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Bionicle Dragon

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Everything posted by Bionicle Dragon

  1. It's Chilly Today, and after I ate my nice warm breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, I'm freezing! I'm hoping for something to cheer me up on BZP. I'm also late in getting my comic in, but don't worry. It will be in before 1 o' clock.
  2. I finally made a long speech for Tohu! Tohu rocks. Uh-huh. Look at this! =D XD I finally figured out what XD means, now that I examine the letters more carefully. *shrugs*
  3. I have a DS, it's awesome. 13? I think I'm the youngest staff of the Comic Land Files, being 11... But I haven't checked tomdroidser's or LR's member page recently, so I wouldn't know. Good luck with the DS.
  4. Muahaha! I can delete dupe posts! Nice opinion, Turakii, but the backwords thing is pretty weird. I was thinking of changing it to something close to Bionicle Dragon, like 'The Very Cool BD' or something (but not what I just posted, oh gosh, no!). Or I could wait until I don't have large topics that people aren't aquainted with. I could say I'm a different member and fool everyone! ... Or I could say in my sig 'I was Bionicle Dragon!'
  5. I might want a name change... I usually get mixed up with Brave_Dragon, Kanohi Dragon, and sometimes Bionicle Rex! However, I like my name mostly, so it's not too bad to get mixed up. If I did change my name, I'd have to change everything in my comics, which has used my name regularly, and people might get confused about who I am. I'd have to change the title of the blog, and I'd probably end up with a cool name for a while. Those are the pros and the cons for ya. Criticise if you want.
  6. Who doesn't? Relating to pirates, I've got the word Arr! stuck in my head because of a trailer for Monster House where Chowder says 'Arr!'
  7. The tin man alien meets big eyes... LOL. BTW, I'm Chloe. ... No wait, that can't be right.
  8. I saw this in Lyg's blog, and I made a pillow house of my own. However, it was small, cramped, and the air conditioner wasn't on. My mom didn't like it, and I took the coldest shower ever. I didn't take it properly, so I was slippyslidey. And a naked dragon does not have to be censored. Yay...?
  9. That's awesome. I've built a pillow fort, but it's completely different from yours, since yours is a pillow house. In fact, I want to build one. Now.
  10. And I never ate the burger... I'd give you that, if it weren't for the fact that I'm eating it tommorow.
  11. My favourite is Eldest, which I've read 2 or 3 times. Woot. Although my Eragon book (more like my brother's) is ruined, since my brother came home walking in the rain with the book. I can still read it and stuff, but it's crumpled, and splashed with blue from the book cover ink.
  12. Actually, if LarryBoy is a cucumber, and became a zombie, he'd be a pickle.
  13. Or 'You can't do anything without blowing something up or whatever.'
  14. I posted that blog this moring, and you post in the evening. The hiccups are loooooooong gone.
  15. ...maybe! And I'll reply to all of your comments.
  16. A anime show about a highschool detective who gets poisoned by an evil group called the Black Organization, and turns into a little child. I'd say more, but I'm too lazy.
  17. Bionicle Dragon


    I ATE RICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I'm reading Eragon for the 4th time, and this is for my anticipation of the 3rd book. Talking about 3rds, I'km also awaiting Pirates of the Carribbean 3. Go to the topic to read my spoilers of the 3rd movie, which I got from a reliable source. Then, thank me for the spoilers. Or hate me, if you don't like them. *shrugs* Well, I don't do much except for go on BZP... So uh... do something cool!
  19. Maybe you could post pictures of your MOCs, and we can choose which one is the best!
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