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Havelock Vetinari

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Everything posted by Havelock Vetinari

  1. IC (Forum)"Upon further thought, I object to any nation holding a leadership position. This must be a coalition of equals." The High Councilor stated.
  2. Done. They move and talk and....are completely hostile to all life as we know it. Including you.I wish to know what dwells beneath the Nameless City that sits upon the Arabian Peninsula that the mad poet Abdul Alhazred visited before his life was ended by unseen demons.Easy enough right?
  3. "In wizarding news today, *school* fell into a state of civil war as *insert two houses* clash with *other two houses*. Teachers and staff have been caught in the crossfire...."
  4. IC (Dr. Creation, New York)He’d heard the stories and seen the pictures, but Dr. Creation still could not quite believe how crowded this city was or how far it had come from its former self. The streets were crowded with traffic so much so that his progress had slowed down to a crawl. He could see unfortunate souls starving in the allies even as human leeches in businesses suits walked the sidewalks around them, forcing their eyes away from their fellow humans.This city was a marvel of engineering and a showcase for the worst of humanity. Thousands went to bed without a roof over their heads whilst others went to bed in golden shirts and silken sheets. Creation shook his head; someday he would be able to set this right. But for now, he had to lay the groundwork.
  5. IC (Forum)"Third insult today if I haven't lost count." The High Councilor muttered. "I have no issue with basing this off of Project Luminous, it is a proven system. The main point I am concerned about at this point is how we will get these lovely defenses we are currently talking of. A joint funding program?" He paused. "The Terran Space Organization? That is one of the better suggestions I have heard. I have no objection."
  6. IC (Forum)"That is impractical. We can ban it and wag our fingers all we like, but...well, there is a tale we tell. There were two villages, and both were great friends with two dragons that perched upon differing mountains. Both pledged to never ask the dragons to intercede on their behalf in war or peace. The day after the pledge, one village was burned to the ground by a dragon. Words are nice. But in the end they are words. Actions matter more then that and it is my experience that knowledge, once acquired tends to spread to others less scrupulous. Besides, if this were passed we would have no means of defense if the Space Patrol was disabled. Always best to have a backup plan." The High Councilor paused for a moment at the request of the Astarian Space Agency.. "I will defer to the Stan here. I am neutral on the issue."
  7. I would think it would hit the UK the hardest. Other nations would have different views on the subject....that would they would likely argue about incessantly. Y'know, politics. :PEDIT: Nevermind.
  8. IC (Forum)"If it fires upon us, we must, as one, throw whatever we can at it and hope that, at the very least, we can convince it we are much more trouble then we are worth." The High Councilor said, stating the obvious. He paused. "Yes, FTL does seem more or less confirmed. What shall we do if this is a precursor to invasion? What if the skies of our world are no longer our own?"IC (Crash Site)Bylan forces scrambled alongside their international comrades. The attack helicopters they had sent to patrol around the craft and look for escapee's were fueled and prepared for lift off, if the new craft came here and proved to be hostile then helicopter pilots would do all they could to hold it back until help could arrive. They would all die screaming in a few seconds more likely then not, but at least they would die fighting. Most of them hoped it didn't come down to that of course. But each was prepared to lay down their lives.
  9. IC (Forum)"If it comes down to blows, know this, it was an honor to be here tonight....and if these creatures can bleed, then we can kill them. Maybe we stand a chance if it comes to war. But...but, yes, we should not fire until fired upon." The High Councilor stammered, still in a state of shock.
  10. IC (Bylantium)Many words were spoken in Bylan facilities as they detected the objects descent, most of them were not fit to be mentioned in polite company. The air-force was scrambled as a precaution and the military put on stand by. Desperate messages were sent to the forces near the crash site and to the representative at the forum. This was beyond what they had expected in such a short time, the Bylan were completely caught off guard.IC (Forum)A man rushed into the room, pale in the face and eyes wide with horror. "Sir! Sir! Another craft is approaching!"
