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Bionicle Dragon

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Everything posted by Bionicle Dragon

  1. Bionicle Dragon


    This blog is now rated 4.0! Sweet! The question mark is there because no one has been posting in my blogs today. ;_; I still dreadfully await the dentist appointment, even when I very much like the dentist, I just don't like going there. The family dentist is my cousin in law, who recently married my cousin. My cousin married? O_o Yes, you see, my dad comes from a family of six, and being the second youngest, I became the youngest out of all of my grandmother's grandchildren. The oldest sibling of my dad is my aunt, who's a grandmother!! Her grandchildren are older than me! Although the youngest is only a few weeks older than me, it's scary being the youngest out of all your known family. There was a baby at my granduncle's birthday, but I'm not sure he's related. Could be the child or grandchild of a friend. It makes me sad... XD
  2. Bionicle Dragon


    I'm thinking of a big project that won't take place for a long time on BZP... A new comic series. If I can't wait for it to go public, I'll post it with Crazy BZPers (but then I'll have a LOT to do), close Crazy BZPers and start it, or wait for Crazy BZPers to die. I am forced to go with the latter for now, but I can't wait. If anyone can help, please post some background an accesory kits for Mata-Nui. Everything: Wahis, Koros, the whole shebang. The Kit Library has 2 or 3 Mata-Nui Maker Kits, but I don't really like them. I need the following: Le-KoroKo-KoroOnu-Koro Not Wahis, Koros. Make sure you know the difference. If the topic ever comes, and I remember you, I'll give credit for helping me.
  3. Bionicle Dragon


    Uh... I like ducks? ...The smartest thing I can say relevant to the blog. XD
  4. Here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama. Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama, duck.
  5. Bionicle Dragon


    Herdy-Hree. LOLOLOLL!!! I got a big poster of 'em both in my room. So do I! My poster takes up the entire wall...
  6. Bionicle Dragon


    What has a job ever done for anyone cool? I stole that line. The entire joke is hilarious.
  7. Sorry about that. But some members aren't active much on BZP. You're not, but you just go on COT a lot. I also do that, and was sucked into COT for a while, But I forced myself to post a lot.
  8. 1400 posts... At this achievement, I realise how many members that joined later than me that are more succesful. Those such as Lady Kopaka, who even has less posts than me. I'm somewhat well known, but I haven't achieved much... My goal is to reach 1500 before my premier time is up. I highly doubt that, but whatever. B)
  9. Bionicle Dragon


    LOL. Pure awesomeness. I've never tried this kind of art before. The closest I've done is paper clips.
  10. Once again, Gomess is warning us which games will be horrible to play. Great job.
  11. If you want to know as much as you can about Pirates 3, go here! I love showing people spoilers, and I'm all hyped up about the third movie! Read, but be warned that there are a lot of low class spoilers, but the best I could get after the second movie just came out. Arr!
  12. You can change your answer if you want to after this: No one touched each others candy other than the reciever. And if Bertha had plenty of time to poison the candy, then so would Chris, since he wasn't in the story much, either.
  13. I think you should send in the MOC and enter the contest anyways. It's fun, and I'd love to do both if it weren't for the fact I fear I'll lose pieces during mailing, and that I'm too busy to have a epic of my own. It's all good.
  14. I don't remember any instances where I had to stand on my bike... Maybe because I can take the pain. Or maybe because the ramps on all of my local sidewalks aren't too high. Maybe one inch.
  15. The Imponderables are so overused it's not funny until someone makes one up.
  16. Bionicle Dragon


    LOL is all I can say.
  17. Bionicle Dragon

    Jul 23, '06

    In 2001, BZP didn't exist. And I'm not sure that 2002 even had a prank... And 2003 was Vahkipower, wasn't it? 2004 was KimPower, and 2005 was the fake Bionicle Announcement.
  18. To answer the old one, it was Amy, the maid. She was at a herbalist, and could have gotten poison from herbs. Obviously Mr. Red would trust her when he was drinking tea with poison in it. Ronald strangled Mr. Red when he thought Mr. Red was asleep, but really he was dead. And then Mrs. Red stabbed him when she thought he was sleeping with a knife from the cooking convention. The order could have been switched, but use common logic. Amy would probably not force the poison down Mr. Red when he was sleeping, because the poison took time and Mr. Red could be suspicious. If Mrs. Red had murdered Mr. Red, then both Ronald and Amy would see the knife. Ronald knew the strangling would be quick, so decided to strangle him when he was sleeping. In end, everyone attempted to murder Mr. Red. Gommess got the person, but for wrong reasons, and JMJ got a closer reason, but the wrong person. So they both get a chimp. The new case is up!
  19. I think the door on the left is used more often... Nice artwork Jedi Master J. You take nearly every chance you get to draw away. You might even draw your will or resume... Still, nice art.
  20. I'm at my aunt's house, and I had an interesting walk here. My brother keeps on saying "You're under arrest", and holds my arms together and puts my head down, each with one arm. You can see how annoying this is, so I tried to cuff him. Of course, he's hard to hold together, and usually breaks free. Whenever I do catch, he'll eventually get away. But when I do catch him, I say, "You are under arrest for impersonating a police officer", which I find funny because I'm not a police officer either. XD XD XD
  21. No, it is not 42. The question, first of all is: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? The answer is not 145, or Pie, it's: A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as it could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Interesting, huh?
  22. If you look at the 2nd content block, you can see a detective case! Solve it and post here! Winner gets a chimp.
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