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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Year 19

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    The Void
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    Bionicle, Lego, wildlife, a small number of video games.

    Who is me:

    Hi, I'm Eljay. There ya go. I'm a part of TTV, and I do reviews.


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  1. One large, please. Thank you!
  2. White on a mid-range grey. Grey captures the Toa Phantoka and should cover the Mistika. And the white... we'll go with Takanuva's return... or Matoro! Or something like that.
  3. Entry 1: Entry name: Friour Entry image and gallery Entry 2: Entry name: Draylain Entry image and gallery
  4. 1. Preorder for the whole thing, I assume? 1a. Also, same vein, you guys said if the goal is met the Kanohi will be of higher quality than before. So will people who get the early masks be getting lower quality Kanohi? 1b. Will you guys be posting status updates are where you are donation-wise? 2. Are they aware you guys are selling it with their logos attached? 3. Selling something with a logo trademarked by a company is still getting money for using their logos, profit or no profit. 3a. If I bought this bundle, and sold it for the same price, would that be alright? Again, no sarcasm. Yes, the entire bundle would be preordered for that price and up. As for the masks, nothing will be sold until we have a better idea of whether or not we can reach the funding goal. Shapeways is of lower quality than injection moulded parts, but do not take that as meaning that it is by any means BAD quality. Think of it more as the best quality given our current resources followed by top quality second only to Lego themselves should we reach our goal. Status updates will be posted just as with updates to the project itself. We're working out a way to put together a status bar for the top post, but we've all been a bit swamped with other priorities as of late. Templar is aware of the method with which we're selling the game, they simply cannot speak for the reaction of Lego. However given that plenty of ACTUAL Lego products are sold and resold on places such as Ebay and the like, I doubt selling what basically amounts to a fan art piece would stir up any more controversy. Well, in that case, my remaining question and concern remains to be the logos and marketing of this. The reason selling a Bionicle set on Ebay is because it's after market. They aren't being made anymore. And when it's sold on Ebay, it's being sold as a used item. Other Lego sets work similarly, and the places selling them are attempting to be Lego, and often claim they aren't associated. Not to mention, when I buy something, it's my property. I can choose to sell it, so long as I'm not claiming to have made it. The reason this is a bit tricky is because, no matter how much you say it is "fan art", it is still using official Lego logos on a non-Lego product. Lego sets on Ebay are official Lego products, so you can't really remove the logos, just everyone understands you aren't Lego, it's used, etc. This is digital content made by a company that Lego hired, using Lego images, Lego, terms, etc, etc. Granted, the game itself is fine, considering it'll be free and what not. So will the custom parts, so long as they have no standard Lego codes or trademarks. It's really just the box and other assorted items with Lego and Templar logos. It's fan created content using logos which people will assume will mean Lego made it. In a way, they did... Just the game, though.
  5. 1. Preorder for the whole thing, I assume? 1a. Also, same vein, you guys said if the goal is met the Kanohi will be of higher quality than before. So will people who get the early masks be getting lower quality Kanohi? 1b. Will you guys be posting status updates are where you are donation-wise? 2. Are they aware you guys are selling it with their logos attached? 3. Selling something with a logo trademarked by a company is still getting money for using their logos, profit or no profit. 3a. If I bought this bundle, and sold it for the same price, would that be alright? Again, no sarcasm.
  6. So, I have some comments and questions regarding this project. (Oh, you knew I would) 1. So, after this $2000 kickstarter is funded, are people still gonna have to buy the mask/backpack/box pack? Or are they paying for it in advance now? 2. In what way did Templar approve of this? Did they allow the use of their logos on the packaging? Or will that even still remain? 3. Do you guys honestly think Lego will approve of you guys selling items with their imagery/logos on it? I'm seriously asking this, it's not a sarcastic remark. With that out of the way, my comments will remain at "this looks like some shaky stuff". I can't say I know what the outcome with be, but I am curious to see the answers to the above questions. Thanks.
  7. The urge to make a snarky remark about some prior controversy is strong, but I'll refrain and simply agree, considering I do enjoy Ninjago's story quite a bit. This was quite an interesting look from an interesting perspective indeed. Granted, two things come to mind. 1. I can believe one concept made for fun, but multiple is a little difficult to believe. I can't go into much detail due to the rules, but still. 2. Considering the Lego development process, I doubt that any of the employees would pitch that kind of thing and see how far it goes. =P From what I understand, they figure out some certain things regarding a theme first, design the sets, then stick a story to them. Those are the only two things I can think to make mention of. Otherwise, quite an interesting perspective. LJ
  8. This is absolutely hilarious. Today seems to be a pretty great day. Keep it up, guys. And thanks, GSR. Great idea. XD
  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're done. after that I don't think many people in this topic are going to back your claims. I beg your pardon, but I edited my post.And I can believe what I want, it doesn't make me sexist. As a break from this annoying subject, hey, Eljay's on! Hi, Eljay! Hi! I swear, this topic is just the funniest thing on BZPower right now. If there is one thing the staff know how to do real well, it's let a topic get so far off topic because they support one side of an argument that it's quite literally entertaining to watch. So, Bionicle. I wonder what would make people think that it's coming back next year... Interesting rumors, huh? I would like to apologize for my former comments, as they were made in poor judgement and shouldn't have been posted. I sincerely apologize.
  10. Where are these false expectations coming from? I fail to see how anyone can believe that any new Bionicle sets that would be made would be created using the old system. The new system is here to stay. The set designers have said so themselves. There are no plans to get rid of it. Any new Bionicle sets WILL use the HF building system, for it has 100% replaced the one Bionicle used. If we're lucky, it may have some technic integrated, like some HF sets... But I can pretty much guarantee that they will mostly use the HF build system with new parts. I'd suggest looking up a video called "BIONICLE Autopsy: The Return of BIONICLE and How it Would Be Handled". That may give you some idea into how Lego will handle Bionicle... It's fan speculation, but grounded. Very grounded. With some facts. And logical thought.
  11. I'll take Spot 19 and not be inactive this time. (Sorry about that, got a job and life got busy. My apologies)
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