  11. IC (Forum)The Ambassador did not respond to the SCP agent. Any further debate would just serve to highlight the extreme differences between their two cultures. He did not trust the SCP and he never would, and he suspected the SCP would be just as insistent about getting into the proposed organization as he was about keeping them out. It would be an impasse that would never end until one side caused an incident and so, he remained silent. He inclined his head to the representative speaking. "I apologize. I was unprepared for such a revelation when I arrived at this forum. Next time I will be prepared."
  12. IC (Forum)He bit back an insult. The government of Aquileon was, by his standards, an enemy of it's own people. "This will get us nowhere. This has been nothing put us both repeating the same arguments with neither side really responding. I see no reason this purposed organization, the investigative agency that started this argument, should operate by the standards of Aquileon, by the same token, I see no reason it should be held to Bylantium standards. What is moral common sense to us, is utter insanity to you, and what is common sense to you is a great crime to us. I propose this council formulate a set of standards acceptable to all present for this organization to operate by. I should have suggested it sooner and perhaps I am stating the obvious, but moral debates will get us nowhere. I have made the standards of my nation clear I think. But I and my counterpart have been talking for quite awhile...while the others remain silent. Does anyone else have any suggestions?"
  13. IC (Forum)The High Councilor had lost his long ago. "You speak as if the people are something to be feared. As if they were something to be controlled and herded. I..." He was at a loss for words, utterly at a loss for words. He felt he was drowning in some abyss. He spoke up again after a few seconds. "As I keep telling you, you have done nothing to earn our trust. Nothing. You have done plenty to abuse the trust of the nations here gathered however. I say again that we cannot trust such matters to a shadowy organization that seems to operate on the principle of keeping all others in the dark even when their lives are in danger. These are not the people I would choose to conduct important research. I advise that the nations here assembled instead use trustworthy researchers from accredited organizations." His voice was quiet, as if he was staring into some horrible sight that demanded his full attention.OOC: Mix in many radically different societies and approaches to law enforcement, add in a possible alien invasion and some frayed nerves and stir thoroughly. Seems to be the recipe for this meeting.
  14. IC (Forum)The High Councilor shook his head in horror. "You do not let your people know how much danger they are in!?" He wondered for a moment if a sociopath had designed their nation and then shook off his horror. "The foundation is a private organization operating without government regulation. I hardly call that a proper defense against anything. Maybe a wet paper bag. Maybe. Regardless, you do not even hint to anyone...tell them to lock their doors...about your findings. I see no reason to trust you with something this important." The High Councilor was now regarding the Ambassador and the Foundation's agent with a look most reserved for spiders.
  15. IC (Forum)"Your arrogance never ceases to astound me. The possibility of the aforementioned destruction remains and has been known to you ever since you discovered since you discovered your...scraps. And it has been known to the Fillions ever since they made their discovery...and you both said nothing. Did nothing to help other nations prepare....did nothing to warn them. To draw a comparison, you found evidence that there may be a serial killer in town with a armored vehicle and decided it was best if you told no one else in the neighborhood. In fact, you instead infiltrated the neighborhood watch. I spit on your foreknowledge, with that craft we will be able to determine for ourselves what capacities these aliens have. Frankly, anything you say is suspect since you and your organization have already proven to be on the wrong end of the ethics question." The High Councilor spoke in the same hopeless tone of voice he had sported before.
  16. IC (Forum)"Police investigations don't normally involve the danger of the entire planet ending in an orgy of fire and death.Your precious foundation has basically admitted, though they still deny it, to infiltrating the armed forces of other nations...spying in other words... and now they expect us to trust them. With all due respect, if it were up to me, your foundation would be hunted down for the spies they are. You are quite lucky it is not up to me." The High Councilor spoke with the tone of a man who was just realizing he had entered a realm of pure insanity and his hopeless battle against it would surely spell the end of him but was nonetheless grimly determined to fight on.OOC: Culture clashes are fun to write.
