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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. Dear me, my tea! It was supposed to turn purple and blue, not pink and green... there must be something slightly wrong with it...

  2. Nothing really new, no, just eating and stuff. What's your favorite food?

  3. No, no, not at all! Would you like some tea? *Holds out teapot.*

  4. Your personal photo is awesome!

  5. No, I don't, though that would be cool... or maybe a controller that attaches to a PC's USB port! Have you seen the commercial of the guy who throws a controller through his friend's screen?

  6. Ohh... I'm so sorry, mr. pohatu... =( *Pats your shoulder.*

  7. My day was fine, and Wii are pretty cool. Do you have a Wii?

  8. Does Bionicle count as ideas, events, or people?

  9. The question is, will Master Chief fit now?

  10. Not yet. It seems really popular, though. Have you seen it?

  11. Is the bomb shelter insulated?

  12. Yay! I'd go swimming if the pool weren't frozen! :D

  13. Pretty normal. Get up, eat breakfast, sneak onto the computer. =P How's yours been?

  14. Yep. It's a lot of fun. =P Are you?

  15. Yes, I think so. You are too, right?

  16. Hi, Pit! I really like your personal photo. Where's it from?

  17. Would it be safe from dynamite as well?

  18. If it's outside, Master Chief can use it!

  19. Where are all the little lols gonna live? =(

  20. So I've got running water and a candy machine, but no walls or roof... (You're welcome, Mr. Bennet!)

  21. Hello there, welcome, enjoy your stay, would you like a cookie?

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