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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Hi guys!
    Who still gets on blogs??? I'm not sure myself. Just checking in. I still check the BZPower news a lot and I'm occasionally trying to force myself back on the forums. Not sure about the status and health of everything, though? Shame about GEN2 ending and all.
    Oh but guys don't forget I'm wasting my precious little free time (when I'm not sick) on a Bionicle webcomic! It's hand drawn! Silly humanized bonkles! You should all ask me about it! It'll be rad!
    How is everyone doing, otherwise? Any fun things to share? Also if we were friends and acquaintances back in the day we totally need to bug each other again! I'd love to catch up with folks.
    (or hey if you're new or have always wanted to chat with me, that's fine too)
    Anyway. Nothing much going on in my life. Being bedridden, likely moving further east this summer, having a quarter-life crisis, so forth. I'll also be at Brickfair VA again this year.
    Okay, off to work back on art and script writing! Cheers all!
  2. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: Here's a new picture of my baby, and I finally decided to call him Jethro Gibbs (as much as I love Mowgli, Gibbs suits him more).

    (darn little guy did not want a decent picture of him)
    I'm feeling very special at the moment. Would you believe how hard it was to actually find a kitten?
    He's so sweet, and warming up to me--maybe too much. He woke me up at 5AM this morning nibbling on my nose. Well, at least I didn't sleep in for once. And this is really good for me. I'll be able to worry about something than just myself. I really needed this in life for a lot of reasons.
    Still thinking of a name. Suggestions? I've been leaning toward Mowgli and Jethro Gibbs...but I have no idea, really.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, after a talk about doing a Star Wars story with a good friend of my'n, and then of course just talking about Star Wars itself for awhile, I kind of got obsessed with it again. So I am probably going to change my theme in a moment on my blog.
    Speaking of something(Before I get back on the Star Wars Topic real quick), I decided I should make a content blog telling of all my past themes, I remember most of them, but does anyone remember when I really started up the theme and all?
    Back on topic, I am now over the Old Republic (Even though they are good, that includes KotOR), I'm getting into the New Republic and New Jedi Order. It’s great to get back into those characters like Han Solo, Leia, Luke and such. Though, it’s still rather painful to study/read about. ;_; Poor Anakin Solo and Chewie.
    My friend let me borrow a book called Star By Star, so far it's really good. But dear lord, those Yuuzhan Vong scare me to death, and the worst part about it, there isn't an official story yet on how the Republic defeats them. Not only that, but think about what’s to come next year! New stuff, new info, continuing through the EU(Expanded Universe) and THE STAR WARS TV SERIES!....Lets just hope it ain't tacky.
    I am now going to be drawing lots of Star Wars stuff, so be wary; I might post some on here....
    I really love designing clothes and creating species. Very fun.
    Off the topic of Star Wars() I must tell you today is International Suzie Day. What is that? Well it is to celebrate ME of course!
    No seriously.
    Ok, maybe a bit of a joke. But my friend is making a music video thing for all of her friends, and she was getting footage of me for the sleepover we had yesterday/today. So I was looked up upon. ^^ So just prepare you calendars for NEXT year...
    Ok I forgot to point out, that at the sleepover, we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Best Indy movie so far), so I am also going through a faze with ol' Indy.
    Ok, maybe it's Harrison Ford? <3 Ford.
    ....Yes, see here? You made me do another long entry! I am talking total nonsense. Good grief...
    I got a question, who should I dress up for Halloween? I need to start planning now, but I cannot decide.
    Indiana Jones Captain Barbossa I can't decide...But ignore the fact that I am woman.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    I'm studying. I swear. But my mind is like "DO SOMETHING WITH THIS IDEA NOW RAWR". All right, fine, you win!
    Simple question: what would guys think about a [web]comic involving Human Bionicle characters? I have some cool plot ideas I've been wanting to use for a long time, but I'd love to hear what BZP wants/likes/dislikes/etc. Thankees.
    Doing a comic has been something I've dreamed of doing since I got 'truly' interested in art when I was around 10 or younger. It's now or never. I will continue to work on commissions (which is going fine, but may be a slight lag because of the scanner agggh sorry) and GitS. Am I putting too much on my plate? Yes. But sadly, that's what artists do and it keeps my inspiration pumping. I mean, I can't promise this project will come out tomorrow, but maaan this is a craving worse than my desire for chocolate. That's a big craving.
    Back to studying about studying...(I really don't get this class??)
  5. Lady Kopaka
    BZP hi I miss all off you bbies lots of hugs how is everyone?
    I am really avoiding going to bed after a grusome 15 hour work day and I don't want to work agian tomorrow, so I thought, hey, I haven't been on BZP in awhile
    so here have a picture of HB Zaktan pouting

  6. Lady Kopaka
    I finally got to see Toy Story 3 tonight. And all I could think of was how happy I felt afterward.
    Don't know why I felt so content and good inside...well, I mean, it is Toy Story, but it really connected with me in a way I didn't expect. Maybe it was the moral, the nostalgia, the amazing story and characters...probably all of it. My family was making fun of me for crying during the last bit of it, but I don't care, it was worth it.
    Thank you so much Pixar, you made me truly smile and I don't get to do that a lot with everything going on in my life. You also reminded me why I want to do art as a profession; maybe some magic will happen and I'll get to work for you guys in the future.
  7. Lady Kopaka
    ...for random fun! First person to get my 23,333 profile view—or at least the closest—gets a free sketch! Just screencap and PM me!
    Congrats to Tifosi92! That really went fast...next time I'll make the kiriban bigger. Anyway, apologizes to you guys that didn't get it. I'll be doing another one in a few weeks!
    Update, Sept/24/09: Commissions are officially back. Still a lot going on, but I have gotten a hold of some things to handle this again. As I’ve said before, this money is going into savings for college and bill paying, so thank you very much!
    Current commissions are going well, and at least three are close to being completed. (once I finish this batch, I'll better organize myself so commissions are finished sooner) If you were interested earlier in getting one from me, now is the time to ask about it.

