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Status Updates posted by Sharkictus

  1. Whoa we can update

    1. Razgriz




      i miss you

  2. Hey um, you know how you wanted to Join BZPRPG...and you never got around to it because it was too much backstory...well we just had reboot.

  3. Are you gonna join the reboot?

  4. Gasp you were on, rejoin BZPRPG there's a reboot coming!

  5. Ah EU, you were a cool guy.

  6. Spirit is cool.

  7. Hey Cee, long time no talk.

  8. Dude why aren't you on anymore?

  9. Sera I know this is yoU!

  10. I have promoted you to Archbishop of the TRPG non BZPRPG topics.

  11. DWIN You're back!

  12. Hey Hak, long time no talk. What's up?

  13. You missed the party!


  14. You looks so returned.

  15. Hey, Angry Nid, i haven't seen you around in awhile. i remember you back Cleopatra&CB comics.

  16. Ah..well I guess I'll pm you with my idea then.

  17. Sooo...how come your never on AIM anymore.

  18. It is a little funny, but what's with it?

  19. Dude what that weird comment you lef ton my profile a while ago.

  20. Happy new year

  21. You signed up as The Mog?

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