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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. It been awhile, hasn't it? Well, not really, unless you consider two days without a blog entry as being awhile. But anyway, today's entry is going to have me talk a little about Minecraft here and introducing possibly a new feature to my blog involving Pokemon that I might be doing weekly. I also got an aside thing to mention here as well about my plans for my Blog's Literature Contest that I say would start June 16th.
    So let's get this show on the road, shall we? First up is Minecraft, so I am going start things up for this topic by showing you the following screen shots that I took today while I was playing the game. The first picture is of my current work in progress base of operation's entrance, which I hope to eventually build up into massive castle like tower with high walls around it.
    Now the second picture is inside the pit that I dug around this tower, which I am going to fill up with water and build up four escape towers for my underground glass cover bedroom (Which I guess is kind of pointless since this world is not on server, so I really should never need to have multiple escape routes as long as it is cover in light as it is. I guess I am doing it for rule of cool and imagination sake.).
    Okay, so outside of showing you guys those pictures, I want to inquire something about Minecraft. And that is whether or not using an old Beta world file in current Minecraft version cause stuff like wolves, cats, and villages to spawn less. Does it? Just wondering because I barely explore this world in beta version and yet when I travel far from my base into unexplore regions, I can't find any villages, wolves, or cats. Then again, I might just not be traveling far enough. *shrugs* Hm...I guess that possible.
    Okay, that's all I got for Minecraft topic. My next topic is Pokemon one and basically it is blog challenge for Pokemon fans to see if they can guess correctly who that Pokemon is based on a shade picture, I provided in the entry. Of course, I am not going to give you guys anything big, if you guess right since you could of just look it up. But I will post an entry the next day revealing who it was and go on to say some triva information about that Pokemon and I might also put a link to right guesser's profile in a content block.
    Sorry, guys. I wish I could do better than that, but I can't confirm if you guys are cheaping or not, so the reward has to be as minor as that. Hopefully though, you guys have fun trying the challenge. But anyway, here is the first of hopefully many who's that Pokemon challenges:

    Moving right along to my last topic of the day, I am here to tell you that I most likely will be postponing my writing contest, if only because Library Summer Olympics has start now as such I rather not distract anyone from official Staff hosted contest. As such, it will now start sometime in August.
    Alright, that's all for today's entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, guys. And I hope you all have a good night. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  2. Jedi Master J.
    You know I seriously thought I might of just been overreacting yesterday about Nintendo's presentation. But now I don't really know since I kind have even more mix feelings about their presentation after hearing their line up for 3DS, especially considering it is not nearly as large as they seem to implied it was and there was pretty much no new title announcements. *shrugs*
    Oh, well, it is nothing to get too upset since the games that I want (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Pokemon Black 2, and Luigi's Mansion 2) do have release dates this year, after all. Wait a second...Where was Animal Crossing: Jump Out release date news? ...
    I am disappointed in you, Nintendo. You better make those Pokemon Black & White 2 applications free to make it up to me. That and announce the release date of Animal Crossing: Jump Out before October. Can you do that?
    Also I must get 1% of profits you make on the Wii Fit U since I thought of whole linking pedometer (Okay, I did say to do it with 3DS, but still it was my idea.) to the Wii Fit game to help the game produce more correct results to display on the charts there as it will have data from your everyday life to factor in.
    Yeah, guys, I am not being serious here about Wii Fit U thing. I am disappoint with the gaming news from Nintendo this E3 obviously, but I have faith that line up for Wii U will get better as time goes on (Now I am not saying the complete line up for Wii U is terrible, but it does leave quite a bit to desire. The 3DS, I think, is mostly fine as long as they get Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion 2, and Animal Crossing out this year.). So here's hoping it does and that they do announce Animal Crossing news somewhere else.
    But anyway, I think I done enough complaining in this entry for one day, so I am calling this entry and post it. Oh, and I should noted that I will probably be doing post-E3 entry next week since I want to take time to let some of news grow on me. That and I need time to watch the other folks' announcements, so I could maybe be little less Nintendo biased with my comments here (Which kind of hard thing to do for me since I been exposed to Nintendo products since birth.). I most likely will be doing that entry in more of highlight section, so it hopefully won't be too long.
    Okay, I am heading off now. Thanks for taking the time to read this and good night, folks.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, folks. Today's entry is another quick one since I am kind of tired and well, nothing really happen today that worth mentioning here (I unfortunately did not get to play final chapter of Kid Icarus today since I did not really have the time to after walking home from work today.). This entry is going to be more of a poll than anything else. Alright, then here are questions, folks.
    Online Play Centric Questions
    1) Is anyone interest in maybe playing online with me in Kid Icarus: Uprising this weekend? Just wondering as I kind of would like to check out the multiplayer mode of the game soon and I thought it might be fun to do it with other BZPers.
    2) Would anyone be interest in playing Portal 2 Co-Op with me? Again, just wondering since I thought it would be fun to play with other BZPers. It should be noted that I have PS3 version though and that Steam was acting buggy when my sister try to Co-Op with me from her Steam account, so I don't know if that was temporarily problem or not. Hopefully it was.
    If it isn't though, then I guess I'll just have to wait until I buy new computer to replace this five year old Gateway with Windows Vista on it. Any suggestions for a new computer are welcome, by the way.
    3) Would anyone be interest in having a Pokemon battle with me in Pokemon Black? lol Which you guys will most likely owned me in. But eh, I don't mind and beside, I am sure it will fun anyway.
    General Blog Questions
    4) Do you want to see me review Kid Icarus: Uprising here? I am just asking to see whether or not people would be interest in seeing one from me.
    5) Should I make weekly Minecraft entries with screen caps of my progress on my base?
    And that is all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read. I am sorry that it wasn't too interesting of entry and I hope you all have good night. See you all later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  4. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is kind of I am going to be one of those boring less interesting ones, but I kind feel like I have to do it since I think this entry in particular will be helpful for organizing my goals for this summer. Sorry, guys.
    So with that out of the way, let's get the show on the road. I will be listing below my possible plans for next three months.
    - Clean the basement up again
    - Play more Pokemon Black
    - Officially start my first Blog Contest on June 16th, which will be Bionicle related Short Story contest and it will have prizes. It also might involve teams, if possible. Postponed due to large amount of writing contests going on this month.
    - Talk to my high school friend/coworker/classmate about working out the details involving the possible "day" trip to BrickFair.
    - Play Kid Icarus: Uprising some more and post my review of the game as an entry here
    - Finish the LEGO House Inventor Project and post the finish product either here or out in the forums somewhere (No idea where it would go on the forums to be honest.).
    - Think about doing other LEGO related Inventor projects (I will most likely be experimenting with Mask creation after this House Project.).
    - Post another LEGO set review (Next one is probably going to be LEGO Star Wars set [9675], Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine, so you have that to look forward to.)
    - Maybe have an E3 comments entry about what I thought of reveals for rest of the year/early next year. I did that here and here.
    - Play more of Portal 2 and possible do some Co-Op with people
    - Catch up on Legend of Korra and possibly have some belated reaction entries to them
    - Maybe buy a copy of Hunger Games to read
    - Review my Statics and Strengths Textbook
    July - This Month is officially dedicated to Kingdom Hearts
    - Enjoy my one week's pay vacation by replaying both Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II. Also work on completing Birth by Sleep (I actually might play some Birth by Sleep in June too, but I am putting it here just as reminder that I still have it to fall back on for this month.).
    - Do an experiment with my Dazzle by playing Gameboy Advance LEGO Bionicle game on my Gamecube
    - July 18th > Celebrate my seventh anniversary of being on BZPower (Who knows what I'll do? Probably nothing actually, but I probably will acknowledge it when it comes.)
