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Kallista ~ Little light

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Status Updates posted by Kallista ~ Little light

  1. :o OMG Sora?!?! Is that you? Havn't seen you foreva man!
  2. :o OMG Sora?!?! Is that you? Havn't seen you foreva man!
  3. ^^

    *jots that down in note book*

  4. ^^

    and now anouncing the arival of her royal highness Queen Tasita :D

  5. ^^

    I like that movie Idea.

    Nihy, I'm pretty shure there is something that stains more then tomaoes...

  6. "Hiyah!"

    *nocks Turakii out and takes back jacket*

    No one takes the jacket

  7. @ comment in my profile: oh yah? That’s cool I wish I had one but I can’t afford it/pay for it conveniently. But then again I may not even have time for a blog.

  8. *Creeps around waiting for VF to wake up*

  9. *creeps in, waves, sneeks out*

  10. *drop kicks server* I hate it when it does that...

    I just stopped by to say Hi.

  11. *drops in out of nowhere*


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