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Status Updates posted by Kwydjybo

  1. It's really good though! I like those 30 min sketches.

  2. And another different one...

  3. Really nice drawings. Did you do the avatar too?

  4. You're into linkin park?

  5. Nice revamps. But, why does tahu have bow and arrow?

  6. How long you been into etna?

  7. You alwais seem to get newer disega pictures.

  8. Not bad. Kinda bored.

  9. It does get kinda fun seeing my friends and what they look like. :P

  10. Thanks, you should upload a picture too. I've been thinking about putting a video on too.

  11. Whadya think anyway?

  12. I'm still a little embarased about it. *hides under rock*

  13. Two things, I finally made a blog, and I just posted in that pics of yourselves topic.

  14. I feel embarased. I just posted in that Pics of yourselves topic.

  15. no prob. BTW, premire finally came, and I started my own blog!

  16. Five stars for the epic picture.

  17. Sweet! Happy b-day! Where's that cake again?

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