    - Celebrate BZPower's Birthday (I'll still thinking about what I am going to do for this exactly, so you will just have to wait and see.)
    - Make a Minifigure size Keyblade in Inventor
    - If I hadn't done so already, buy some of those awesome Lord of Rings sets.
    - July 31st > Obviously play Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance for first time. I might do an unboxing or something since I did bother to get the Mark of Mastery edition.
    - Review my Statics and Strengths Textbook
    - If the trip is still on, go to BrickFair for first time in my entire life.
    - Play more of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
    - Review my Statics and Strengths Textbook
    - Go back to school and take my last and final course for my current degree
    Alright, that's all my plans for now. And yeah, I know I have a lot in June, but that just because it closest month coming up, so I have kind of have high expectations for it.
    Plus, most of these plans are subject to change anyway. Really I am just putting them out here, so that ideas feel more physical to me since they can easily get lost in my head otherwise. Yeah, I know that's weird, but I have always been of mentality that writing things down or saying them vocally makes ideas or plans more real to its owner. *shrugs*
    But anyway, that's all I have for you today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all at least found this to be kind of interesting to read. I am sorry if it wasn't though. Well, I'll see you all later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
    Music listen to while writing this: Dark Pit's Theme and Driftveil City's Theme
  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be kind of short since I would like to get to bed soon considering I do have work tomorrow. So to straight to point of this entry, I was playing a lot of Kid Icarus: Uprising today (About 6 hours and 26 minutes according to the 3DS's nice little chart thing.).
    And well, guys, I think this game might end up being my Game of the Year. Seriously it is awesome game with great humor and I personally recommend it to anyone with a 3DS because it is one of the system's most top-notch titles out this year. Heck, if you don't even have a 3DS and you are planning on getting one, buy this game with it because you seriously won't regret doing it.
    Oh, and I am blockhead because I got finished by Pyrrhon a bunch times before realizing he had a shield that I had to take down first. So yeah, once I got pass that stopping block, I was cruising through the chapters and I am now on the final chapter of the game. Which I actually would still be playing now; but since I got work tomorrow and I was getting finished by final boss a lot, I decide to call it a night. I most likely will beat it tomorrow though, so wish me luck with that.
    Oh, and for those curious, my favorite chapter has got to be Chapter 18, which I must say really makes me wish that Nintendo could make an adventure game center around being a dog now. Also I really hoping that Nintendo will think about working on another Kid Icarus game since I personally don't want to see Pit go back to the closet of forgotten heroes. *sigh*
    Alright, I think did enough promoting of Kid Icarus: Uprising for one night, so I am calling this entry and post it. Thanks for reading it, folks. And I hope you all have a good night. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  6. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is going to be another Pokelog with a bit random thoughts in the mix since I am not huge fan of making multiply entries in one day. Sorry to those people that would like it better if I kept things separate. But well, you have to deal with if you want to follow my blog as it is either the whole package or nothing. Again, sorry.
    But anyway, I was playing Pokemon Black last Friday (Man, this entry is late. I should of had it up days ago.) for about 4 hours and 15 minutes, so I did get bit done. Well, actually the only thing that I completed in those hours was getting through Twist Mountain, so I doubt that very impressive. In my defense though, I was taking internet breaks in between stuff, so I probably could of had better playtime. Yeah, I know it is lame excuse, but it is true.
    Alright, so I got to Icirrus City and well, I basically just took in sights when I got there. And man, I must say I really like this city's layout. But I especially like the nice looking wind mills that it got there.
    I did notice some weird during my walk about and that it appears that gym leader is actually in their gym. Which is kind of different for this game considering almost all the Gym leaders (Excluding the first gym leaders.) came up to me and tell me that they have to run somewhere or want me to do something first before I could actually battle them.
    *shrugs* Actually it is not that weird really. It just a bit of surprise is all since I been getting use to idea that the Gym leader come up to you as soon as you enter the area. But anyway, I did not do much outside of explode the city for a bit since I was too tired at that point to do anything else. And well, since I was tired (It was midnight at the time.), I decided to call it for night and save my game, so I could stop playing.
    So yeah, for a four hour playthrough of Pokemon Black, I do not have much to mention here that super exciting like I caught a new Pokemon or that beat the Gym leader of the city (Which technically I guess I could of done since Ice type Pokemon are weak to Fire and Fighting type Pokemon, so my starter probably could of own the place up; sorry.).
    If I had to say anything about this playthrough, it is that I am kind of surprise that I am nearing end of my journey already. I say this because I just notice that I only two badges away from Elite Four, so that means the plot will be wrapping up soon. And well, it kind sadden me and make me wish there was another Gym out there to do. *shrugs*
    I guess I could always buy another copy of White version to play (I brought my sister's White version last year.) and play through that one to see how different they are. Or I could just go back to my Heartgold game and work on finishing my journey in that one. lol I probably shouldn't be getting ahead of myself since after all, I have not beaten game yet.
    Plus, there is post-Elite Four stuff in this game, so it is not like I am going to completely done with Pokemon Black. I mean I could work on my Pokedex or making a team for online or something (Which I expect I would be owned in a lot since I never been most tactical trainer.). I don't know if I would still be writing entries for it like this though, unless people really want to see me rambling about catching Pokemon and training up a team for online play. Yeah, I don't think you guys are interest in hearing about that stuff.
    But anyway, I think I say enough about Pokemon for this entry, so let us move on from that topic. Alright, so the next topic is about Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance and well, it basically just me asking whether or not you think getting Mark of Mastery edition of game is worth it. Okay, so for those that don't know, Mark of Mastery is kind of like anniversary special box set that comes with Kingdom Hearts: 3D, which gives with the game itself, 5 "rare" AR cards, 12 art cards reflecting upon the series history, and a Kingdom Heart theme Protector Case for your 3DS.
    I think it sounds alright for special box set thing, although it is going to cost me about fifteen more and only truly appealing things in it that I care about are the AR cards and Protector Case (I only care about the case because I hate getting finger print marks on my 3DS.). Oh, and speaking of AR cards, I am really hoping that they do not do what Kid Icarus did with it and actually sell card packs in stores since I really would like to collect the cards.
    Moving right along, the next thing that I want to mention something funny about this picture. So you guys remember that friend of mines I say might be making the trip to BrickFair possible this year, right? Well, apparently he decide to mention to me at end of work last Friday that he notice I change my profile picture to this on a certain social networking (You know the place, I am sure.).
    And funny thing about that is how he was struggling with trying to describe to thing that I was holding because he could not think of its name. Now in his defense, he has never seen a Star Wars film (The reasoning for that apparently religious related, so I am not going to go on in detail about it. I will say this though that I can't understand for life of me why his family is fine with James Cameron's Avatar, but they had issues with Star Wars.), so it is kind of understandable that he would not know the characters in it. However I do think even non-Star Wars fans should at least know who R2-D2 is or know what he looks like because he is one of most iconic characters from Star Wars trilogies, after all. *shrugs*
    But yeah, I kind of got a chuckle out of that since as a Star Wars fan, I never expected anyone to ever have trouble recalling R2's name. Oh, and speaking Star Wars, am I only one that spent a good deal of this weekend watching original trilogy on Spike? Just curious is all.
    Also speaking of that friend, there might be a stopper in our plans of going to BrickFair together since I been noticing his sister has been stealing his car a lot from him at work, so we might not be able to actually do it if such a trip is going to pose an issue with his sister need for the car. It is unfortunate, but it wasn't like I was expecting it to actually happen. That and if it did, it would be at most a day trip, so we would of probably just shown up on the public open hours on Saturday.
