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Master Reidak

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Everything posted by Master Reidak

  1. Hello again. I thought I'd give you an insight on what happens on a typical Master Reidak day. 1. Mum woke me up. One day 'til my birthday! I go to sleep too late for school nights, and always need to be woken up. Normally she'll also make me breakfast 'cause I'm too lazy to make anything (no, I'm not fat and unfit. In fact, I'll put a pic up of me later if you want). Then I got ready for school after eating some toast (which I made for once) and left at 8:55, even though school starts at 9:00. I leave late because I only have Automotive first, and believe me, we do absolutely nothing in that subject. The teacher wouldn't even raise his head if you walked in 5 seconds before the bell for period 2. 2. I met up with my mate Rama at the end of my street (we walk to school together most days). Stopped at the milkbar to buy a bottle of V. Tasty. We walked as slowly as possible and talked about going to Melbourne and buying fireworks. This is completely normal, but there's no way I'd actually wanna go to Melbourne just to buy fireworks (not that I want them)... I got bored of my V bottle and threw it on the road. Hey, at least I had the consideration to move the pieces aside. I finally arrived at the Technology Wing (home building for year 10s). Do I go to class now? Not quite... walked around for another 5 minutes with Rama, then went into class. 3a. Period one. I met my semi-mate Dominic outside the door and we went in. Caught up with a few more friends, and then the teacher went onto the internet to look up some videos of random Automotive-related stuff (a race between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari, for example). We all watched. b. Period two. Metalwork. Dominic and I did slim to nil in this class. I tried to make a ninja star, it didn't go too well. The teacher introduced a 'swear jar'. You have to put 50c in if you swear. Keep dreaming... c. Recess. This is when I first noticed that the year 12s were having the annual dress-up day. There was a Venom, Spongebob Squarepants, a few soldiers and Osama bin Laden, Jesus carrying a cross, etc etc. Some of the girls had nice outfits, I'll leave it at that . Bought Rama a coke (I owed him it) and ate a muffin. d. Period three. Information Technology: Multimedia. Well, I did a little of my work... the rest of the time was spent playing mindless games on the internet. e. Period four. Pre-driver Education. Watched a boring video. Period. f. Lunch! Most of the time was spent watching the year 12s again. Towards the end, Rama remembered a year 7 kid owed him $30. He didn't have it. The bell went, and on the way back to class I asked Rama if he could grab the girders on the shelter above us (it's like 2.5 metres up. He jumped, grabbed it, slipped... fell on the concrete. I swear I couldn't stop laughing. The year 7 kid literally fell over laughing. The teachers didn't seem to be as concerned, and asked him if he was ok, etc etc, which he was (apart from a headache, lol). g. Period five. Maths. We got there about 1/3 of the way through because we had a substitute teacher that was actually friendly. Argued with some people. Won. Bell. h. Period six. English. Now, here's the thing about my English teacher. He's uncharismatic and fairly unpopular. I heard he wanted us to watch Million Dollar Baby again, so I decided not to go. Please note that this is probably the first time I didn't go to class just because there was no point. So, we hung out in the middle of school in plain view of my class and did Videomaking with some students from that class instead. Basically that involved filming me rolling down a hill after someone pretended to shoot me. Towards the end, Nick (another friend) and I decided that leaving school 5 minutes early wasn't going to do any harm. Off we went. 4. Nick went into a chicken & chips shop to buy some chips, and they gave him 2 chicken wings and 3 dim sims for free. He gave them to me (score!). Then Sheehan (that's a surname) came long (known as WhyteMage here), and left again. I followed him and we walked home. Talked about BZP and Runescape on the way. We went our seperate ways to our seperate houses. 5. Well, I would have gone on BZP to write this, but my brothers had taken over the computer. So I settled down to watch First Blood from the Rambo trilogy. It was ok, I guess... 6. Finally got on the computer. Put Snoop Dogg on and loaded BZP. And if you're wondering about that "92% of teens have moved on to rap" thing, that's definitely not the case at my school. I reckon I'm one of five people in year ten (out of 250) that listens to it. And that's it. So, now you know what a typical day is like. Well, that probably wasn't 'typical', it was a little more rebelious than usual. But there you go.
  2. Yeah, it was really just a test .
  3. Hi Wrack!

    I made a Blog. Now I just have to figure out how to use it...

  4. Hooray! You're back to normal .
  5. Master Reidak


    Welcome to my newly created Blog. Well, as you know, I'm Master Reidak. My real name is Sam. I'm 16 in two days (OK, you might not have known those last two points). I'm from Australia, I'm in year 10 at high school, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing right now . So if you think I need any help with the whole Blog thing, please PM me. I became a Premier Member yesterday, after finally bothering to convince my dad (which was incredibly easy). What else do you wannna know? Stay tuned, I'll post what's been happening later.
  6. I only just got it, I haven't been doing anything yet.

  7. Hey Wrack, the new pic in your sig is whacko :D.

  8. I made you five stars :D.

  9. Hey, I'm becoming Premier soon. Just did the Paypal thing.

  10. I get it!

    Wait, no I don't.

  11. Post one heck of a lot more :P.

  12. *Randomly joins convo* yeah, I love how the small sets masks/faces look like their large set counterpart's ones. If you got what I just said.

  13. I made you 5 again ^_^.

  14. Hey, add me to your friends :D.

  15. It, like, makes you you though!

    Also, my Proto is back to normal. Thanks B6!

  16. Ok, we should do that sometime lol.

  17. Hi ~Kativa~! We don't talk much.

  18. Uh, why on earth is my proto -1?

  19. Hi, fellow Reidak.

  20. Woo, 5 stars rating.

  21. Well, make yourself get more profile visits.

  22. Oi, post in your comments more!

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