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Everything posted by Cressona

  1. companion cube avatar FTW!! portal is awesome

  2. So, two nights ago, I had this dream about the 2009 sets, the glatorians. (It's okay to say that name, cuz of Snoopy's topic in GD... [/is too lazy to provide link]) I've also seen the leaked pictures (don't kill me: I didn't know they were real until it was too late :0). In the dream, I'm in Toys R Us, or K-Mart, or somewhere, and I walk through the LEGO aisle and I see... the glatorians on the front of the boxes! I get really excited, of course, so I start looking at the boxes and everything, and for some reason I think it's okay to take one down and open it up. Inside, I'm looking through the pieces, and suddenly realize that these aren't regular bionicle pieces... they're ordinary system pieces. When I look at the instruction booklet, it's the instructions for a small star wars set. That's really everything about the Glatorians, but there's more... after walking around the store for a long time, I look outside and see that it's dark out already, and I need to get home. Turns out I took my bike there, so I go outside to ride it home (and the whole time it's like it's becoming nighttime in reverse; maybe I was there all night and it's the morning? Everything's getting brighter...) When I see my bike, I first think somebody stole it, then I see that they just stole... the front half of it... so I'm riding it home on only one wheel, but I don't know where I am and I pass like 20 Dunkin Donuts in a row... and then I woke up. And... that's it. O_o Oh, yeah, I have more XC practice at 8 in the morning tuesday, then school starts wednesday. -Cressona
  3. so... you're 2 years old :P

  4. Yeah, my cross-country team is kind of small, too. Track has a lot more people. -Cressona
  5. I now present the winner of the Blog Name Contest.... (that was a hint ) And the winner is... Takua95, for his suggestion of "Cressona's Croissants: Fresh from the Grille!" Why he won: 1. Randomness 2. I like Croissants So, in honor of his victory, I proudly present him with the prestigious Cressona Award for EPIC WIN: Display it proudly wherever you want to, to show your EPIC WIN-ness. (like in your blog ) Also, thanks to everyone else who entered. I now present you all with complementary Blue Ribbons of FAIL. Wear them proudly. That's all for now. Congrats, Takua95. -Cressona
  6. Cressona

    Research Begins

    Sure, go ahead! (I'm planning on announcing the winner tomorrow, maybe). -Cressona
  7. The Cressona Institute for Higher Art presents: a true work of art... Tahu Mata! :-) /|_|\___ _| |_ -Cressona
  8. @ your interests: O___o

  9. Cressona

    Research Begins

    What do you mean, add an entry? What's your idea? -Cressona
  10. sounds like my kind of game :D

  11. I got a great idea for an epic the other day (it's actually a very old idea I've had since 2005, but I forgot about and now it's changed a lot). I'll release the teasers slowly and over a long period of time, giving me time to write it as well as hype it up, (I follow the Takuta-nui philosophy of writing the entire story before you start to post it) but I will tell you that I'm going to be researching the time period the epic takes place in... and it's in 2002. Speculation begins. Or not. Well, I've got Cross-country practice officially starting at 8:29 this morning, so I've got about an hour to get up to the high school. One week of practice before school starts, and I have to get up early every day. >.< Well, at least practice has finally officially started. Oh, and I'm working on a comic, as I said last time, but it requires some modifications to Rayg 2.5 (a special hooded cloak that I have to draw on to a whole spritesheet), but once I get that done, I'll be able to start putting it together. Expect more updates soon, including the winner of the Blog Name Contest! -Cressona
  12. not really, i'm just into portal (but I might start playing)

  13. it might have something to do with the portal cake in your av and the 13 1/13 "the cake is a lie"s in your personal statement :P

  14. remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and i said "good bye", and you were like "NO WAY", and then I was all "we pretended we were going to murder you".... that was great.