    Although if by some insane amount of luck that it does actually happen, I would probably bring my 3DS with me to see if I could get some Streetpasses, while I am there. It probably won't happen, but that is worth mentioning, I guess.
    Alright, with that say, I am going to call this entry and finally post it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good night. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  7. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's hot news with JMJ is I am suing Gym Leader, Skyla, for the damages that my face suffer having to do her little obstacle course to meet with her on the top platform in the back of her gym. Not only, but I am suing for the reckless endangerment that she puts us, the trainers, in by firing us out of cannons all over her place. My Pokemon Lawyer, Snorlex, has told me that he has his best Delibird on it, so she should be serve her court papers by next week.
    That's all I got for you, folks. If you see Skyla, please tell her that I'll see her in court soon about this issue.
    lol Guys, yeah, that's a joke. I am not suing anyone and this entry is not over. I was just having a little fun is all before I gave you guys the real Pokelog stuff for today. Before I start though, I just want to apologize about not having an entry up yesterday (Which if I play my cards right, it would of likely have been this entry you see now.).
    I am sorry about that, guys. You see yesterday I kind of pass out on the couch in the basement, so I did not get the chance to really play Pokemon Black yesterday or do anything else more productive than sleeping. Once again, I am sorry about that.
    Thankfully though, I was able to play some Pokemon Black today, so I got an entry for you guys. Yay! Let's get to it, shall we? Okay, so last time I talk about Pokemon Black, I was heading to Celestial Tower to meet with Skylar about helping a sick Pokemon. Well, to make long story short, I made it to the top and found out that she have heal the Pokemon already.
    She then told me to ring the bell, so I did and we heard the game's personality of me come out of bell. I am actually kind of curious if it makes different sounds based on your trainer type (Mines is currently serious nature type.), so I guess I will have to go back and try it sometime to see if changing your trainer type makes the sound different. It probably doesn't, but it would be cool if it did have an individual sound for each trainer type.
    But anyway, she told me to meet her back at the Gym, so I walk back down the tower and train my Pokemon up along the way. All my Pokemon, expect for Zecora (Blitzle), were up to level 34, when I got to the Gym, which I admitted was kind of under level for taking on this Gym. But well, I did not feel like grinding, so I thought I would plow on ahead. I can't say I regret doing this either since I actually did quite well in this gym and I beat the Gym leader without having to reset the game.
    So yeah, I would say even though I was under level for this gym that my plan for tackling it was pretty solid as I was evenly making use of all my Pokemon, where they were useful. Really, I think the only Pokemon that I have trouble with today was Alomomola, which is a Pokemon that nurse in the tower had and it was only difficult because it had a lot of HP (That Pokemon would make a good wall in online play considering how much damage it took to take it out.).
    Oh, and beside getting my sixth Gym badge, Zecora evolved into Zebstrika during one of the trainer battles, so I am pretty happy about that. She still kind of under level though and I think I might want to train her up some in Twist Mountain, so she can catch up to the others. It should not take too long though to do that she still only like two levels away from my current team captain's level, which is 35.
    And man, I can not wait to play through Twist Mountain since I took a peek of it before I sign off for today and it looks pretty interesting from what I seen of it. If only, I did not have work tomorrow. No wait, I just remember that I actually got nothing on TV to watch tomorrow, so I guess I will have time to play this tomorrow. Yay! That and I do have a three day weekend (Monday's Memorial Day, so I am off from work.).
    Oh, and I am starting to think that the Unova region starting to become my favorite region in the Pokemon world since there is a lot of interesting stuff here and I really liking the story behind it so far. Admittedly, there are some features that I am not huge fan of such as some of more odder Pokemon designs (I am looking at you, Mister Trashbag Pokemon.) and the lack of having one of your Pokemon walk with you (What can I say? I really liked that feature in Johto remakes.).
    Alright, that's all the rambling I got for you today. I am sorry if it was not very interesting for you read, but thanks for taking the time to read it. And well, I hope you all have good night. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  8. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, folks. Today's entry is going to be a short one since I am kind of tired. And well, I'll be honest with you guys that I have not really done anything today that is newsworthy for you guys to hear. I did however just watch the anime style trailer for Pokemon Black and White 2.
    And not only has it gotten me kind of excited for those games, but it did renew my interest in getting back into the swing of my Pokemon Black play-through, so you should probably see an entry from me tomorrow about my progress in the game. Heck, if I wasn't so tired right now and I did not have work tomorrow, I would actually be playing it right now. Unfortunately that is not case, so I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow and hopefully I'll be more awake than I am today when I get home from work.
    Of course, if that's to happen, I got to get this entry done fast as it is already eleven o'clock at night here. But anyway, the other thing that I thought about from watching this trailer was how I kind of think it would be cool to see this be the anime for Unova region rather than one involving the "forever young" Ash. Admittedly, I have not watch the Unova series of anime, so I guess I should not be judging like this. Still though, I think it would been kind of nice to have the Unova related anime be a bit more of an adaptation of the games. *shrugs*
    In more BZP related news involving Pokemon, I am thinking I might join the Rise of Rockets RPG in Completely Off Topic since it seem like it would be very fun to play. However I mostly won't be joining until I finish researching it as I kind would like to know everything that went on before since I think it will help me figure out how to play well in the game.
    And furthermore, I simply like adsorbing knowledge about everyone's role in the story, which is kind of bad thing since I know from experiences with BZPRPG that I eventually will just get overwhelm by all the information and simply give up on it. So hopefully that will not happen with this one.
    Alright, folks, I really needed to go to bed now, so I am going to end this here. Thanks for taking the time to read this and good night.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  9. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is a video game one. Yay, right? Actually no, not yay since I spent like five hours playing the Ice Cream Beat mini-game in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for Ven's story and I am little annoyed at the moment, especially considering I still hadn't beaten it. I mean seriously guys, a mini-game like this should not be that hard. Not only that, but it should not be the deciding factor for unlocking the last world in Ven's story.
    Argh...If it weren't for the fact that my PSP is low on battery power, I would probably still be doing it now too. Although at the same time, it is good that I am not as I was getting to throw controller level of annoyance and you all know that does not end well when your controller is a handheld. But man, I seriously must be worst gamer ever as I watch a few people do it online and they make it look so easy. I just can't seem to time my button pressing well enough near the end of the mini-game, so I keep scoring in like 500s and 700s region rather than in the 1000s (Which is what I read is the requirement for beating it). Argh...
    In other video game related news, I play a bit Minecraft earlier today. But to be honest, I did not really do much in it to elaborate here. I did notice something weird though. During one of the times that I was leaving the house after changing it from night to day by sleeping in my bed, there was a couple of Creepers sitting out across the riverbank that I was cleaning out.
    Now obviously I was freaking out at the sight of them and I was thinking, "Oh, man. What am I going to do now? They just ruin my plans for the day," and then this happen, "Wait...What? Did they just both go proof? How did that happen? I didn't put it on peaceful mode. How are they gone?" Naturally I was curious and all, so I got closer to see if they were really gone and they were.
    I have no idea how that happen, but apparently I have magic mental Creeper removal powers. lol No, I think I just move far enough away from them that the game must of stop loading them or something. *shrugs* Any of you Minecraft scientists have an explanation for this?
    And well, that's about all I got for you guys. I am sorry if it is not too interesting to you, but I am kind of tired right now, so I don't feel like ramble about anything else; sorry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks, and good night.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  10. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am here again upon more this Friday to give you guys another TV show post-hype entry. But unfortunately like my previous entries, this one is not about FRINGE. Why is that? Because FRINGE is done until the fall season starts up, so obviously I could not have been watching FRINGE today.
