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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Oh dear, Barry the chopper!

  2. These rumors are false, where did you hear such terribe gossip?

    And, hi too. xD

  3. Hah, don't play that humble card! =P I'm sure there are some artists we'd murder for their talents, but you're def awesomer than the norm-- I just wanted to say that cause for some reason I felt you needed to be bragged on. =D

  4. Um...well I've used Photoshop and never tried much of 'free programs'. But, if you do need a good one, I hear the one from Paint.net has a good one.

  5. I'm very busy, but what help do you need? I might can help out.

  6. Ah so that's what it is. Sorry I don't have it and I probably can't; thanks for explaining though. =)

  7. Yeah. I wish I had time to get back into SS now. I miss reviewing and hanging with the community.

  8. Oooh right, I forgot about that. I'll go fix that now. :)

  9. *shares some snow with CzaR*

  10. Apparently. I haven't been so active and I get 5000 profile views...O__o;;;

  11. Dane Cook is actually pretty good, I listen to him also sometimes, UTM.

  12. I'm sorry but life has really taken ahold of me; I'm trying to work on some new art but I don't know when I'll finish it all-- I'm very busy.

  13. Hey VF...Long time no chat?

  14. I personally liked it being long, but that's just me. I haven't seen Kung Fu panda, so I don't know.

    I liked your PoP avi/banner though.

  15. Awesome, can't wait to draw him! I'll read over how he looks and stuff in the epic (maybe I could catch up reading too...); do you have any preferences that I should add, or whatev?

  16. So. Since we live so close to eachother apparently, we should hang out sometime.

  17. Oh hi, yeah it's been awhile...how have you been?

  18. I suppose; I haven't had a lot of time to draw/write these days...but maybe this summer will be good for it.

  19. Aw! Well everyone needs a good ego boost and braggin' sometimes. And bah, I'm not that better; your CG and MoC skills are outragous. And your awesome details, and... *trails off*

  20. I think season one did, just when I watched it my viewing of episodes was random, so I got lost in stuff after awhile.

    Also, don't apologize. I didn't mean to sound rude, I was just poking with you, it's completely all right.

  21. Hey, I haven't talked to you in awhile...How're you? =)

    Also I saw your Komas & Tachi drawings and I was so amazed, they were so good!! =)

  22. Aw thank you!! I really didn't expect that, but yay! And you don't have to re-review if you don't want to...I actually intend to re-review yours too along with a zillion others, but after I get unsick. :P


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