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Kallista ~ Little light

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Status Updates posted by Kallista ~ Little light

  1. OOOOOO A Girl?

    Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

  2. Friends are a wonderful thing to have ^_^

  3. I bet,

    Try and sort out your priorities though

  4. Just don’t get carried away ok

  5. I'm Graduated... but I don't have time for RPGs anymore...

    Maybe some other time.


  6. Oh Yah for sure.

    I'm so glad I don't have school :D :P

  7. Pretty good Sora,

    Had a hard day at work and stuff, but I'm feeling better now.

    How bout you?

  8. Wow really? Sweet!

    Send me a recent Picture of you!!! PLEASE!!!!

  9. I know what you mean.

    today at work I got burnt by steaming milk, scratched up by who knows what, then my ride was 1hour late for picking me up after I was done....

    I'm so glad to be home

  10. So how is life besides school?

  11. I don't have school anymore :P

    but Work is good!

  12. Oh I'm working now...

    Finished high school and working my but off while saving up for (and deciding on) the next part of my education.

    Other then that things are quite dull

  13. I got some new stuff, and was able to comment again

  14. Like buy a Vehicle?

    TPTI, you know me, I'm not destructive.....

    much <_< >_>

  15. Hey Girl,

    I hope things are all ok...


    please let me know when you get back!

  16. Oh totally,

    I got to save up a lot of money to pay for whatever ‘higher education’ I chose to undertake

  17. Pretty good

    I just got s full time job at Starbucks, I'm almost done my training

    And I’m so glad I don’t have to go to school this year!

  18. Yah I'm So Happy!!!

    >_> hi Kame

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