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Havelock Vetinari

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Everything posted by Havelock Vetinari

  1. Except as the Equalists show, there's a rather large group of people, presumably with a vote, who don't want them in power....and yet, the council remains unchanged. I'll also note, based on what we've seen from both shows, benders seem to be a minority.
  2. Done! But you had to sell the souls of your loved ones for it. No returns.I wish that Great Cthulhu was cast into the sun, never to return.
  3. That wasn't what I was saying, he certainly earned it. But there is a huge disparity between benders and nonbenders on the council and considering nonbenders make up most of the population....Just doesn't sit right with me.
  4. ...So a nonbender needs to have been friends or associates with what amounts to a prophet to get on the council?....Nice. Real Nice.
  5. I'm curious, are there any non-benders in positions of authority?
  6. IC (Khalisk)"You are certain?" Khalisk wondered what sort of people would build a village here, where one slip could spell your doom. It was certainly safe from attack, but according to Twenty-Eights information, there was no organized force to launch such an attack. Unless her information was inaccurate, which was possible. He would find out soon enough, he supposed. "Well, let's not tarry then. The sooner I can get my bearings, the better." Khalisk begun to walk forwards, hoping that a blizzard wouldn't suddenly kick up and make their journey to this village even harder.
  7. Nikolai Aleksandrov, Provost of the Terran University: I have been...."informed" by the Prime Ministers...."aides"....that we should focus on developing the military. I endorse any actions that will result in this. I would suggest building some Omni-factories and other facilities to aid in the expansion of our military. As for Space Stations, I leave that to the Prime Ministers capable hands. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go visit the infirmary. My ribs seem to be broken.
  8. Hm. Interesting, I think I might have Khalisk join up with one of them at some point in the future.....Read: When it makes sense for him to do so.
  9. I might be interested in joining them...I just don't know anything about them at the moment.
  10. If you want to split the bill, I can bring some ice drinks and a few packs of milk duds. :PI still reread those two "destroy everything in the general area" posts of Nuju's now and then.
  11. OOC: Khalisk and Twenty Eight to Ko-Wahi from Ga-WahiIC (Khalisk)Khalisk halted to take in the sight before him, he had not expected so dramatic a shift in climate, though he had exceedingly limited experience on this island, so the rational part of his mind proceeded to chew him out for not expecting varied environments while the other parts of his mind put up a dashing defense against it. The ice in this land seemed to go on forever, almost as if this part of the mountain was made of it. Khalisk knew this was impossible of course, more likely then not some event had occurred to raise the temperature around a frozen lake or somesuch and it simply froze gradually as it made it's way down the mountain. Khalisk took some comfort in the cold weather however, it meant that large breeding populations of creatures would have difficulty surviving here.Of course, his elation died quite quickly when another bit of knowledge drifted up to the surface, pointing out that while the creatures he had encountered upon his arrival would have difficulty surviving here, it was quite likely that other creatures, adopted to this environment, would not have this problem. Khalisk looked about, trying to bring his good eye to bear. "I can't see any village near here. If we do not locate one soon, I will not take responsibility for the fact we will freeze to death."
  12. Motion we sacrifice TNGprime to Tren Krom. All in favor? :PRegardless, I would like a short recap of recent events as well. I haven't checked back in awhile.
  13. I'll second that "WHAT?" last time I checked....*Observes character sheet and news....*Huh. Fossils. Nevermind then.
  14. Well, I got a bit distracted by other RP's for awhile there. Hopefully I can repress the "shiny!" reflex now....And juggle a few RP's. Not like I have a social life to worry about.
  15. IC (Khalisk)Khalisk nodded, he was quite eager to be away from this place. Perhaps other parts of this island had less rahi about. He doubted it that of course, the universe wasn't that helpful. It was more along the lines of being actively malevolent and capricious.OOC: Feel free to take em out of the Wahi.
  16. Done! The moment before they are discovered, the old ones arise to destroy humanity.I wish that Alhazred was never killed by unseen demons.
