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Status Updates posted by Katuko

  1. Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart. I tell you, I tell you: the Dragonborn comes; with a voice wielding power of the ancient Nord arts. Believe, believe: the Dragonborn comes.

    1. Wade.


      Did you make that up or is that a legit thing they say in Skyrim? If it's the first, bravo. If it's the latter, I'll give you a Skyrim brofist.

    2. Katuko


      Oh no, it's an in-game bard song called "Dragonborn Comes". :) Found a cover recently by a girl calling herself "Malukah", and it is beautiful. Can't link to it, but go search it up.

  2. Playing games or making games? Ah, the dilemma of a programmer. The former usually wins.

    1. alpha123


      Too true. I find myself playing your game a bit too much lately....

    2. Katuko


      Glad to hear that it's addictive, at least. :P

    3. Hexann


      It is addictive.

  3. Rejoice, for I am now actually working on intenet-based multiplayer programming.

    1. Hexann



    2. BenLuke


      And I got to beta test it.


      Didn't work.

    3. Katuko


      Oh shush, it works on local nets, at least. It's a start. :)

  4. RPG fatigue setting in. Has been setting in; getting worse. Keep me going, peeps.

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    3. sunflower


      Now to just put that plan into action... >:D

    4. Katuko


      If Heuani shows up we'll befriend him SO HARD he won't warp straight for a week.

  5. School has kept me busy and will be keeping me busy for the next week or so. Make sure you quote part of my post if you want a response in the RPG, so that I have an easier time finding it.

  6. So by mid-May I need to have a 10000 word bachelor paper, a portofolio, and an Android mobile app. That will suck up some time. :/

  7. The only thing standing in the way of a BIONICLE Fighter update now is... a bad internet connection. Seriously, it drops out halfway through the upload without fail. >:/

    1. Van Hohenheim

      Van Hohenheim

      internet, y u no work when really needed!?!

  8. Today I added throwing knives to BIONICLE Fighter. :D

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      seriously!? sweet!

    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      And to day you added...

    3. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      He added a jar of peanutbutter that allows you to turn into sandwich man.

  9. Why is this site such a target for hackers, I wonder?

    1. sonyaxe


      The government is trying to shut us down!

    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      I think megabloks is just jealous they dont have a cool fansite.

    3. CeeCee


      Its probably not. You just dont here about it on other sites because the security is better. Then again, you have to be pretty low to try and hack a Bionicle fan site

  10. Yesterday I figured out which annoying typo was keeping my math from working. One step closer to proper ragdolls in my game, folks.

    1. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      *proceeds to clap*

    2. NorikSigma


      Can't wait to see it. :)

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