    I did however watch another favorite show of mines this Friday and that was Supernatural, which is a show that very rarely get to see when it actually airs since I tend to favor watching FRINGE more. By no means does that mean this is not a good show though, I personally loved Supernatural for its characters, story, humor, and their portrayals of supernatural creatures. It is just that FRINGE kind of pulls me in because I have been following since the very beginning (I am season 1 veteran. While with Supernatural, I did not get into it until late into season 2.).
    I will say this though. This show is not for everyone and I have no doubt that it probably has offend someone out there somewhere with portrayals of some stuff. And well, it is with that in mind and my general no spoiler policy to not speak or rather write too much about this episode in detail. It is a precaution that I feel is necessary, so I hope you all understand.
    Alright, so about the episode itself, I thought it did very good job ending off this season with its cliffhanger to lead us into season 8 next fall. I do feel it kind of rehash season 3 ending plotline, but obviously in a different context.
    I think the scene that stands out the most in my mind has got to be Bobby's send off, which I am personally really hoping is not true and he is somehow able to come back later in season 8 because I can't really picture a season without him. Not only that, but I think this season has been harsh enough on the boys as it is with loss of so many of their friends.
    That's just wishful thinking though and I have no doubt the Supernatural writers will find a way to make things worst for them as they always seem to top the previous season conflict somehow. Of course, if they didn't, then we wouldn't really have a show since the conflict is what fuels the story and keeps it going. *shrugs*
    And well, that's about all that I am going to say about the Supernatural finale. In other news, I got my R2 Unit yesterday and I apparently was able to complete it in about 6 hours. lol Yeah, I know some of you guys probably could finish it in less time than that, but I wasn't trying to speed build it. And in my defense, some of the parts blend in with one another, so I was staring sometimes just looking for a piece (I did not take the time to sort pieces.).
    But anyway, it was quite a fun building experience for me and I personally think that LEGO designer deserve mad props for all the features, he or she incorporated into the model. I will proudly be putting this up on display somewhere in the basement when I clean the place up at some point this summer. I also maybe doing a post-build review if you guys really want. Oh, and here is proof that I actually have the set. Yeah, I know my hair cut is awful and I am ugly looking, but just pay attention to R2 in the photo, not me, and you should be fine.
    In video game related news, I unfortunately did not get to play Pokemon Black today, but I might play it during this weekend. I am also strangely in the mood to play some Kingdom Hearts, so I may or may not be playing KH I on our PS2 tomorrow. Actually now that I am thinking about it, I also kind of want to play Kid Icarus some more, so I may be playing a bit of that as well tomorrow. *shrugs* Either way, I am going have something to talk about tomorrow, I guess.
    Alright, that's all I got for today. Thanks for taking to time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Good Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  11. Jedi Master J.
    Heya, BZPers. I am just popping in today to give you your daily dose of JMJ's randomness.
    And guess what, folks? The grade for last semester class is in (It is an A, by the way.). YES! Man, that is relief off my shoulders, especially considering early today it appear as an F. But thankfully my instructor was true to his word and got the job done. Now I just need to get my Detail-Assembly-Fixture Design grade in and I will be golden to graduate next semester. So yeah, I am pretty happy about that news (I actually smiling right now, but that most Pinkie Pie induced since I am listening to "Smile" on loop in the background.).
    Outside of that news, my day has been mostly dull and I did not get around to playing either Minecraft or Pokemon today (I am probably going to be playing Pokemon Black this Friday.). Well, I guess one could argue that I did do something today that was different and that was going to an award ceremony. But really that was mostly just a boring event that took up three hours of my free time from work today, so it is hardly worth mentioning.
    Well, I guess I should mention that apparently my family and I misread the letter about the award since I got it simply because I have six or more classes with "above" average grades for my major, so an instructor did not recommend me for the award. Oh, well, I can't say I really care about the award anyway since it is basically just rehashing what you already know about your grades in the college by giving you a piece of paper saying "Hey, look you are taking the course work, you are paying for mostly out of your own pocket, seriously." *shrugs*
    So yeah, not much else to really say here since outside of those two things, I was just at work all day and I doubt you guys really want to read about my work day. With that say though, I would like to take this time to kind of poll you guys on what entries you want from me. So please answer the following questions, if you have the time to:
    What do you want to see more of?
    - Life Entries
    - Video Games Related Entries (Such as my Pokemon Black play-through or Minecraft entry from yesterday.)
    - Set Reviews
    - TV Show Related Entries (Such as my FRINGE entries and soon Legend of Korra entries once I catch up with the show [i am two episodes behind.])
    - Other (Please expand upon this, if you pick this choice.)
    What do you want to see less of?
    - Life Entries
    - Video Games Related Entries
    - Set Reviews
    - TV Show Related Entries
    - Other (See previous question's choice)
    I am just asking because I kind of curious about what you guys might find interesting about my blog to check it out, especially considering I am one of dullest BZPer out there, I imagine.
    Alright, that's all I got for this entry. Again, I am sorry if it was not too interesting for you to read. And well, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  12. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be life entry. So if you don't like those, then simply just tune this one out. Apologizes to those that do chose to stay and read this as it will no doubt be quite a boring entry for you to read.
    With that said, let us begin. My first life topic is going to be school and how once again I maybe getting screw out another class, I need to graduate on time. Why do I say this? Because the class, I took last semester that end up getting an extension due the death of my instructor's brother last December, still lacks a grade and apparently if my instructor does not get it in by tomorrow, I will have to not only retake the course; but take an F as my course grade (Which is going to hurt my 3.75 GPA.). Plus, that course is not even available next semester, so I will have to take an extra extra semester.
    I want to...RAGE!!! Seriously this should of been resolve months ago and instead the instructor has kept pulling me off by telling stuff like, "I am waiting for some other people to submit work first before I file the paper work." I been understanding, patience, and kind about this, but this has really just reach the point where I am about ready to flip out, especially considering it means that I have waste money last fall semester taking the class and it is going to harm my GPA. I mean seriously if this is not resolve tomorrow, I am taking off from work Wednesday and going into the school to personal complain about this problem.
    Oh, and speaking of Wednesday, I quite nervous about attending that award ceremony and I really wish I didn't have to. I don't want my photo in the paper, I don't want the attention, and I especially don't deserve that award. I mean seriously I am not that good of a student or person in general, so I don't see why I should be honor in any award ceremony. Not only that, but there are so many people in this world far more deserving than me for this honor and yet some instructor at my school end up suggesting me. Why?
    Alright, moving on from that, I guess I could talk about work for a bit. Although there is really not much to say beside that we have been quite busy this month, so things are looking good business-wise. I mostly just been doing quote stuff lately, but I should be getting back into groove of releasing books to shop soon. Hm...What else should I mention? Oh, yeah, I remember now. I want to tell you guys that weirdest thing happen today, while I was on the shop floor.
    One of my bosses, for some reason (Probably trolling me), hug me. Yeah, weird, right? I kind of thought I imagine it, but it actually did happen and I have no idea why he did, especially considering he tends to be one of the bosses here that yell a lot at people. No, actually I am still not sure if it was real or not. I might of been hallucinating and here's hoping that was it.
    Hm...That's all life news I got at the moment. Like I said above, I doubt any of this stuff really interest you, but sometimes I just feel like venting a little. I hope you understand.
    Oh, and before I go, I should mention here that I will have Pokemon Black entry up later in the week, so if you like my Pokemon rambling stay tune into this blog for that. Until then, thanks for reading my blog and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  13. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. It is time upon more for my daily Friday FRINGE episode entry. This entry is kind of special from others though because today's episode was this season finale, which means this will be last FRINGE Friday entry until the next season starts up.
