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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Status Updates posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Anybody is! Even my friends!

  2. Thanks! I look at the thing I am spriting, and put down and dot, or a line. And I make it.

  3. And I'm pretty sure that's spam.

  4. Hehehe, I was reading a book a friend gave me XD And I wanted a break form the comp.

    SORRY! But I am back :P

  5. T.T Don't do that. And what kind of name is .:Sy-Dowg:.? Ugg!

  6. STAY AWAY ._.


  7. Someone who knows what I think! :D I have only eaten mangosteen once, but they were frozen and thawed.

  8. Hai! Eh, well, I have a bunch of sprites to do, and things aren't getting any easier with very little people to help. But otherwise, pretty good. You?

  9. That's so cool! I love homeschooling!

  10. I am afraid of your new pic ._.

  11. HI VC! Remember me?! Your biggist fan! Hehe, sorry, I don't go nuts now-a-days.

  12. Hai!

    *gives out hellos to everyone*


    *then eats a mangosteen and runs away*

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