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Everything posted by Zaveno

  1. Welcome to bzp, magpi! I was thinking, what better way to start an intest in bionicle than to visit Bionicle Based Creations? There you can find creations made by your fellow members. SO START POSTING!!! -S
  2. Same here. Who is this guy??? -Omi I dunno, but you better stay away from him. He seems pretty dangerous. -S Dangerous is Omi's middle name. -Omi How would you know, You're not Omi! :angry: -S
  3. Same here. Who is this guy??? -Omi I dunno, but you better stay away from him. He seems pretty dangerous. -S
  4. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    Woah,thats good I did it on MS paint. Wasn't too hard. -S
  5. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    I made the official Apple Dunkers banner: -S
  6. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    You're giving him my golems? They belong to the Fruit Stand and friends! *makes golems attack :Venomess:* *throws papaya at Sarak* JSZ out *dodges papaya and commands MY apple golems to attack JSZ.* -S
  7. Hi, I would like to join the mocists club. I have an exelent resume and I- *gets hit in the head by a random lemon from the ongoing fruit war* -S
  8. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Gives venomess 30 apple golems* -S
  9. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *thows apple nuke at kal* -S
  10. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Chucks atomic apples at Kal* -S
  11. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    "Then explain this!" *holds up candy bar wrapper* "Hey wait a minute! Strawberry Barz" -S ROFL! Trooce? Sure, truce. -S
  12. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    "Then explain this!" *holds up candy bar wrapper* "Hey wait a minute! Strawberry Barz" -S
  13. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Cuts open Hakkan's stomach with spare apple from the inside.* "You have a lot of candy bars in there. You should eat healthyer. Try this!" Hurls apple at hakkan's dead body.* -S
  14. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Stabs Hakkan with an apple saber* "There's that dummy replica of me!" -S
  15. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Grabs lemon and throws it back.* -S
  16. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Dodges citrus and chucks an apple nuke at Hakkan* -S
  17. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Throws apple at Yami, knocking him out.* For the record, I officially join The Closeteers. -S
  18. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *And I join you by throwing an atomic apple at the base* BOOM! -S
  19. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

  20. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    You do realise that you can't actually enter our Base, because it's hidden inside the Rift? *Attacks Sarak with Lemon Scythe in an awesome display of whirly black robes and glowy red eyes and stuff* *Dematerielizez at the last second rematerielizez in the lemon club base with my apple army and starts destroying everythin in sight* -S
  21. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Sends another 2352386738486891264182375834957836583563698756348635684356578345648535638656345073248563485734857 Apple Armys to the lemon club base* -S
  22. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    * sends in my army of Living Apples to the lemon club* Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! *starts chucking apple nukes at Seran and Aanchir* -S
  23. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    *Takes out nuke with Laser Lemon, creating a spectacular firestorm where Sarak was last standing* - *Dodges firestorm and throws apple grenades and bombs at Aanchir.**laughs insanley -S
  24. Zaveno

    Fruit War 2

    Tosses apple nuke at Seran. "How you like dem apples?!?" *pun intended* -S
  25. Congrats to your bro! Now we better call you Uncle Omi. -S
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