    And boy, I can't wait for that season to start. I mean yeah, I know it is not going to be as long as this season, which means it is going be a pretty compacted season. I also pretty sure that a lot of my questions are probably not going to get answer at all.
    However I do have some faith in the writers at least providing us with a good and pleasing end to all this. Hopefully they don't pull a Prison Break on me and say, "Hey, here is the ending to series. *flash-forward to Michael's grave* You want to know how it happen. Well, buy the made for TV movie that we won't actually be airing on TV ever." Seriously FRINGE, please do not do that!
    But anyway, on to the episode itself, I thought it was a great episode and I really love all references that it made to previous seasons. It also not surprisingly linked up quite well with episode 19th's future, so I think it is pretty much guarantee that season 5 will be mostly about that. I do hope though that they try to give the other side some screen time as I would like to know how they doing after 24 years of being out of contact with our side. If not that, at the very least I want them to touch base with the other side at end of that season, so we know that everything is going alright for them and that maybe they found a way to heal their universe without the bridge.
    Back to the episode itself though, I really loved this timeline's version of Bell since it does related quite well to what we knew of the original Bell. What I mean that is we always knew Bell had an ego and was always after immortalizing himself in history (Just look at last season when he came back from the dead and shown little care at all that he was using Olivia's body to do it. Sure, he did leave eventually and was experimenting with Walter on ways of separating himself from Olivia's body, but he did not make this his top priority until Peter kind of forced it on him.). Plus, it will also mean that really Bell was funding ZFT (Well, at least this timeline one was.).
    Hm...You know thinking about the original Bell really makes me wish he could make a reappearance, so we could of explore his character some more like we did with his counterpart here. I doubt that will happen though since new timeline appears to be staying. But man, I would loved it if Leonard Nimoy would sign on next season to do a few episodes for FRINGE, even if it wasn't the original Bell and this new timeline one. Seriously, that would be too awesome for words.
    Alright, I think I say enough about FRINGE here. And beside, I don't want to say too much here as otherwise I'll be spoiling stuff for you guys and I don't want do that. So in other news, I got my grades in Technical Mechanics today and surprisingly enough I got an A in the class, which personally I find shocking since I had trouble with the math a lot.
    I also got my grade in 3D CAD on the day of finals last Wednesday and it was also an A. Although obviously that wasn't a surprised to me since I basically taught the class how to use Inventor for most part. Heck, a classmate of mines actually recommended me to an instructor in CAD lab that I should become a tutor. No idea if I will though since this semester pretty much told me I should not take on too much of work in between classes and work. *shrugs*
    Outside of those two classes, I have wait for grades for my independent study course and my Design Fixture course to be add. That and a course from last semester, which was given an extension (This is due to fact that instructor lost a loved one) until the end of this semester to get the grade in. So yeah, I am still on pins and needles waiting for those grades to be submitted. Hopefully they are as good as the above grades.
    In less school related news, I been re-watching a lot of SPIRIT's PSAs and I must say I miss this guy's humor. I really wish he could come back to BZPower and do funny stuff like again. Am I the only one that misses him? ... That's all I have to say here, so I guess I'll more on from that and mention I got a PS3 with Portal 2. Yay! Obviously I can't play with current DLC though. But still it is awesome to finally get to play it after having it unable to play on your computer for so long.
    If there is one thing that annoys me about the system, it is having to charge my controllers before you can actually just to play it. That and you have to jump through hoops to get a Playstation Network account, which actually was kind of waste of time anyway since co-op between Steam and PS3 kept failing to properly work when my sister and I try to do it (We would of try the split screen thing, but we couldn't figure out how to add the other controller to the console. I probably should read the instruction booklet. lol).
    Ultimately I ended up playing a bit of single play campaign before FRINGE started today at 9 PM, which I must say it was quite fun. The controls are bit jarring to get used to, but then again that it is probably because I am too used to Nintendo style controllers (Which can't be help when you been playing or watching Nintendo products since you were one.). Although it is worth noting that in some places, I did move intently slow, so I can get Wheatley's comments for people that have no idea what they are doing as I wanted a good laugh at the dialog.
    Well, that's all I have for you guys today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  14. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, BZPers. Now before any of you call me out on this, yes, I know I say I was going to be inactive to 11th and well, I will be for the most part during this weekend. But...well, I kind of can't help myself since I wanted to at least continue the entry trend of Fringe Fridays. And beside, I am mostly up to speed where I want to be right now, so typing a blog entry should not really hurt me.
    So yeah, tonight's episode was pretty interesting and it especially got me excited for next week's episode due to the cliffhanger. And man, it got me emotional when I saw what happens to Astrid near the end. But obviously I can't really say more than this as otherwise I am spoiling the episode for those that might of miss it, so I am going to stop this discussion here since I do not trust myself to really avoid stepping into spoiler zone with this episode.
    Alright, moving on from that, I guess it is worth mentioning that my sister is graduating with her bachelor degree tomorrow, so I would appreciate if you could send some congrats her way. Heck, if you want, you can do it in her profile here. Thanks in advatange to those people that decided to do that.
    And on to more LEGO related news, I am order my R2D2 unit from LEGO tomorrow, so expect a review of that beauty in the far off future (I say far off future because I probably won't have it until next month since currently they are out of stock.). I can't wait to put that thing on display somewhere in the basement. It is the perfect display to show my Star Wars fanboyness and love for LEGO.
    Oh, and speaking of my love for LEGO, here is a link to xccj's LEGO In The Community, which has one of the rarest and possibly only time that I have dare shown myself to BZPower populace. So tell me guys, which ones is me? (Hint: I am guy with the thick glasses, who speech skills stink.).
    Well, folks, that's all I got for you today. As I say in the previous entry, my activity here will be mostly nonexistence until I have gotten most of the work, I need to do, out of the way. I might pop in again though just to write a short entry or two here, so don't be too surprised if you see me show up for a bit. But until then, I hope you all have a good weekend. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  15. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just here to give you all my usual Friday episode of FRINGE excitement. Admittedly there was less excitement for me in this one since its ending really brought me down in the dumps.
    Obviously though, I cannot talk about though as it is a major spoiler of the episode and I don't want to be spoiling stuff here for those that miss tonight's episode. Still it was good episode and judging from previews for the next episode, I am pretty excited about watching next week's episode. However I think what I am more excited about has got to be the fact that FRINGE has been picked up for a fifth season. YES!
    Now usually I would say this has made my day, but my day was already made about six hours ago by a phone call, I had with a very good friend of mines. Hm...Should I mention it here? Yeah, I might as well. Okay, so every Friday while I wait for my bus, I tend to call my best friend from high school to help making the wait go a little faster. Well, I did it today like usual and start chatting him up about 3DS news, school, and work (We both work at the same place. I actually got him the job there. Also unfortunately I forgot to ask him if he was watching Legend of Korra, which airs on Saturdays. I'll have to ask him tomorrow in a text.).
    Obviously 3DS news-wise, we talk about the latest Nintendo update, which adds folders to the system (By the way, I love having folders on my 3DS. It makes things look so much neater. I do wish though that we could make folders within folders.), and general Nintendo 3DS game release talk about games like Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. It was a good talk, but that was not what made my day.
    No, what made my day was obviously his response to my text last Saturday. For you see, I finally build up the guts last Saturday to ask him if he would be interest in taking a trip with me to Washington DC to check out BrickFair in August. His answer was surprisingly enough yes, which I got to say I am still in shock about it as I never expected that to be his answer. So yup, guys, I actually might be going to BrickFair this year (I say might because I still need to touch base on him about the details if we actually end up doing this trip.).