  17. Nikolai Aleksandrov, Provost of the Terran University: I want one of those creatures on the dissection slab at the university yesterday. I trust your pilots shot to disable? How will we learn the weaknesses of these vile aliens if we do not know their biology? At any rate, I suggest, after the colonization of Earf, we send a colonization vessel to Gintonks. After our research into propulsion is complete, we should focus our research into the logistics/empire tech path. On these two new colonies, I strongly suggest we build research centers. The faster we advance, the quicker we will crush the vile aliens.
  18. IC (Cedar City, Texas)The radio station fell to Manuel's forces quite quickly once the defensive line of the criminal militia had been broken. Still reeling, what was left of the enemy forces in that area withdrew still deeper into the city, leaving another neighborhood in Manuel's hands. Groups of trained men took up positions about the new neighborhood, with raw recruits falling back to the neighborhood they had captured earlier. Manuel, by this time, had exited his command tent and boarded a jeep one of his soldiers had managed to salvage. With the radio station in his hands, he could address the city and...hopefully, break the back of the enemy militia at the same time. The rise of the cruel and murderous gods of old and the creation of amoral and brutal gods of new had left this city under the control of criminals, but Manuel knew quite few things about people from his experiences in war. One of this things was that they could take a beating in the end, even the fearful, when there were enough of them, could storm barricades and crash through walls and gates to do battle with their oppressors.The jeep stopped in the long out of use parking lot of the radio station. Manuel, escorted by two of his best soldiers entered the radio station, it was, as suspected, in working condition. Minutes later, a broadcast swept out across the city, reaching the radio's of the citizens, often times there only link to the outside world as many venerable broadcast institutions had been destroyed by the callous and evil gods that had stormed the world. "I am Manuel. This name means nothing to many of you, and perhaps it shouldn't. What you need to know however, is this, my forces have engaged and defeated many of the slime that hold you in their thrall. We will defeat them, we will crush them underneath our boots as we advance further and further into the city. But many will die, many good men and women if we do this. Therefore, I ask you this, will you not take up arms besides us? Will you not fight, at long last, to defend your homes and families from these vile thugs? We are not asking for your help or your aid, we are asking you to help yourselves.""We are asking you to rise up, with whatever weapons you can find and whatever courage you can muster, against these criminals. They are cowards, I have seen them turn tail and run countless times as my forces pushed into the city to this radio station. Fear them not, for they are not an army, but a legion of cowards who are only brave when facing those who will not fight back. I know you will be looking towards your loved ones at this moment, asking yourself if this is worth the risk. I will not ask you to throw your life away for me, but if you are a citizen with courage in your heart and ammunition to spare, I ask you take the fight to those who have wronged you." With that, the broadcast ended.And the sound of gunfire filled the city moments later.
  19. OOC: Uh, Ultimate? The mortals are all pretty much aware of the Gods, the government has fallen and the gods have basically replaced it. There's even resistance groups and army units actively fighting the gods.
  20. OOC: Didn't Alexa say not to get in any large arguments? :PIC (Bylantium)The Bylan shrugged and slid some files across the table. "Those files contain missing persons cases that have occurred in the last few months in Bylantium. Most of them were sensitives. We had no hand in these and when your agents showed up, we had thought we had a break in the case...so to speak. That does not appear to be the case." That was about all he was ready to reveal at the moment, granted, it was most of what they had evidence for, the rest was guesswork and logical deduction.
  21. IC (Cedar Park, Texas)Abbas shrugged. "Nothing in truth. It was a useful way to see if my skills had maintained themselves through the ravages of time. It appears they have." He noted that his visitor seemed quite eager to leave, judging from the way she had glanced at the door. He stepped aside, removing himself from her route. "If you wish to leave, I will not stop you. There may be a market still in operation somewhere within this city." Abbas shifted for a moment, looking about the kitchen, it's relatively good condition reinforced his theories about it's owners fate. "I doubt it, to be frank, but once my....allies...are have asserted control over the city, you will likely see a renewal of commerce." If there was one thing Abbas had learned through his long years it was this, the second the shooting stopped was the second market stalls opened.
