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Havelock Vetinari

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Everything posted by Havelock Vetinari

  1. IC (Crash Site)Bylan soldiers swarmed from their barracks, taking up positions all around the crash site. Some nestled in machine gun nests, others stood with their Stan allies. Even as Guardsmen roused themselves and rushed from the barracks, High Commissar Kalvi was assembling her team of handpicked Guardsmen Primes. They were the soldiers whose skill she had the most faith in. The twenty man team rushed forwards from the Bylan camp and directly into the path of the alien invaders.They hid themselves behind cover, behind buildings and crates. Their weapons aimed, their breath steady, Kalvi and her team prepared to make a stand. From her position behind a crate she shouted a warning. “Cease and desist! Halt! Or we will open fire!” Hopefully they would take the hint from the various weapons and the combative positions. This crash site could propel humanity into the future and the Bylans would fight to the last breath to defend it. The collective and humanity as whole would never be passively bullied about by an outsider.Not so long as the Bylans had anything to say about it. Then came a droning, the sound of helicopters. Returning from their patrols came the Bylan attack helicopters, weapons at the ready. Cursing silently, Kalvi contacted the Stan colonel. “We await your command. But my men come first. Those things don’t stop…”IC (Forum)“If they want that crash site, they will have to take it from our cold dead hands.” Devon proclaimed, a hint of fear hidden beneath the steel in his voice.
  2. IC (Dr. Creation, Robots)The machine made no move to dodge. The diamond spike lodged deep into it's chest lodging itself a midst gears, pulleys and other more arcane implements. But the machine was sturdy and like all machines built for combat it was designed to take a high level of punishment. The robot lurched backwards for a moment, before lunging forwards with it's fist, fully intending to send the hero tumbling backwards. It's arm-mounted Gatling gun however, while not suitable for grappling...did serve an important function. Namely opening fire at the same time. Hopefully this combined attack would catch the hero flat footed and afford him no time to dodge.OOC: Hm. Werewolf, I had a PC in the works with that powerset. I'll be taking notes.
  3. Eh. I almost always play as one character. Helps me flesh them out better.
  4. IC (Forum)"Possible. I would like it if we could translate their language. This guess work is getting tiresome. Hm. Speaking of which where are our...partners....from the SCP? I would think they would have much to add to this conversation." High Councilor Devon still didn't trust them, but if half of what he suspected were true in regards to the aliens...well, extinction always trumps mistrust. The situation was possibly dire so he wasn't going to split hairs.
  5. IC (Forum)"I agree with my counterpart. One of our primary concerns should be weaponry. The only option I see currently, if they invade, is to produce enough nuclear weapons to fry our own planet as one last desperate act of defiance. We need to at the very least, ensure that if they invade that there is a fight. Not a slaughter." High Councilor Devon produced another paper. "I have here a report from High Commissar Kalvi, those beasts the transport had stored within it, what could their purpose be? The good Commissar speculates that they could be some form entertainment. A pit fight if you will. Such aggressive creatures would not do well in any other field. To vicious to train and to wily to be allowed in an enclosure for viewing purposes."
  6. IC (Forum)"None of this is surprising. I feel that we are quite lucky to get this much." Devon rooted through the papers in front of him for a moment. "It says here that two bodies were recovered....what is their status?"OOC: Ignore if I am mistaken.
  7. Well, good news, once you read HP Lovecraft, you'll never be afraid of anything else again. Bad news, you'll never sleep again.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. otter


      Wrong, Bane. Lovecraft will always be the best.

    3. Krayzikk


      This spells doom for the Azure Thunder.

    4. Xaeraz


      Mr. Picker's Model was the most scary thing I've read in a long time.