    Alright, I think that's all I have for you all. Well, if I had more energy, I would probably write more here. But I am kind of exhaust from all the late nights that I been having to doing this week (Monday thru Tuesday, I had to stay up to at least 2 AM because I needed to get my interview for xccj ready for him to edit by Wednesday. Thursday, I had to stay up to 1 AM because of the CAD work, I been neglecting.), so I really need to go to bed, especially considering I got work tomorrow. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  16. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to tell you all my Pottermore information since I saw a couple others share that stuff here in their blogs. And well, I thought I might as well since I do have an account there and all. So below is my information on Pottermore:
    Username: SpiritAsh54
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand: 10-3/4" Ebony with a Unicorn Core, Surprisingly Swishy
    Yeah, I know Hufflepuff is not exactly an awesome house to be in (It is, after all, last place in the House Cup, at least according to the last time I checked.), but I think the Sorting Hat did made the right decision of placing me in there since it does match my personality pretty well. As for the wand, it sounds to me like it is a pretty good wand (not very powerful though), so I got nothing really to complain about. Although I am kind of scared to see what Wizard Dueling is like in this interaction game story thing since I don't want to end up losing my wand.
    Okay, with that out of the way, I am going call this an entry and post it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, BZPers. Talk to you later.
    Did they buy it? Of course, they didn't. They want to hear about Ponies and here you are leaving them hanging with Pottermore stuff. Okay, I guess I'll talk about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic here since I did put it in the title and all.
    So I am not sure if you guys recall or not, but I mention in an entry that I have decide to check out the show to see what hype was about and I ended up watching whole entire of season 1 in a couple of sittings since like a lot of things I watched, I found it hard to stop watching and kept longing for more.
    So yeah, if you did not know already, I am a fan of the series. Admittedly I have not been following much since that entry as school and work love tag teaming away my free time, so I have not seen much of season 2 (Plus, I don't have the Hub.).
    However today I decided to buy some episodes of season 2 off iTunes and I been watching them. I must say I am really liking this season a lot since there appears be a lot of good character related episodes going on (Discord was an awesome villain for the two-part as well.).
    I think so far my favorite episode has to be Family Appreciation Day, which oddly I start to tear up a little at the end of episode. I am not sure why I did exactly, but it felt so heartwarming seeing Apple Bloom realize how mistaken she was about her grandmother. I also liked Baby Cakes if only because I love how cute the babies were and absurd things Pinkie Pie did while babysitting them.
    But anyway, I just thought I would tell you all that I am watching season 2 and loving it so far. There is really no much else to it than that. With that say, I guess I can end this entry for real now.
    No wait, I guess I should mention this; If you could keep my mother's family in your thoughts or prayers, I would greatly appreciate it since I know that they are likely going to have a rough time this Friday since my Great Aunt has died and her funeral going to probably be happening this Friday.Thanks to those that do.
    Okay, with that out of the way, I am going call this an entry and post it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, BZPers. Talk to you later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  17. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to tell you guys that in between doing a lot of CAD work today, I was able to watch the finale of season 2 for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And man, it was good. This show sure knows how to make good villains, doesn't it? Well, I think they do at least.
    Oh, and like many people, I can't stop listening to "This Day Aria," so I have it on repeat in the background right now. And for reasons I don't understand, I really like how Queen Chrysalis rolls her Rs when she says perfect. *shrugs* I guess it just it reminds me speech lessons that I got from my speech teacher in elementary school (lol A lot good that did me considering I barely can pronounce any BIONICLE words.).
    But anyway, I am kind interested in learning more about the Changelings in general, so hopefully season 3 might revisit them at some point. Outside of that, I don't really have much to discuss about the episode or speculation on what to come next.
    So until it comes back, I guess I could talk about Legend of Korra stuff here, if you guys want, since I have been watching the series so far and loving it. Of course, much like with FRINGE, I will not write up spoiler stuff here about LoK, if I do end up talking about it here.
    Alright, that's all I have for you guys. Yeah, I know I did not talk about much here, but I thought I should at least mention here that I caught the finale of season 2. That and I wanted to poll your interesting on me talking about Legend of Korra here, so I think it is worth posting here as an entry.
    Oh, and apologizes to those that I might be annoying with these ponies entries. I unfortunately have had ponies on my mind for past week, so I kind can't help talking about it; sorry. I'll try to make my next entry pony free for ya. With that out of the way, good night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  18. Jedi Master J.
    *hyper* Hey, folks. It is time once again for me to write up a post-FRINGE episode and man, folks, it was a good one. Of course, I say that pretty much about every episode that I have watched, so you are probably not surprised.
    This is not to say though that I don't find anything to dislike in those episodes as I actually do find things to dislike in them. I simply just don't mention them here because such discussion would lead me to talk about episode in detail and that would be spoiling things for someone, so I can't have that here.
    For example (Which I won't be talking too much about since again, I would be spoiling), I really dislike how it end in such a cliffhanger and it made me rage to the heavens, "FOX renew FRINGE!!" Seriously they can't just start telling me a new story arc and have it end here in this episode with a cliffhanger. Why must you tease me with what could be, FRINGE? Alright, that's all I am going to say on this episode because if I were to say anymore than that, we will be walking right into spoiler territory and we don't want that, do we?
    In other non-FRINGE related news, I turned twenty today. And as per last year's trandition, I got no Birthday wishes or topic, so good work, guys. I'll see you all next April 20th at same time and same place and you will do nothing like you are supposed to. Alright, I'll stop ribbing you guys and tell you about my day, which I'll be honest, outside of FRINGE, it was pretty dull since nothing really happen.
    Well, that's not totally true. My Great Aunt's funeral was today and well, since my mother had to go to it, I did a lot of walking today. In particular, I had to walk all the way from work to a bus stop (I ride the SEPTA bus to school everyday.), which is not around the corner and lot of the roads, I walked, do not have sidewalks. It actually was not that bad though and personally I have no problem doing it since I completely understand why she couldn't pick me up from work and all. And beside, I kind of do need the exercise.
    But anyway, after the long walk, I got school and really did not do much, which kind makes me think I should of given into the desire to skip class today. *shrugs* Hm...I probably should been working on my final project for class since officially it has been decided that I will be building the LEGO House set in Inventor. Although considering I was at school and away from my pieces to re-engineering from, I couldn't really do that. And that is all that really happen with me today.
    So what else do I have to talk about here? Well, for starters, I kind of surprised that my last entry actually got people agreeing with me about not wanting to go to award ceremonies or graduation. Seriously I expected if I got any replies to that entry, they would be from people saying, "Dude, suck it up and be social," or something along those lines. Which unfortunately is kind what I going to have to do since my mother is convince it will be good thing to put on my resume. That and not going to it will apparently reflect badly on my character or something.
    Moving on from that, I would like first apologize to Ortographobia because I failed to find some time to play Pokemon Black today and unfortunately my weekend is too jam packed to really make any promises that I will have something up by Sunday. I am sorry, dude. Hopefully next weekend things will start dying down for me school wise that I will be get some playtime in for the game again.
    As for the next thing, I thought I would share with you some of my plans for this weekend. The following is what I will hopefully doing this Saturday:
    - Go to the work in tomorrow (This one will happen.)
    - Clean the basement up (Well, some of it. Probably not all of it as that would take a few days to do probably.)
    - Shave and get a hair cut (Shaving will most likely happen, but hair cut probably not since my barber closes earlier on Saturdays.)
    - Record the interview for xccj (This absolute will happen tomorrow and it will no doubt take awhile since I know I am going to mess up a lot.)
    - Work on modeling the rest of LEGO House project
    - If I finished everything for LEGO House project, work on the Ussal Crab as a side project for fun
    Yup, that's most what I will be doing this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to get most of those things done.
