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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. sorry if i sounded harsh to you

  2. I love your avatar. So much.

  3. Yeah, don't forget to *cough*commenttheart*cough*....I'm kidding. =P But I hope you enjoy it. If you got any suggestions for a badguy I should do, tell me, I'm kind of brain dead about that. =(

  4. Merry Christmas!! *hug*

  5. TLH I demand to know where you've been. ._.

  6. Whaa no I'm not. >=[

    You are though! =D

  7. Hi HH, I is commenting you! =3

  8. Hey man, AWESOME last chapter. I'll try to review it soon.

  9. Sorry, I keep forgetting to post it when I get on. I'll try really hard to get it up before the weekend is over.

  10. Sounds like fun. ^^

    Yeah, I may be able to spare some time to help you with the voice acting. :)

  11. Oh wait...it's back to normal. o_O Sorry for the confusion, I just saw a post of yours and your banner was something completely different and huge, like someone had changed it the image...it was odd. Oo

  12. Steamboy is a great movie.

  13. Yo Omi, what's up in your heat? BD

  14. Yeah Flyleaf is great, they are one of my favorite bands.


    Just thought I'd point that out.

  16. But....BUT...D:



  17. haha, i call lots of people that. sorry you lost your phone. you havent got another? my spring break was last week, but we should hang out soon.

  18. I use MSWord, so whatever works for you.

  19. Sorry, I haven't had time to read and review your story yet. I've been busy and a lot of people have requested I review their things.

  20. Dude! Happy belated (:/) berfday!

  21. You should use blue or pink font--cause your brothers use green and red.

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