  8. Granted. They appear in your windpipe. Good luck breathing...or, y'know, having a neck. :PI wish for the power to raise vast undead legions, loyal only to me.
  9. OOC: Speaking of which.... :evilgrin:IC (New York, Dr. Creation)It happened quickly, one moment the elevator was opening and the next what appeared to be two bolts of lightning came from within the elevator. The two security guards on duty had no time to react. Their nervous system sent into a fit, they collapsed onto the ground. There wouldn't be any long term damage, well, if there was any it would be minimal. Either way it was heck of a lot better then being shot at with actual bullets. The air, smelling of ozone, soon played host to a new sound. The sound of mechanical footfalls, Dr. Creation's robot emerged from the elevator. The hulking mesh of gears and wire raised it's Gatling gun. With a simple kick it broke the door to the room from it's hinges, sending it flying into a nearby wall. The men within screamed, ducked, still not quite sure what was happening.Their uncertainty vanished, along with their lives and a goodly portion of their bodies once the robot opened fire. The Gatling gun had been out of date for sometime, but there was reason it's name was respected in the annals of history. The reason being it was quite good at killing people in a quick and industrious manner. This was no exception. Men in nearby rooms cowered under their desks, some made for the phones to call for aid, for the police, for anyone who would be listening. They needn't have worried. Creation had achieved his goal and now, the only objective that remained for him in this city was...getting out of the city without having his fragile bones crushed to a fine dust by a so-called hero.
  10. IC (Crash Site)High Commissar Kalvi was quite pleased with her new rank; it was highly irregular that one soldier be promoted so quickly…highly irregular. In fact her commanders had made it clear the only reason she was being promoted was because she knew the most about the situation and their comrades around the crash site. They had wanted to send a Commander, but due to the sudden appearance and disappearance of yet another craft, all the Commanders were quite occupied at the moment.So here she was, in command of roughly five battalions of the Bylantium Guard. The Bylan had set up base near the prefab structures of the other nations. She had a constant line cleared to the High Council and the military in case something emerged from the craft. So far, despite the skirmish with the creatures, they had not pressed into the craft any further. She had been ordered to defer to the Stans, so when they gave the word, she and her Guardsmen would be ready.
  11. Remember! Sanity is for those who are not strong enough for the truth!Or if you will:Sanity is for the weak!
  12. IC (Dr. Creation, New York)He was close now, so very close. Creation wasn’t a fool; once his operation had ended so-called heroes would likely swarm the place. The police…weren’t that much of a problem. The trick would be getting away without killing any of them if it came to that. His target, an obscene structure that jabbed into the city’s skyline, loomed before him. On one of the top floors the meeting was in progress, ten executives from one of the largest corporations on the planet were meeting up there. Likely deciding which native peoples to oppress next in their ruthless quest for yet more profit, little did they know, that even now, as Creation’s semi-truck pulled up beside their monument to greed, that there days were about to end.As soon as the engine had settled, Creation exited the vehicle. He wore what he imagined a typical delivery driver would…which is to say he still looked like something out of the 1800’s, but with a truckers cap on. He entered the ground floor of the building quickly, eyeing the marble floors with disguised hatred. The secretary looked like she was suppressing a fit of laughter, though for the life of him Creation couldn’t imagine why. As soon as he reached the desk he put the clipboard he had been carrying down into its surface. “I am here with a delivery for a Mr. Jeremy Stone…is he here?”The secretary did a double take and eyed the papers on the clip board. Everything seemed to be in order, right down to the date. “Yes, but I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. You’ll have to wait out here.” Creation paused for a moment and produced another paper from his overcoat and handed it to the secretary. Her eyes widened a bit as she skimmed it. “Never…never mind. You can head right on up.”Creation nodded. “First I will need my package.” He produced a small remote control and pressed a combination of buttons on it. Within the truck’s trailer outside, one of his robots came to life. Lifting up the trailers doors before slamming it down again, the robot, ducking to enter through the comparatively small and narrow lobby door, stomped into the center of the room. The secretary, looking like she very much needed a drink, was forced to wonder just why her employer would want such a device. Oh, it functioned sure enough…but it looked so primitive. And robotics had certainly come quite far judging from the cybernetic heroes and villains she’d heard about on the news.Creation had already exited the room, his robot in tow. The elevator, a large specimen designed to hold large deliveries or large crowds of people was shooting up towards the top floor. Soon enough, he would strike yet another blow against the forces of corruption and vice.
  13. IC (Forum)"Something I can relate to. We have a few old priests here and there. But religion has been a dead topic to my nation for quite awhile." The High Councilor shrugged, this didn't involve him but he felt he might as well try to help as much as he can. "Could you convince them their leaders have betrayed the ideals of their spiritual traditions?