  17. IC (Forum)"Tell me, how many other nations here have found evidence of aliens and told.....no one about it? Are duplicity and lies the way nations here normally conduct themselves?" Said the extremely frustrated High Councilor. He paused for a moment and checked a few papers in front of him. "The Royal Academy would be acceptable. Provided we take steps to prevent....infiltration." The fact that nations seemed to keep such a vital thing secret out of a matter of course was disgusting to the High Councillor, in his culture each part of the collective worked for the greater good....while here evidently, some of those parts only cared about their own power and how they could dominate the other parts.OOC: Ignore this if the Fillions did make an announcement about their alien adventures before now.
  18. IC (Forum)“And we will not work with this foundation on any project. International or otherwise, even if death is on the line we will not do so. We will not fight with someone we cannot trust. It is bad morals and bad tactics in the same package.” The High Councilor paused for a moment. “And we fully support the Stan’s choice in this matter. It’s not hard to see why they would want that technology out of the reach of….certain parties.” The High Councilor’s hostility towards the Foundation had only grown. They were arrogant, a private group outside the government’s authority and had not warned his collective of the dangers it could be facing….honestly, if he had thought he could get away with it he would have ordered the destruction of the Foundation with relish and joy.IC (Crash Site)The Bylan forces came into the chamber behind the Stans and took up positions next to them. With scarcely a word they started to pour fire into the chamber and the swarming horrors below. Kalvi tried not to look too hard at them, though the slight rush of vengeance she felt as one of those creatures flailed and fell to the ground as bullets ripped through it was quite satisfying. Her men, armed mostly with assault rifles were tearing into the swarming creatures below. Even when they failed to kill, they at least wounded. If only by virtue of the enemy’s numbers and the sheer number of bullets in the air, Kalvi had trouble believing how well this was going.
  19. IC (Forum)"They have scraps. I doubt that qualifies as combat experience. The fact you helped them keep all of this secret until now speaks ill of you. The very idea you kept the other nations in the dark about this possible threat is disturbing to say the least. Speaking for my people, we will have nothing to do with them and will take extreme measures to ensure the ranks of any international agency founded is never infiltrated by this group. We do not look kindly upon duplicity of this level." The High Councilor was furious, but doing a good job of containing himself. The very idea that the SCP had known or had reason to suspect a threat from the stars and had neglected to mention this to the other governments of the world was anathema to him. "I also note, you only extended this offer when two crash sites fell under the control of the nations here assembled. Maybe your greed for technology is what drove you here today, not any altruistic goals."EDIT: OOC: Heading to bed soon. If possible, don't vote on anything SCP related until I return. If this is not possible, I will understand.
  20. IC (Forum)"Not good enough I'm afraid. You speak as if your group has extensive funding and technology and though you admitted nothing, it does not take a genius to determine the kind of infiltration needed to gain access to the crash sites. You have done nothing to earn my trust or the trust of anyone here. You will find I think, that for all of your trickery and funding, you are no match for a well-funded and determined government organization. Especially if it has a grudge against you....and spies to tend to create those don't they? By your own admission, you would have preferred to remain in the shadows, hiding possibly vital technology from the rest of us. Those who are not...worthy. The whole thing smacks of arrogance and elitism." The High Councilor paused. "Remind me, who let him in?"
  21. IC (Forum)"You have albeit admitted to infiltrating the forces of other nations now you expect us to trust you? I think not. You are quite lucky I think, that we are not ordering your arrest right now. I will certainly be sending a letter of notification to our all the parties at risk of....infiltration...by you and your little group. The nations of the world do not need a shadowy and untrustworthy organization to lead us in this endeavor. We are quite capable of doing it on our own. I suggest you remove yourself from this room. Now." The High Councilor was shocked at the implications of this man appearing. Spies within spies and lies within lies.
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