    Alright, I got one last topic to talk about and that is I am now flipfloping again about BrickFair and saying, "You know what maybe I could still go, if I change my travel option to simply plane and taxi." *shrugs* I don't know. It is a thought though. Although to be honest, what I really would like is convince a good friend of mines to come with me, so we could kind of get break from our families for a bit. Again, I have no idea really if anything will come from this, so don't get your hopes up.
    And that's all I have for you guys today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  19. Jedi Master J.
    Argh...Why did they have to pick me? *sigh* And of course, my family going to make me go to it, so there will be no avoiding the uncomfortable feelings of having to go on to a stage and get an award, which if you ask me I don't even deserve it.
    But anyway, I am sure you guys did not come here for a psych evaluation of myself, so let's more on to something more worth your time reading about. Of course, it would kind of help if I actually had an idea on what else to talk about here.
    I mean I could mention that tomorrow my final project poll will be closing around 6 PM and that you should vote if you have not already, but that just beating a dead horse really since I am pretty sure I have gotten all input I could possibly get in that entry. Still I am going to stick to what I been saying and just leave it open until tomorrow at 6 PM EST since who knows I could be wrong (I doubt it, but it is possible.). However I am not going to linking it in this entry though for the reason listed above, so just scroll a few entries down if you really want to get to it.
    Hm...What else should I talk about? Minecraft? Well, I guess I could mention that I have been thinking about going back to playing my single player world lately. Admittedly I can't really do that until finals are over with, but maybe I could do a weekly Minecraft and Pokemon Black update this summer. That is if you guys want to read about that stuff.
    But anyway, back to Minecraft topic, I will mostly be working on my sandstone castle that built in a river there (My reasoning doing that is because Creeper explosions are not as bad in water as they are on land.). I also might try multiplayer at some point during the summer, if I get more used to using keyboard controls since otherwise I will be constant victim of trolls or I will annoyed the nice people with patience by constant mistakes. That's all I got for Minecraft topic.
    And well, I am going to call this an entry and post it. I am sorry about it not being very interesting. Next time, if I got nothing to say like this, I will just not post it. Really, the only reason that I am posting this entry is because I think I save it a little with the Minecraft talk, even if it was not that interesting of a talk.
    Oh, and before I go, I should toss this nugget out and that is I don't offically turn 20 today until another nine hours from now since I was born at 9 AM EST in the morning, so any birthday wishes here now would be heresay (Not that, I am expecting you guys to do such a thing and nor do you have to. I am merely mentioning this fact is all.). Alright, with that say, I am off to bed now. Good night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  20. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give all an update on how things are going for my final project.
    So as you know from my past few entries, I have open up an entry asking you guys to vote on a project that you would think would be cool to see in Inventor, which I will then used as my final project for 3D CAD class. And like I say in an early entry after that, I did get start modeling some of the pieces for one of the options already since it is going to be big assembly and it looks like it will be winner at this point (Oh, and since I brought it up, voting for that is open until I get home on Friday around 6 PM EST. So cast your votes, if you have not already.).
    But anyway, the reason I am bring this up again is because I decided that I should probably show you all a picture of some of the progress, I made on that assembly. So without further adoe, here is the link to screenshot.
    Yeah, I know it is not very impression thing to show here from that assembly, but I don't want to pressure people in choosing this project over the others just because I do have some models made for it already. Seriously, you guys should feel free to vote however you like. I simply was showing you all this, so you have a better idea of what to expect is all since I know not a lot of you know me that well here.
    Okay with that out of way, I got a question for ya (Oh, and if you could answer these questions as well, I would greatly appreciated it.). Would you like to see more of drafting and CAD stuff? I am mainly asking because I do have a lot of hand drawn sketches (Including a house) and CAD drawings that I could show you guys, if you all are interest in seeing them.
    In other news, I play some Pokémon Black today. Unfortunately I did not do enough today to really make a progress report on it, so I am sorry to those that like to listen to me ramble on that stuff. Basically all I did in game was walk around Route 7 looking for hidden items and battling trainers. Well, that and embrass myself by thinking the Raised Walkways were bike ramps for a good five or so minutes. *faceplam* Oh, and I have been thinking about nicknaming my Blitzle, Zecora.
    Hm...What either did I want to say here again? Oh, yeah, I took a picture of the still incomplete Town Hall to show you all since I am probably going to have to put my review of it on hold for the time being. Also included in the picture is an old Charmander statue thing, I have, and Charlie Brown Beanie Baby, I got last summer in New Jersey.
    Yeah, people, I almost twenty (Well, in about two days, I will be.) and I'm still holding on to old Pokémon things from my childhood to this day. And personally I could careless if you look down on me for that. Beside, I am sure there are a ton of better reasons to look down on me than this.
    Oh, I just remember I had another Pokémon thing to mention here. You see I have recently been thinking about trying to make myself some custom Pokéballs to store DS Cards in. I think it would be pretty cool thing to have, if you ask me. Although I guess that just me being nerdy. *shrugs*
    Alright, that's all I got for today and well, I should of been in bed like a half hour ago, so I am ending this entry now. Good Night, BZPers. Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling here. Talk to you all later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in to give you a update on the current happens of my life. Which now that think about it, not much has really happen with me today. So I guess I can call this an entry then and post this. Nah, I would never do that since it is waste of both yours and my time.
    So what am I going to talking about here? I guess I could talk about the weather. The weather here in good old Pennsylvania has been pretty good lately with it mainly being in temperatures of early 70s.
    And well, I am loving it, especially when I am at school and I feel like going outside for some fresh air. *cough* Which I only get when I am outside during times after Q-Time since otherwise there are groups of smokers outside. *cough* Really my own complain about the weather here is that it has been too windy lately. That and bees are starting to come out again, so my childhood fear of them is once again striking back with avengeance.
    Okay...Wait a second, did I seriously just talk about the weather here? I must have lost it to pick such a topic to discuss in this blog. Seriously I could be talking about my upcoming plans for this year and instead I am waffling on about the weather here. I have half of mind to delete this entry and rewrite it as that, but you know what I am going to roll with it. Why? Because this is a random entry and I would not be me if I did not at least try to retain some of that randomness for my entries.
    So what else am I going to talk about? FRINGE obviously, which if you did not know I am huge fan of. Although you probably should of notice that because beside last week, I have posted an entry on every Friday that a new episode has premiere. Of course, like those entries, I am not going to spoil anything about this episode for you in case you miss it or whatever.
    I will say this though the episode really pulls at your heart strings and actually starting to make me feel for our side's Lincoln and the whole situation that he is in with our FRINGE team. I also loved the fact that it gave the Other Side some more screen time here since it been getting the shaft end for most of this season. But yeah, I am not going to say anymore than that because I will probably end up spoiling things and we all know how people do not like being spoil of things.
    Oh, and speaking of spoiling stories, please do not spoil the Hunger Games for me. Why's that? Because I just start to reading first book today since my sister rent it to me from her Kindle thing. No wait, let me rephrase that, "I just read the first two sentences of the first book today." I'm going at great pace, aren't I? lol Okay, so back to seriousness, I would appreciate if you guys would try not to spoil it for me. Also if you guys want, I could try my hand at reviewing the book when I finish it.
    In other news, I guess I should take back what I say earlier about the Hiker outside the Chargestone Cave, he was not lying as it really was not a maze like Ortographobia say in the previous entry. So yeah, I jump the gun on that. I am sorry about that guys.
    However I will not take back my comment about the random encounter rate there though since I still think it is ridiulous that sometime I will run into Pokemon by just taking one step in that cave. It is pretty useful for training though, so I am not so much complaining about it as I am finding it to be a minor annoyance to deal with when you are more interest in seeing what Team Plasma is up to.
