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Bionicle Dragon

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Everything posted by Bionicle Dragon

  1. Today is not my day. My topic isn't being posted in, when usually it does because it has 15 pages. No one's posting in this blog either, but I don't care much. Now lesse some posts, or I'll never dominate the world! I need zombies!
  2. Have ever tried to dominate the world? It's quite fun. Every poster in this blog will become my zombie slave, so please keep on posting, or my evil plots will fail.
  3. Bionicle Dragon

    ... #2

    In the past few hours, I've read some of Eragon, played Mario Kart DS and Super Mario 64 DS on my DS, made a comic (not Crazy BZPers) on Paint, and played on BZP. Yay.
  4. This reminds me of a comic where a rat is talking to a pig. Rat: Doesn't it bother you that no one is replying to your blogs? Pig: Not really. Rat: The public doesn't care about you! Idn't that horrible? Pig: I guess, but I don't really care. Rat: What? Your public reputation is at stake! .... It went something like that.
  5. Bionicle Dragon


    Don't you just hade it when people act 'narly'? Dude... Tubular! Sweet... Narly! Ch-yeah! You know what that's like, right dude? It's so not tubular! I'd like some posts for this week.
  6. Bionicle Dragon


    Well, I have a question for you guys: Should I eat a burger or not? This is the ultimate question. And my hiccups are gone!
  7. Okay, I'm not getting into this blog, because I'd miss it if I did. But anyways, I have the hiccups? Anyone know any cures? One of mine is to get water in your mouth, close your ear and nose holes, then swallow. By the way, I iz the Bee Dee dat makes everywun split!!!!!!
  8. Bionicle Dragon


    Uh... Caterpie?
  9. Bionicle Dragon


    I brushed my teeth! Hurray! I even ate noodles! Hurray! I'm gonna eat a burger! Hurray! No posts yet? I want to spend my premiership nicely, guys!
  10. Bionicle Dragon


    Don't you love the dotty dotty dotty? Anyways, I still haven't done anything, other than play on the computer, watching Detective Conan, and that's about it. Let's see some posting! I also made a comic in my comics to celebrate BZP's Anniversary. So Yay!
  11. What's cool is that for one week, a normal member could be Blog of the Week!
  12. It's raining cats and dogs? I want a dog! Gimme a dog!
  13. I watched it the day it came out, and it was great. Not as good as the first, though. Nice review.
  14. Weird... O_o How old is your 4 year old cousin? Everyone knows the first three letters in the alphabet are E-X-O...
  15. I'd rather see a raccoon with cream on it's head. You know, how icecream looks like if you by it on a flat cone? The one is bones's picture in the milk blog! That would be.... funny.
  16. Bionicle Dragon


    *throws fruit at Pikachu* Why must you insist on talking about the most random things, Exo?
  17. I ate a brownish-green goop composed of egg shells, turnip, and Coke after being in a blender. But really, I ate Coke, Sprite, C Plus, Ketchup, and Gwakamoli Doritos mixed in a cup. It was a birthday party!!!! There was food! And drinks! And balloons! And no balloons! And you won't guess what was at the birthday party! ..... The birthday kid!
  18. Bionicle Dragon


    OMG! A bomb! Run around and scream in circles! AAAAAAAAUUUUGGHH!!!!!!! ..... AAAAAAUUUUGGHH!!!!! ..... *dead*
  19. Bionicle Dragon


    I iz watching the movie the day after it came out! =P It iz so cool! I iz saying I iz cooler than da DJ!! LOLOLOLOLOL.
  20. Bionicle Dragon


    I <3 cereal. But not captian crunch. *is sick*
  21. Bionicle Dragon


    What's the use of a zoo pal, other than it annoying you about their personality?
  22. Bionicle Dragon


    LOL. Nice. We can't live without cheese!
  23. Bionicle Dragon


    Lacrosse beats Basketball? Silly Exo, Football IS Soccer!
  24. Bionicle Dragon


    Hhhoooccckkkeeeyyy... Rules. That's the opinion in Canada. So does Lacrosse. And basketball, too.
  25. Bionicle Dragon


    You forgot that it tastes good. That's all that matters. Choclate milk is the best, using this logic.
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