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Havelock Vetinari

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Year 16

About Havelock Vetinari

  • Birthday 04/12/1993

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    Somewhere, most likely with a good book.
  • Interests
    I'm back after a long absence. I'm currently looking at this shiny new forum and wondering where the heck everyone I knew is. Why I remember in my day, this forum was...

    *Insert hour long monologue*

    Oh..wha? You want to know about me? I'm a fan of sci-fi, I'm a big trans-humanist and an atheist. I've also taken a shot at writing fiction now and then. I failed for the most part. I'm a big history buff and I'd have to say the mongols are my favorite subject.

    Now, as I was saying...back in the day....

    If you're wondering about the profile picture, I found it on Deviantart, it's by one "Azany".

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  1. Well, good news, once you read HP Lovecraft, you'll never be afraid of anything else again. Bad news, you'll never sleep again.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Haecceity


      Lovecraft: Inspiring nightmare fuel since 1917. (He wrote The Tomb then, his first work as an adult.)

    3. otter


      Yog-Sothoth is better than any Great Old One, the Outer Gods are infinitely more powerful and eldritch, squamous monstrosities coated with infernal slime, reminiscent of the pussey mucus that emanates from a festering wound, feeding on the woe and despair of those mortals who cannot comprehend the true nature of those beings which both destroy them and give them life, residing in that space which no mere Human could ever imagine...*ahem*


      I, uh, I'm a fan.

    4. Elrond of Rivendell

      Elrond of Rivendell

      Nothing beats the horror duo of Peretti and Dekker. Absolutely Nothing.

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