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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. Your personal photo is awesome! XD

  2. Wait, this XBox has running water?

  3. I can't believe all these people can fit into one little XBox...

  4. What!? There's a candy machine on my page!? Why didn't you tell me? =O

  5. Can I borrow nintety-nine dollars?

  6. *Waves excitedly at Jordboy1.*

  7. I like your avatar. Go Doctor Who! *Happydance.*

  8. I agree with Lehvorak -- your personal photo looks great! Pretty sparkles... :D

  9. Strawberry Shortcake parachuted out of the Millenium Gukko and attempted to skewer me XBox with a pirate saber. That's all...

  10. *Gasp!* I can't believe it! I forgot Xaeraz! *Runs around shrieking.*

  11. Have an awesome birthday, ChocolateFrogs!

  12. Lol food? *Holds out box to Laughin'Man.*

  13. Noo! Not a Warthog! *Would run faster if she weren't riding it.*

  14. Ghost!!! =D *Runs away hugging and riding it simultaneously.*

  15. Happy birthday, Marauder!

  16. Omi would probably win the "Which member has the best hair?" topic...

  17. Ooh! Ooh! That's Ed in your person photo! *Jumps up and down squeaking.*

  18. Your interests list is a lot more organized than mine...

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