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Everything posted by Zaveno

  1. I have unlimited access forever... thanks to the test server -P
  3. Man. PotC Online. Haven't played that in like, over a year. Never went on the public server, only the test server (free membershp on test server!) -P
  4. Get rejected LIKE A BOSS! -P
  5. Zaveno


  6. I'm tempted to join this... family? Mebbe Dokuma's Cousin, or Grandpa Doks. -Z
  7. Zaveno

    Epic .gif

    That's Amazing. Oh, and the snail is cool too. -Z
  8. Zaveno


    1.Not surprising 2.Yes 3.There's only one Dracula, so 1. 4. MY family's beach cottage. 5. Dunno. -Z
  9. The Penguin haz busted his portal generator. -Z
  10. . Text cannot express my enthusiasm. Only the power of emotes can. BTW, if you want help on that pokedex, I can help. Just send a PM my way, and we'll work out the details. -Z
  11. Zaveno

    New Lappy!

    OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! New Lappy! Name her Lygress! -Z
  12. Zaveno


    First the infected mask, then the Krana, and now this? Gosh, It sucks to be Lewa. -Z
  13. Soooooooooooooooooo... AWESOME! These are really awesome. Did I mention they're awesome? REALLY awesome? Cause they are. What materials did you use to make them? -Z Advant: I used Sculpey, Premo, and Studio (all the same company) polymer clay. A bit of wire in the Spartan's (red) legs for support and my small knife.
  14. Meh. He needs to stop taking all those potions before episodes. -Z
  15. Lolcat of the week. 'Nuff said. -Z
  16. Zaveno

    Raid On Vulcanus

    HAVING FUN ISN'T HARD WHEN YOU'VE GOT A LIBRARY CARD BtB Arthur reference? LC That episode has haunted me since the day I first saw it. BtB You're not alone. I wonder what the world would be like if every TV show had a random, arbitrary musical montage as one of its episodes. *pictures NCIS with almost longing* JECKEL JECKEL HYDE JECKEL HYDE HYDE JECKEL AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHASDF BtB JECKEL JECKEL HYDE JECKLE HYDE! ... THAT song has haunted ME since I saw it. -Z
  17. Zaveno

    Coming Soon....

    THIS IS DOK! I'm not sure whether to be Overjoyed or scared by this production. -Z
  18. Zaveno

    Aw, My Bees

    Suit up with winter gear and other stuff like goggles so you have NO skin exposed, then take a wide stick, make a few pockets in it with a knife, then slather the stick in honey, making sure you fill the honey pockets. Wave the stick around while someone smokes the place. Run outside to a designated place where a ton of people have bee killer sprays and hope you get all of them. -Z
  19. Zaveno


    What's our favorite genre of music? -Z
  20. My Mom did that with a box of donuts. Just be glade they weren't jelly filled. -Z
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