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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Status Updates posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Did you get my PM? If so, I need help!

  2. Dlakii, if I did not know of the delete botton you would see some noob spaming here :P

  3. Dlakii, please edit your blog. I would like to talk to you over MSN or something. I do not blame Lai for stealing the kit.

  4. Doing well, Chane!

    Yup, it is sad, Mahar v.v

    Mr. Cuttles, caned mangosteen ain't as good as fresh :P And I did forget that... I also could drink two whole bottles of mangosteen juice :P

  5. Don't encourage her, please :P

  6. Don't say my name is not good. I like Lewa and johnson is my last name. It just works. So plaese don't dis it. We all have different names.

  7. dude, FE, I asked if he wanted to be one.

  8. Dude, your little sister has gone MAD!

    I thought I had a strain jacket, but I couldn't find it. Could I borrow yours? :P

  9. Eh, he has a lot of work to do so he has little time. BUT, I gave him the go ahead to wipe it. He's gonna try and fix it first, then if he can't. wipe.

  10. Far as I know. If Kahi can't make it, then oh well, rly


    *runs at almost light speed, screaming like a little girl*

  12. Grand. If that's the case, I'm staying in the team.

  13. Great! Just great!! The PMs are on!

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