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Everything posted by Cressona

  1. The IIU doesn't exist. ;) Just wanted to let you know

  2. hey, TtW, where have you been? you've been gone since june! =o

  3. Cressona

    Blog Contest!

    @Takua95: It's not Croissants; it's Freedom Bread. -Cressona
  4. My second entry for the day. I'm leaving here today with 1602 posts in the bag, and a brand new rank next to my posts. I'm an Emerging Fluidic Master! Celebrate with me! :happydance: (and, yes, just to let you know, I am going to do this every time I get a new rank). Wow... Emerging Fluidic Master... that has to be one of the coolest rank names, right? I mean, I know it's just Gali Nuva, but "Fluidic Master" sounds really cool, for some reason. Add "emerging" onto it, and it sounds even better. In fact, I might even draw some art of what an Emerging Fluidic Master looks like... this is another one of those times when I really wish I had a scanner... Hey, I have an idea: for the few of you who actually read this blog, if anyone has ever posted art on BZP, how did you do it? Any way you did it without a scanner? -Cressona
  5. Cressona

    What The--

    no, i don't blame you, 55555, you're a good person and-- wait... -Cressona
  6. Cressona

    What The--

    I'm only rated four stars in my profile and my blog? What's wrong with you people?! -Cressona
  7. thanks. everybody seems to like it =P

  8. hey, you got the ignika spinny! congrats! :P

  9. Hey, I got an approval! Thanks, pompomperson! -Cressona
  10. darth revan =D u liek? ur av's pretty dark too though =P

  11. the cake was a lie

  12. aperture science!!! =D

  13. im in ur prof =P

  14. you've never truly lived until you've picked up a chicken :P

  15. Cressona

    Blog Contest!

    Yeah, you read the title right: I, Cressona, new Premier member and owner of a 5-entry blog (or however many it is), am holding a blog contest. I now present: the Blog Name Contest! Read on for more. Or don't. You know, whatever works. (if you're one of those people who likes short blog entries, skip the following two paragraphs of random nonesense) Hey, my first extract. Looks kinda nice, wouldn't you say? Really adds to the quality of the entry. I like it. So, yeah, what was I saying? Oh, right, the Contest. So, I was thinking, and I realized that as good a name as "Exercize in Futility" is, if I want this blog to become world-class, I really need a world class name to go with it. (I think you can see where this is going.) Anyway, I was starting to think of names myself, and then I realized: "world-class blogs hold blog contests for random things!" My next thought was, "A new name for my blog is a random thing!". (I hope you can see where I'm going with this now.) My next thought, of course, was: "It's time for a Blog Contest!" (By now you should know where I'm going with this, right? Well, just in case you don't, maybe I should explain the contest.) (random nonsense over. you can start reading again). All you have to do is suggest a new name for my blog, in your comments, and at the end of a two-week period (or whenever I have enough suggestions, whichever comes last), I'll pick the best suggested name and use it as my new blog name (a team of impartial, annoymous judges may help me select the best name). And that's it. So, let the Contest begin! -Cressona
  16. yeah, but not actually in it... in "shadows and light" one of the characters has a vision with Revan. my av/banner/personal photo are from the vision

  17. i havent played KOTOR, but my friend has it. isnt the star map supposed to lead you to the planet?

  18. yeah, that's darth revan. howd u know? :P

  19. Cressona


    It turns out that people actually do read my blog... only I've had to approve all comments, so I thought no one commented. It took me almost half an hour just to approve the few comments I've gotten, so I'm definitely unclicking that little box in the menu. Just wanted to let everybody know that you can all comment however much you want now, and be able to see it as soon as you click "add reply". But remember, I still have the power of the delete button... That's all for now. Oh, yeah, and I didn't get the Mistika. I went all the way to K-Mart and found nothing but Phantoka on the shelves. But my K-Mart didn't even get them until late spring at the earliest, so if I want to get my Mistika there, I'm gonna have to wait a lot longer. Oh, and I might not be able to acess a computer for a while, so if you don't see me around for a little while, or I don't respond to your PMs, or my blog doesn't get updated, don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can. (6) -Cressona
  20. Cressona

    I'm Premier!

    Hey, am I the only one who realized this was FDR's Pearl Harbor speech, or did everybody else just not mention it? -Cressona
  21. ok i think i fixed it... try commenting now

  22. The game won't be coming out till september first? No!!! But the rest of the info was interesting. I like the idea of the movies, and I can't wait to see them. But, wow, Bink, why do you have to be so hard on poor Kelly? Probably one of the best blog entries ever made. -Cressona
  23. i did that already; anyone can comment who wants to =P

  24. I added a content block! I think it looks cool, and adds a lot to the blog. What do you think? If anyone can think of anything I should add to it, let me know. I have the personal photo, rank image, proto, spinny, and some other stuff, but it seems like a short list... That's really it for now. Oh, I guess I should also add that I changed my banner and av again. I'm making the link to my blog a little more obvious now ("my blog"; you think anyone will realize where it leads to? ), and I'm going with a Darth Revan theme now. For anyone who doesn't know, Revan=the coolest Sith Lord/Jedi/Star Wars character ever. I'm probably gonna try to get the Mistika today. Tahu and Krika, my two faves. If K-Mart's price is still $10, I'll only have to pay 20, but I'm bringing $30 just in case. And I think I'll try to get people to comment here by asking a question. Did you get the Mistika, which ones did you get, and what are your favorites? I've already told you Tahu and Krika are my favorites (Tahu cuz he's Tahu, which is awesome , and he's also the only Mistika Nuva with anything resembling a melee weapon; Krika cuz he's huge, white, and awesome). If I get the Mistika, I'll update again to let you know. Until then, I'm -Cressona EDIT: Tried to do an extract with the Mistika question. Didn't like it.
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