  15. Cressona

    My Blog Name

    I've decided to create my own entry in the Blog Contest, and make it the temporary new name for my blog, because I don't have enough entries to justify ending the contest. I'd like opinions on Why things are the way they are and aren't going to change no matter how much everyone wants them to: good, bad, great? Oh, yeah, and I got Tahu and Krika from K-Mart the other day. They're great, and the Nynrah are probably the best projectile launchers out there, but Tahu's doesn't work so well for some reason. Overall, the Mistika left me with one thought: we need a return to melee weapons. So far this year I got Kopaka, Antroz, Krika, and Tahu, and the weapons are: on Kopaka, a little stick on the end of his launcher, Antroz has some little claw things (staffs and swords, anybody?), Krika has some cool-looking pointy staff things; unfortunately, he needs them on the ground to walk , and all Tahu's got is a spinning shield. A shield. Back in 01, Kopaka had a shield and a sword. But the worst part about it is that that's probably the best weapon so far. Anyway, I'm thinking about getting Vultraz (probably my favorite, or at least most affordable, of the vehicles available locally). That's all for now. I'm also working on a comic, and I might start it up as a 2000th post special. Or something. -Cressona
  16. hey, you have some really good MOCs!

  17. I saw something about rayg 3.0 did you make a 3.0?

  18. Feel free to use where applicable. Also check out, and use, my two new content blocks: Y? and CUZ I SAID SO. XC practice was cancelled yesterday, because a storm blew in right around the time practice was gonna start. I would have ran in the rain, but the captains were scared. I might try to get some Mistika sets today, if I have the time. Last time I went to K-Mart, there was no Mistika there, but maybe they just got the delivery a little late. Also, I'm really starting to like Mazeka... but I don't know if I want to go all the way to Wal*Mart, and pay out thirty bucks, to get him. -Cressona
  19. Cressona

    What The--

    Yeah, but in my profile too. -Cressona
  20. Good idea, but I didn't mention it because it's a surprise. -Cressona
  21. *sighs* another anti-Tohu insurrectionist? They all talk big, but when it comes down to crunch time, the true Heart of BZPower always triumphs!

  22. So, yesterday, I was out running, and I was thinking why my blog is so unpopular when I'm so popular. After all, I only have one approval and an average of around two comments per entry. The first thought I had was that I'm not actually popular, but then I dismissed that when I realized what could be the real reason: My blog didn't have any meaningful content. Well, of course I got to thinking what I could do to make this blog a little more meaningful. I thought that maybe some interesting information about my life might be nice to hear, but for the main portion of the blog, I wanted to focus on one of my new bionicle-related interests: art. Unfortuanately, I don't have a scanner. I only have a few pieces of actual, good art so far, but I have a lot of inspiration and a clear direction. The only way I've been able to get any of it onto my computer, though, was by photographing the pictures, which so far results in horrible picture quality. I'm working on fixing my (now broken) camera, and improving the conditions under which I take the pictures, and hopefully I'll be able to post actual art here. Until then, I'll have to just talk about my art: my drawing style, current projects, past projects, and inspirations. In addition, I might talk a little bit about my writing, specifically the one large bionicle-related epic that I'm working on. With the exception of a few short stories, I have little to no work posted here on BZP, but I have way too many ideas, and with a little luck, writing about them here will help me actually write them. So here's my planned blog schedule, which is very general and subject to change without notice: I'll have maybe three or four updates a week: an art segment, an epic segment, a weekly update (like Black Six ), and anything else important, probably rank updates and BZPower related stuff. The way it's planned now, Art at the beginning of the week, epic around the middle of the week, update near the end of the week, and BZP stuff whenever I want. Now, I just have to figure out how to make categories... Oh, and I've got cross-country practice tonight, too. Just to let anbody who cares know. I've been on the team since seventh grade, when you can first join a school sport, and I'm one of the fast kids. The captains (I'm in 10th, so this is my second year, and the captains were last year's 11th- graders) have arranged for anyone who wants to to come to an optional practice every thursday in August (me and some other people have been trying to get the team to practice since summer started ). We're doing interval workouts every day, and when practice officially starts in the last week in August the team will probably do more long-distance runs (which I, and I think everyone else, likes waay better than intervals). Today it's 5x800 (an 800 is half a mile). Can't wait. -Cressona
  23. Hapori Dume's coming back... are you ready?

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