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Everything posted by Cressona

  1. Yep. Thanks. =P

  2. Yeah, it's not like I'm insulting him or anything; I'm saying he's got a cool name. =P And Bfa's linked to IPB Admin in his sig before, and I doubt he was able to get IPB Admin's permission to do it. =P

  3. He actually doesn't; the last time sneaky was even on BZP was on the old server, so his "last appearance" isn't even listed. Do you think that might be against the rules?

  4. Hey, we're friends! and nice personal statement, btw =P

  5. Ah, okay. =P Strangest username I've seen in a while, too. And ever since I put that in my sig, sneaky's got a LOT more views. =P

  6. Oh. I saw you looked at sneeky peaky mahiki's profile recently, and I assumed it was my link. =P

  7. lol you clicked my link, didn't you? =P

  8. So. I clicked a link in a sig today, and it took me to a blog that informed me that the Vahki are still alive, in the form of the High Vahki. I like the idea of the Vahki fad (maybe just because I like Vahki ), but they really didn't last too long. I'm considering starting a movement like the Vahki, but something different, something that will last longer. My original idea, about six months ago, involved getting hundreds of members to change their names to something almost identical (like "Vahki Enforcer 1", "Vahki Enforcer 2", etc.), and all use the same avatar and banner. If anybody thinks this would work, let me know, but I don't think we could get enough people to do it, or for long enough. So, I'll be thinking of some ideas for a new movement (possibly a club?), and if anyone has any ideas, let me know. -Cressona
  9. the good ol' US of A. you're danish?

  10. and btw, tennis is awesome

  11. 0_o Well, I do enjoy a danish every once and a while, but I wouldn't conisder myself a "danish man"... =P

  12. And the thumb points to someone standing next to you.

  13. My blog continues to evolve: this latest entry not only has no category, no readers, and no comments, it now has no content either. I might put up a content-containing entry later about smileys, but I'd have to write it first, and, you know... Anyway, I still really like Tanma, and I'm actually considering skipping out on a winter Glatorian (that'd be Gresh), and saving up for Mata Nui in the summer. Probably won't come to that, and I'll probably get Gresh eventually, but more on that (kinda) later. Or not. The more ideas I get about what to put in the blog, the less it seems I actually write. But never fear, I'll add some content any day now. -Cressona
  14. I have to pay 7 bucks to hear you say watewut? What a rip-off... -Cressona
  15. I know I'm doing my job right when I can get at least one "waitwut" out of a member. -Cressona
  16. Cressona

    My New Set

    You think I should go with Tarduk? I was thinking about getting him to go with Gresh, but the four legs thing, the kind of beast-like appearance... in the pics I've seen, Tanma just looks cooler. -Cressona
  17. Cressona

    My New Set

    So I'm thinking about getting a new set. My obvious first choice is Gresh, for all the obvious reasons, and if I was to get a 2009 small set, it'd be Raanu, because of the cool mask (am I the only one who thinks Raanu's mask is really cool?). But... I was thinking, and I was looking at Tanma, who I don't have, and who I still think is really cool. And if my local store doesn't happen to have Gresh, I'm considering getting Tanma. Not as a replacement, but just until I get the chance to pick up Gresh. Cause even a year later, Tanma's still awesome, and I think he beats out any Agori in terms of coolness. Thoughts? On a completely unrelated note, I have a two midterms tomorrow. Not fun. But at least they'll be over now (I've been having midterms all week). And now, some pictures of Blagojevich: Credit to Optimum.net's news page. -Cressona
  18. Look at me, blogging without a category. That's no way to create a neat, organized blog. Anyway, I have to go to track practice in the pouring sleet in a few minutes, and I just happened to notice that noone reads my blog. Just kidding. Having a "secret" blog like this meant that I can write whatever I want and not worry about anyone reading it. Like... Black Six is a stupidhead! *gets banned* Disclaimer: I don't really think Black Six is a stupidhead. He's a cool guy, a great admin, and I have a great deal of respect for him. Also, if Black Six is reading this, I'd like to thank him for the proto boost. More entries coming soon! -Cressona
  19. lol I saw your revival of a topic from 2001. And your username is awesome.

  20. I just can't be a blogger. It's been how many weeks since my last entry, and I've haven't updated the blog at all. All this time, I've been posting and posting and posting, but no blogging at all. I got this brand new set-up, cool new format and everything, and then I just don't use it. At all. Well, you know what, I'll try to blog some more, but it'll probably be restricted to little random things, and not really following the cool format I was going to do. I'll get one of those in whenever I get the chance (maybe once a week?), but this really isn't going to go on and become a famous blog, like one that all those famous people have. -Cressona
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