they could think of, much like how MLP fans make a pony version of characters. It's an interesting design challenge, actually, to transfer one character into a completely different form.

  15. Proper knee and elbow joints is a major one, as well as the ability to turn the character's head. Going away from clone sets was also good. I agree with Iron_Man5 that having less uniform villain personalities made for better stories as well.


    Apart from that I don't know. Less focus on having to collect an insane amount of slugs/disks seems like a plus as well, despite Kanohi masks being nice to have in different colors.

  16. I've been thinking that the top-left corner of the screen will have the essential character health and energy levels:

    - Health bar

    - Main elemental energy bar

    - Kanohi/special energy bar


    The air and temperature bars would be separate. They could be either horizontal or vertical, I imagine, and fade in top-center or center-left when needed. Potentially I'd even just remove the temperature bar and use a small "it's getting hot/cold" type of icon instead.


    The lower-left will have equipment stats. A somewhat slim frame containing space for a weapon icon plus its current stats (as in, durability and charge/ammo level) would work nicely. Armor would show durability plus maybe its damage threshold as a simple number. I'm not certain about Kanohi, but I'm thinking that while an icon might appear next to the energy bar, their durability etc. should be kept along with the other equipment boxes. Mockups:


    Box testing

    In an actual HUD setting


    The resolution of each could probably be done in at least two sizes; one for smaller screens and one for bigger ones. The current health bar is roughly 200 pixels wide without the icon, while the larger bar is about 300. The weapon bars have been roughly 100 pixels. Still, if it looks good and is not too intrusive, it will probably work.



    EDIT: I dunno about Halo weapons. I am stretching it a bit already by possibly including elemental blaster weapons, and I try to avoid using items from other games directly.

  17. You can post topics about game demos, which I believe include mods-in-progress. You may want to make a download to the modification more apparent in this topic as well, though, since it's rather scarce compared to the Minecraft forum topic you linked to. This one might get mistaken for a project that hasn't started yet, especially since you're saying it's being rebooted.


    You can PM a moderator and ask for one of your topics to be closed. You'll find a list of moderators for each sub-forum next to the sub-forum's entry on the main page, as well as at the bottom of the sub-forum topic list itself. For Fan-Created Media, the moderators are Hahli Husky, Nuju Metru and Emzee. Still, if the topic is well-established and the project will stay pretty similar to what it was before, then it might be best to ask for permission to revive the old topic, and keep using it.


    The project looks interesting, by the way. I've tried out BIONICLE in MInecraft before, but I don't recall if it was your version in particular. I'll check this out at some point, once I get back into the Minecraft drive. :)

  18. Obviously too big, and things need changing should anyone be intrested, but like I said; concept.

    The zig-zag hexagon patterns may be a bit too much, but I like the style of that third one. Would it be possible to do something similar with the bars in a few different layouts?
  19. Yeah, same here. Then again, with the kind of time span BIONICLE usually uses, I guess they didn't want to do a timeskip-story in the new setting where Tahu stays the same but Gresh's family goes through a few generations in the interim ("No, I know I look like him, but I'm actually the third grandson of the guy you knew before you left on your so-called short vacation. It's been two hundred years, man.").


    That said, there could be potential there, with the Agori at least aging more compared to MU beings. Certavus is the only named character I can recall that died of natural aging.

    • Upvote 2
  20. Maybe something like the HUD from Bionicle: The Game?

    It's been considered, but it requires a lot more drawing ability from my side to make special shapes etc. look good.


    Matoran text, perhaps? Or what Arzaki just said. I was about to say that anyway.

    Definite no to Matoran text. :)
  21. The shiny effect might be a bit out of place, but it'll be optional. Apart from that I tried making a slanted rectangle bar, but while it looked more "technical" it also looked kinda meh. I honestly just kinda threw together an updated version of the current bars (rounded rectangle tool, lol) and that's it. If anyone have suggestions for a better interface, I'm open for suggestions.

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