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##### Bassai

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by ##### Bassai

  1. ##### Bassai


    Salvete, amici! Nautae sumus, veritas?* Well, I'm back to blogging, after a long break. Went to a concert last night, which was great. Except for all the loud people(who happened to be grown adults) around us who seemed to find it greatly amusing to choose six or seven noises(remarkably like those of an animal or insane person) and repeat them over and over through the entire three hour period. But besides that, it was fun. You will probably see this place take more of a...foreign feel. That is, Latin. Of course, in accordance with BZPower's rules, all Latin will be translated into English. *Greetings, friends! We are sailors, true? -LB
  2. GregF's turning 16 today? O.o -LB
  3. I know, I can't wait either! :hysterical: What did you ask for? I asked for a Hebrew/English Bible. -LB
  4. It sounds like a death threat. O_o Well, if you randomly disappear, we know what happened. j/k That's an odd prediction. Wonder what it meant. -LB
  5. I think I heard something about that... Argetlam, any chance we will see anything special with Perelandra(Venus) or Glundandra(Jupiter) this year? But seriously, Argetlam, what type of telescope do you reccomend? -LB
  6. Nice list! Can't wait to see some of these. It's almost like a perpetual movie theater. I'm looking forward to seeing Comet Tuttle. Could you tell me about what time of night it will show up? I've also noticed Mars' beautiful red glow lately. Lol, Malacandra. -LB
  7. Oh well. What instrument did you play in the band? -LB
  8. ##### Bassai


    Good Gravy! (xD, woot for stupid puns) Looks pretty serious. Are all of these profiles representing actual members of this group? Anyway, interesting looking. Reminds me of what I USED to do, and frankly I'm glad I'm finished with it now. The "intelligence" thing seems to be somewhat popular, perhaps I should bring back The Ring. -LB
  9. Unless of course, something unexpected happened. I'm not worried much about that though, as chances are if an asteroid that was big fell on Earth, it would probably land in the ocean-hopefully at least. Anyway, when would this 2008 Celestial Schedule be up? -LB
  10. Two things: one, I'll be off of BZPower until Sunday afternoon. And two, check out Argetlam's blog. He's offering to tell us all about the 2008 astronomical events. One of my favorite things is the night sky, so if you like astronomy at all, head over there and post in the entry that you want to have the information shared with you. =D As a note, "astronomical events" is not(as far as I know) referring to astrological stuff-I doubt that's allowed on BZPower anyway, but even if it was, this isn't that. This is purely astronomical. -LB
  11. Out of curiosity, is there really a huge asteroid close to us the size of Texas? I'm pretty sure that was a joke, but I know there are asteroids that big, so just wondering. I'm pretty interested in astronomy, so ANY interesting happenings, no matter how small, are things I would take interest in seeing. -LB
  12. If they were, I would have been dead a long time ago. Good thing it was just a dream, mouse-I mean, Adventurer. I used to have the same basic dream over and over. I would be in my house at night, and I'd get that evil feeling you get in dreams that turns it into a nightmare. In fear, I would unbolt the door as fast as possible, and run out and start jogging down the road to get away. I also used to have recurring dreams about being chased by vampires. No doubt about it, I had/have psychological problems. -LB
  13. Count me in. I'm interested in celestial events. I'm no astronomer, but I like the stars. Yes, the 4th day stars... I'd definitely like to see what you've got. -LB
  14. ##### Bassai


    What happened to your grandfather? Did he hurt himself on the stairs? Anyway, hope things work out well for you with that. -LB
  15. ##### Bassai

    New Avy

    A blank white square, complete with dancing badger. -LB
  16. A Bionicle story I'm writing is in the works right now...the first part(there will be three, I think) is already outlined. I thought I'd give you guys a treat now and then and post a few excerpts from the work. Since none of it is actually WRITTEN yet(except for one part that I can't post because it would give away one of the plot twists), I'll give you a little "epic preview." And here's a little hint: one of the main characters is Ahkmou, but in a different form. -LB
  17. I know how it is-recently got my braces on, and they definitely don't feel all that great. The most annoying thing is that anything new in your mouth is very troublesome and uncomfortable and you feel like you want to tear it off. -LB
  18. My favorite 2008 set so far is probably also Lewa. -LB
  19. Happy Thanksgiving Spitty and CzaR. Hope you like the trip to Ohio, Spitty. =D @CzaR: I'll check that out. -LB
  20. Lol Tek, you need to get pictures of all your MOCs up. And you should make a Toa of Iron since that has been revealed in the story. Wonder what color THAT would be. -LB
  21. Nice entry. Rejected Omi Commodore's "real" name is Exo. He used to be called Exo M7...a long time ago. Exo is a male, by the way. -LB Moderator edit: I know that. I was just trying to be funny- TSN
  22. Hey guys, just wondering what you are all doing for Thanksgiving. As for me, my family is going with another family to ANOTHER family's house, where we will have Thanksgiving dinner. I will also see some of my relatives SOMETIME this week. -LB
  23. The actual name for a black hole? "The-third-page-of-the-Epics-forum." Lol, is the answer just "black hole?" Is it a trick question? -LB
  24. Congratulations on not killing anybody. I'm pretty sure your driving instructor would have deducted points for that. Good job on the license, hope you make it. -LB
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