  22. IC (Cedar Park, Texas)Abbas, book at his side, considered the situation. "I am sorry to have surprised you, this home is...not in use." Abbas knew a creature of magic when he saw one, the differences could be subtle, the way they moved, reacted, body language and such as. But someone who had been around as long as Abbas had did not have difficulty picking up on the subtle cues. The girl had clearly been on the run, from what, Abbas did not know, however, as his work had taken him all over the Earth before the gods had returned, he could sympathize with the need to keep moving. "You are...welcome to any food within this house. I have my own supplies to draw from." More accurately Manuel's supplies, but the details didn't bother Abbas overmuch...or at all really.He paused again, considering his next words carefully. "You...are not human yes? You are a creature of magic...?" He would have consulted his book, but it dealt with the big picture, not individuals.
  23. Look, the 67th president of the USA let his kid name a few planets. He didn't know that in a few short years humanity would have to flee towards one of them to survive. We could change it, but for some reason it's froze into our databases and frankly, the university has better things to do.
  24. Nikolai Aleksandrov, Provost of the Terran University: Whilst I do not contest the need to secure human interests via purging the vile creatures that have the planet of Gintonks under control, I believe we must first build up our strength. We need colonies ladies and gentlemen and lots of them. The last thing we need is a repeat of the Nova Crisis. We must scatter our people across the stars, it is the only tactic that may spare us the tender mercies of yet another supernova. An event, I note, we still have not discovered the cause of. I urge caution to be our watchword. I suggest we build a colony vessel and send it to the planet known as Earf, I trust all members of this council will see the wisdom of this action.Furthermore, to speed along the colonists on their journey, We need to develop faster propulsion technology. That said, I feel I speak for the entire university when I say we need to build a research center to better coordinate our efforts, I feel these elements, when taken together, will ensure our survival as a species in the long run. We need to fortify our position, our place in the galaxy before we get down to the business of war.
  25. IC (Cedar Park, Texas)The air filled with gunfire once more, as Manuel's soldiers emerged from their positions and began to press deeper into the city. The criminal militia, still reeling from their first contact with this new force was caught largely off guard by the sudden advance. The alleyways and streets soon became a battlefield as the lawless rabble clashed with Manuel's experienced core of paramilitary soldiers. The results were telling, Manuel's forces were gaining on every front, pushing on towards their objective. The order had gone out not long ago, a radio station sat in the center of the next neighborhood, if they were going to have a chance at holding this city, they would need to capture that radio station. The enemy militia fell back, again and again, as their new foes pressed forwards.Manuel's army was not invincible of course, far from it, several new members of their forces were wounded or killed in the advance, often by lucky shots. Around the radio station, the enemy militia seemed to rally and attempt to stage a valid defense. They crowded into the houses surrounding it, killing the civilians who got in the way, and poured fire into the direction of their enemies. Unknown to these defenders however, a small squad had worked their in behind the enemy defenses, using the sewer system as a means of entry. Creeping up on the enemy positions as quietly as they could, this squad acted quickly, storming on the houses and neutralizing the enemies within. This opened up a hole in the militia's defensive line that Manuel's forces could all to easily exploit. -------Alhazred heard the gunfire and knew immediately that the first in a series of planned attacks on the gangs territory within the city had begun. He pulled himself up from the chair, and with his tome in hand and wondered over to the kitchen to get a better view of the fighting. If he was correct, Manuel's forces would soon hold another portion of the city. However, this would bring problems of it's own. Manuel's army was not limitless and new members took time to train and until they had been fully trained, they were of little use to he army as a whole. His mind distracted by these thoughts, it took Abbas a few seconds to register the young women sitting on the floor of the kitchen. His response was less then articulate. "What?!"
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