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Status Updates posted by Kwydjybo

  1. Pokemon, huh? I still have yellow and blue from when I was a kid.

  2. Just the n64 and the ds? HOW DO YOU LIVE MAN!?!?!

  3. Tropic thunder. :P It was so funny!

  4. G-fan? Awesome!

  5. Sign me up as a friend?

    Pretty please?

  6. Sorry that took so long. I had to do some chores and saw a movie!

  7. Shoot. I have to go. I'll talk to ya in a bit.

  8. So Strangerfriend, anything else going on?

  9. So, a new Stranger/friend...

  10. I think chane left.

    I haven't heard from her.

  11. mmm... Yes...

  12. ... Indeed again...

  13. This is really confusing though.

  14. You're talking to blaver, right? Threeway conversation!

  15. You're talking to chane too?

  16. Don't be, I'm just playing.

  17. What's so funny?


  18. Oh. So what have ya been up to?

  19. Who? Whoever he is, I'm not him.

  20. What kind of tutoring? Math or somthing?

  21. Sorry about the wait. Some other things came up.

  22. Funny. My parents don't care what I watch or who I talk to.

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