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Status Updates posted by Jacks

  1. is there a word for 'the inexplicable compulsion to build as many Vahki as possible' because my gosh am I ever

  2. Just read Robotics 101. I have no idea how I missed it until now. Awesome, nearly better than An Icy Mystery, IMO.

  3. Love the Claire av!

    1. Zephyria


      Yes! I absolutely love QC! Sorry for the lat-ish response, by the way.

  4. Never have wisdom teeth, folks. It's seriously not worth it.

  5. off BZP for the next month or so, peace out

  6. omg I knew I recognized you for some reason and then here I find Visoran on your youtube channel and it all comes flooding back :D

  7. petition to start referring to DARPG veterans as "DARPies" ??

  8. s2g shopping on bricklink is literally the most tedious thing ever >

  9. Sorry, it tusually takes me an absurdly long time to notice profile comments. =P I think my favorite Beirut song is probably Nantes or The Penalty

  10. Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank

    1. avmatoran


      No, drive a Sherman tank and have your best friend driving another one behind you.

  11. tfw you've been more active on tumblr than on BZP for a while and you havev to keep reminding yourself to tone down yr language

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jacks


      It felt to me like it alternated between stating the obvious (tumblr has a problem with art theft and elitism) and making light of actual issues (does this video expect me to think non-binary genders are funny or implausible?) So while I enjoyed it for what it was, I can't help but admit a bit of confusion over what exactly the intent was


      also b/c all the problems they mentioned can be easily avoided by not seeking popularity on that black hole of a website :b

    3. Jacks


      sorry, I don't imagine you were expecting a detailed critique :x

    4. Arzaki
  12. Thanks! I like it too. :P

    Man, World 3 is going to be awesome...

  13. Thanks. I like it too. :P

  14. they/them/their/theirself

  15. totally did not realize I had a bunch of friend requests piled up b/c I had notifications turned off for some reason?? apologies to anybody who tried to add me in the past 2-3 years

  16. Very bold and inspiring 'Interests' section. Kudos to ya for that. :)

  17. Wait, never mind, checked Bara's profile. I feel stupid now. Sorry for cluttering your profile, Monkey on a unicycle

  18. Wait, were you talking to me?

    If you were, then to answer your question; no, I'm not that kind of person

  19. What the Mayans ACTUALLY predicted was not the end of the world...just the end of the Dino Attack RPG.

    1. PeabodySam
    2. avmatoran


      I concur. I concur so much that I'm referring to your status update in my own. Also, the countdown is now useless.

  20. Whilst trawling through BBC, which I don't do very often, I noticed that you incorporated my Matorn design into your Teridax mocs I have to say, I am quite flattered.

    1. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      I liked it so much, I decided to try it out myself. I'm not sure if I did it right, though, because his head kinda wobbles a little. Nevertheless, it was a great design, and I'm glad you liked my use of it. My thanks to you for coming up with it in the first place!

  21. Whoa, Beirut is one of my favorite bands ever :D

  22. Whoa. I did not realize until very recently that you were a veteran of the Fruit War.


  23. Will "A Tale of Two Paths" be continuing anytime soon?

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