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Thin Jimmy

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Everything posted by Thin Jimmy

  1. What does 'heck' even mean? I prefer to use the uncensored version, "What the underworld".
  2. Yaaaay! *asplodes* Ha ha ha. Voldemort, Voldemort, old Voldy-voldy-voldy Voldemort!
  3. This was typed with my left hand. This was typed with my right hand. Yeah, I'm ambidextrous in typing, as I am for most things. I can manage 100 words per minute if I can be bothered.
  4. Why are you named after the Fibonacci Sequence?

  5. Yep, I was tired of being Jim393 all the time.

  6. Nusua! You're not dead! You probably won't remember me, but I'm the guy who wrote the Turaga At Home... or are you a different Nusua?

  7. Thin Jimmy

    Mata Nui Revealed

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «So if the Matoran, Toa and Turaga are all like blood cells in Mata Nui, then does that mean that the Makuta and other bad guys are like infections? -Jim
  8. Hi, angel of frikkin' death.

  9. Because I know you all love the Sporky Show, here's an exciting episode guide for Series 3 next year! Episode 1: Hiking Horror: We go hiking. Episode 2: Mountain Madness: We go climbing. Episode 3: Cheeseland: We go to a place disturbingly like America. Episode 4: Shipwrecked: We go to a desert island. Episode 5: Another Pointless Episode: Another pointless episode. Episode 6: The Return of Cathi: The return of Cathi. Episode 7: Evil Plots: Evil plots. Episode 8: TBA(by Erctai) Episode 9: Future Perfect: We go to the future. Episode 10: TBA(by Erctai) Episode 11: TBA(by Erctai) Episode 12: Gary Otter and the Uneventful Year in Which Nobody Tried To Kill Him: You have got to be joking! Episode 13: Unlucky Thirteen: Ve-e-e-e-ry unlucky. Episode 14: TBA(by Erctai) Episode 15: A Series of Unfortunate Events: Part One of the series finale. Episode 16: Series' End: Well, duh.
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