    Okay, moving on from that, it appears that I will be getting my Town Hall set tomorrow according to their tracker, so I might take some pictures or something of an unboxing to post as an entry here. You will just have to wait and see what I do exactly. All I know is I am going to have some LEGO fun tomorrow and that is all that matters to me. And with that say, I am going to publish this entry and head off to bed. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  22. Jedi Master J.
    EDITED: The title is a joke since apparently Nukaya is Awesome has an entry below mines in the Community Blog list with the title, No; which GSR joked was answering the original title's question (The original title was, "Does anyone have this piece?").
    And well, contrary to what I am sure a lot of people's beliefs of me, I decide to roll with it and change the title itself into a joke. So yes, I do have a sense of humor, even though I don't generally show it here. Now back to our scheduled program...
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to ask you all a question.
    First and foremost though, the question(Which is technically the title of this entry.): Does anyone have this piece? I asking this because it is apparently the only piece that I don't have of LEGO Creator House (#4956) set and I kind will need if I am to recreate the part in Inventor with the rest of set since the way, I do this is through reverse engineering the actual parts.
    Although I guess I could just take rough estimates on its dimensional values, but it is going to bug me to no end if I do that. Well, it is either that or I could just replace it with another door about the same size. *shrugs* But yeah, I would appreciate if someone could help me out and like take some measurements of that door, if you have it.
    Oh, and in case anyone is wondering; no, the decision of what my final project will be has not been made yet since I want to give you guys sometime to vote on your choice here. I have however start working on modeling the house's parts since at this point, it is winning in the voting. That and of the choices listed there, it has the most pieces, so I thought it would be a good idea to start modeling the pieces now considering I only got about three to two weeks left of this semester. So yeah, get to voting people, if you have not already.
    Oh, and while I got you here, I guess I could ask you these questions as well:
    1) Do you want to see the final product of my project here?
    2) If so, do you want me to include the drawings and pictures of each independent component itself or just the assembly showing it all together?
    3) Also would you like to know process that I went through to create the parts?
    4) If I do show you guys it, should I post it on the forums or just in this blog?
    5) Would you like to see more projects like this from me in the future?
    Alright, that's all I have for this entry. I am sorry that it wasn't exciting real life stuff, but I don't have much of a life, if you have not notice. But anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and thank you to all those that take the time to reply to my boring entries here. Good Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  23. Jedi Master J.
    Heya, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give all your daily dose of JMJ today and to tell you all how I loved tonight's episode of FRINGE.
    Like usual, of course, I will not be talking about episode in detail in this entry since I do not want to spoil things for those that miss tonight's episode. I will say this though it will leave you with a bunch of questions and tug at your heartstrings some more.
    And well, the ending to this episode and the preview to next has gotten me pretty excited for next week as usual. Of course, I do have another reason to be excited about next Friday since Supernatural is back and it will be episode that boys will finally see Bobby as his ghost self (Although I am personally hoping this episode might have Bobby return in the flesh since I miss the dude and the boys really need him.). I can't wait to watch both those episodes next Friday (Note: I am DVRing Supernatural since FRINGE needs my viewship support more to survive.).
    Oh, and speaking of next week, I am also celebrating my two year anniversary of working on the 19th (Thursday). Hm...Actually I don't think celebrating is the right word choice there, but basically I am just taking pride in fact that I have been able to hold on to this job for so long. Then again, I guess you could say I am celebrating it by working since I am in on that day. In addition to that event, I am turning twenty the next day, not that matters really. It just another day in life of JMJ that you would be better off not hearing about.
    Moving on from that, I guess I can tell you all that I still have not found the time to look for that missing piece, so my review of the Town Hall set will remain on hold until I get around to that. Another thing worth mentioning is that I have not forgotten about Johnny Thunder short story plans, I made awhile back, and I still have every intention on write it.
    You see I just have not mention it since that entry because I am little too busy working on school work at the moment to be writing fan fiction stuff. Plus, I kind of want to make a MOC of a musuem to tie into the story, which again I can't do now until I have a little more free time on my hands.
    Hm...I probably should mention this here as well. So you know how I say I am going to try to go to BrickFair this year? Well, I am pretty sure now that it is not going to happen, so apologizes to those that actually want to meet me (I personally can't understand why anyone would though since I am no one special and you probably have a much better time without me.). Well, I guess I should say I am 50% sure it won't happen, so you could say I have no given up hope yet. Still I would not hold your breath, if I were you.
    And well, that's all my news that I got for you today. Thanks for taking the time to read this guys. And if you could take the time to vote on my Final Inventor Project here, I would greatly appreciate. Alright, night, BZPers. *DVRing Legend of Korra due to being at work when it airs tomorrow.*

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  24. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am back again for another (hopefully) quick entry for ya. As the title should tell you, I have made this entry in order to allow you all the chance to choose what I will be making as my final project for my 3D Modeling class.
    Now I am sure you must be wondering why I am letting you guys give me input on what to make as my final project. Well, my reasoning for doing this is because (1) I want something that might be a bit of a challenge for me to build in the program; (2) I am trying to make it something LEGO related, so naturally I thought you guys were perfect audience to ask; (3) and I think it will motive me to go back to that Inventor Matoran project after this semester ends.
    So without further ado, here are the current options (Suggestions are welcome, but try to avoid stuff with Kanohi masks since I need more pracite making those.) for what I could do my final project on:
    - Make a Ussal Crab (MNOLG Version); Number of Votes: 2 - Second Place
    - Make one of designs for 2007 LEGO Creator House (Part# 4956); Number of Votes: 2.5 - First Place
    - Make the Brickmaster Click set (aka Mata Nui's shield from the movie); Number of Votes: 0
    - Make the Sydney Opera House set; Number of Votes: 0
    Alright, those are your options. Leave a comment to tell me which one you like to see the most. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks, and I hope to see your votes on what you think would be best final project for this class. With that say, I'll leave you all to it.
    EDITED: Entry will be lock on 20th, so get your votes in while you still can. LOCKED

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  25. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Guess what? My night class was cancelled today again, so I am home early. Yay!
    And since I am kind of bored at the moment, I thought it would be fun to share my day with you all here. I'll be honest with you guys though and tell you that my day was mostly dull. I can think only one thing worth mentioning here that you guys might be mildly interest in reading here (Unless of course, you guys want to read about some school projects that I am doing in Autodesk Inventor.) and that is my first time meeting with someone, I been trade Miis with in Streetpass.
    And I must say I think I made the worst first impression ever. Why do I say this? Well, the guy came up to me ask, "Hey, what you playing?" and I was like a wide eye little kid beaming with a smile on his face and turning his 3DS in the direction of person to show them that I was playing Kid Icarus: Uprising. Not only that, but when they try to ask me what other games that I had for system, I did not put the game down; so I was distracted too much by the game that I barely made eye contact with him when I answer back, "OoT 3D and Pokemon Rubble Blast." Heck, I did not even tell him my name or ask for his.
    Man, I stink at social interations enough so that I think I should not even be trying to go to something like BrickFair, if I can not even hold a simple conversation like this properly. I can't believe I was so rude to him there. I must be most horrible person ever...
    Uh, I am going to end that topic here since I think I am being a little too critical of myself. Plus, I am sure you guys have better things to do than watch me beat myself up over a single human interaction. So moving on from that, I still hadn't found missing piece from Town Hall, so that collection of entries and pictures is still on hold for time being. I'll see about search for it some more this weekend.
    And that's all I really have to write about in this entry. I am sorry about it turning into a berate myself entry. Hopefully next entry, I will have something more postive and interesting to write about here. Until then, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good night.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
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