  14. IC (Bylantium, Hero’s Square, outside the Hall of the High Council)Hero’s square, it’s a self-explanatory name really; it was named for those who stormed the halls of the Emperor’s palace. At the time it had seemed so important, so vital, that the emperor fall. But the universe at large had barely noticed if it had noticed at all. This square had seen some of the worst fighting of the revolution, before the war had ended it was just a mass of craters with bombed out buildings lining it on all sides. Thousands upon thousands had died there, to bullets and blades and grenades and so many other weapons. The ways of their deaths was limited only by humanities ghastly creativity when it came to making as many people on the other side die as quickly as possible.In the square tanks had dueled, machine guns had roared and spat their deadly payloads. Artillery shells had whined as they slammed into the city and, high above it, fighters had dueled and bombers had reaped an unholy toll on the city below. Men had screamed in vain to their gods, their ideals, their loved ones and so much more. But still, the universe did not notice. The millions of planets, all the wondrous life forms that existed in far-flung cosmos had not noticed or even thought to notice the events on one unknown planet. So while the Square was a place of great importance to the Bylan, its importance when weighed against the universe was utterly nil. But nonetheless, blissfully unaware or at least, unthinking of this, a crowd gathered in the square, they had been lured their by an announcement regarding the strange events of the recent past. They had all seen the reports on the news, of strange lights in the sky, or a forces being deployed overseas with no official explanation. It was completely uncharacteristic of the Council to not put forwards an explanation for these events, and many had secretly worried the Council was on the road to becoming yet another Emperor.Thankfully, this did not seem the case. As the crowd gathered around a podium set up in front of the marble Hall of the High Council, they noted with bated breath that seated upon the platform were many of the important figures within their government. Most of the High Council was present, many high-ranking military figures and many others. Then, High Councilor Valdisk stepped forwards and put his mouth to the microphone.“People of the Union, years ago we fought against a tyrant to reclaim what rightfully belonged to you, the people. Millions lay dead by the end of this. This event has been regarded as the most important event within the entire history of our people. I am here today to tell you that that is no longer the case. Even as I speak our soldiers, in partnership with our comrades from other nations, are exploring a crashed alien craft. This craft came from beyond the stars; there can no doubt of this. Inside this craft we found feral creatures, I understand that the situation is now contained, the creatures put to death. Soon after this however, another craft appeared and then, vanished as swiftly as it had come.We are not alone in the universe; this fact can no longer be doubted. There are beings out there that dwarf our feeble power. Creatures that may be able to destroy us as easily as we crush a lunar moth or winter spider, but that is not the whole tale, though these creatures exist….they will not always be ahead of us. Take heart my people! Take heart my follow citizens of the Union! Even as I speak the finest minds of the collected nations of the world are probing the secrets of this craft, even as I speak our military is planning for the worst, planning for our defense against invasion if it comes to that. And our fine soldiers are not alone.The Forum is meeting as I speak, to found a series of organizations dedicated to defending our fragile planet, dedicated to determining if these aliens want anything at all from us. My people! Though we may be weak alone, if there is one thing our history has taught us….it is that a great mass of humanity, when roused, is the most powerful force the universe has ever known! All over this world peoples are being roused are realizing our place in the universe and our rising up to do something about it! The spider, alone is weak, but coupled with thousands like it he forms a swarm that can tear the flesh from the bone of the mightiest creature!So take heart my people…my comrades…though this day marks a new era for humanity, you have my word that it will not be the last era.”
  15. Same. The dead are hardly in a position to care. Might as well use the bodies for something worthwhile. :PAnyhow, I will be joining the HP RP, if it does get off the ground. I've heard enough to become quite interested.
  16. IC (Forum)"Fortunately, you seem to be the only one against the coalition of equals. Restating your position, I have learned, will only extend this into a pointless impasse.The Forum will decide this, and since I have made my position quite clear, the currently tally is two to one with one abstaining. I suggest, while we wait for the others voices on the matter, we turn our minds to more productive subjects. The investigative agency question is still undecided, though I would favor another coalition of equals and, if they prove cooperative, the participation of certain extra-governmental parties." Devon, who now had a much clearer head, said with an incline of his head towards the SCP agent.OOC: FTL and an advanced craft visiting your planet tends to make differences between nations seem petty. In case anyone objects to this action as OOC.
  17. Will the slytherin-expy be treated as automatically evil? Looking at the traits that particular house was supposed to embody, most of them seem quite positive.
  18. IC (Forum)"On another note, very shortly, the esteemed High Councilor Valdisk will be making a public announcement regarding the nature of these events to the people of Bylantium. I feel this forum should at least be informed of that fact." Devon shrugged, he didn't expect much discussion, or even a response, it was just common courtesy on his part.
  19. OOC: Might want to take a look at the edit Xom.
  20. IC (Forum)"Quite. I move we bring the matter to a vote. All in favor of a coalition of equals?" High Councilor Devon was not overly concerned about this, as the Astarians seemed to be quite outnumbered.
  21. An equine creature that appears to have attained sentience and is now staring at something with a look of malignant hatred.
  22. IC (Forum)The High Councilor inclined his head towards Shimizu. "Wise words. Wise words. This agency will be one of equals, or there will be no agency at all insofar as Bylantium is concerned." The High Councilor didn't think it would come to that, after all, what nation wanted another to have a great amount of power over it?OOC: I need to name this fellow...
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