    Pricing is for cleaned/shaded artwork. My standard paper is usually 8.5x11 cardstock. 
    Shipping (if requested for original):
    (note: this is just an estimate. Shipping is determined by where you live/how large the drawing is)
    Black & White (Pencil/Digital sketch)
    Headshot/Bust -
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background -
    +Complex Background -
    +Extra character/or other -
    1) If your drawing is digital, I usually won’t send out a copy, you can print it out yourself. However, if the drawing is large or you have any problems with printing, we can work something out.
    2) I accept pretty much any forms of payment. Cash/check must be USD. Most of the time, I will require you to pay before I begin drawing.
    3) Though I will try my best to follow what you want, please give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to improve anything during drafting, but I cannot overwork myself with finicky nitpicking.
    4) Prices will differ with larger and more unique projects. When I receive a request some pricing may be changed. It is determined by materials, time and the drawing itself.
    5) You’re welcomed to ask how your request is coming along, but please to not get rude if I’m working slowly! My life can get really rough sometimes, and art projects can take awhile, depending on the drawing. I try to finish on a week to two week basis, and if it will take longer, I'll inform you.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    ...and toasted, too!
    Right, updated Glitch last night, yall. This chapter was so much trouble, but I've been editing it since what...January? I think it'll be okay...and only one more chapter left.
    Oh, something special happens in this chapter.

    (Yes, Raia, I have found an appropriate use for this emoticon...xD)
  9. Lady Kopaka
    [insert things such as 'it was fun!' and 'i got to meet lots of new and old friends!' and 'the MoCs were amazing!']
    But in the end, thank you everyone for helping me get up there considering my financial situation. The Pates (though they couldn't come this year) helped a lot as did Ben/CF, making sure I had the funds for food, lodging, and all that. Thank you Jamison/Brappy Hour for letting me and my brother room with you, and for being a wonderful person who I could trust and feel safe by. Thank you Scott for being so kind and for the awesome tshirt as well as the new hairstyle for my self-minifig! Thank you Team Farm Animals for being totally awesome. While they are notorious for being remarkably comical, they are some of the sweetest gentlemen and I thank them all for letting me hang with them. Shout outs to others like bzpower staff and some of the people who were kind enough to talk to me about my art. It was very humbling for many to watch me draw, ask for advice, or even do art for them!
    Brickfair is a very important part of my life now. Though this was just my third year coming, it means so much to me. It makes me sad all these wonderful people live so far away from me! But it also makes the year wait all the more special. Hijinks, adventures, personal growth, helping others...I couldn't ask for a better community.
    Very grateful time seemed to slow down enough for that week. just...for me to take a deep breath, look around, remind myself why I'm here, what I want to do, and what I can do for others someday. it was great that my health has been improving, and it was timed well for brickfair.
    In general, I'm sad about it being over, but I'm so happy and forever thankful that I was able to go and have fun with all you great people. If I didn't get to spend much time with you, I apologize sincerely! But I'll see everyone next year!
    Note to self though: don't take a bus again.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    hey guys, I really would like to get involved with the RPG happenings here--but, I have no idea how to start or what's going on or if I should wait or anything help
    If someone could volunteer to teach me the ways of BZPRPG and so forth, that would be awesome. I will pay you in hugs and invisible cookies.
    I'm reading the rules and everything now, but a mentor would be awesome!
  11. Lady Kopaka
    August 2nd!!!
    Okay guys! Just updating to say I finally have a stable release date for my Bionicle webcomic. The entire prologue (roughly 15 pages) will be released August 2nd. It coincides with Brickfair Virginia! Chapter 1 will then be updated everyday during Brickfair (until the 6th). From there, the updates will slow down to twice or three times a week, with the occasional break to keep a healthy buffer up.
    I'm so excited to show this project to all of y'all! Thank you so much for the patience, encouragement, help--everything!
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Hey everyone!! I'm so excited! Everyone ready?
    :: Click To Watch ::
    I decided to make a fun little intro to this audiobook to announce who got into the cast!
    The video includes only major characters, and pardon me if I messed something up…If you're too lazy to watch, or would like to see a more detailed list, here it be:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tachi: Nikira Komas: Smeogol4 Makuta Szian: Vezok's Friend Toa Niihlus: Torran Captain Yuuzian: SPIRIT Toa Zerak: Eeko Toa Uchik: Kanohi Zatth Philo Tsak: Sakaru Zimriah: Raia Vheon: MoSM Creolè: Brogen Szian's Servant:Kanohi Zatth Naosu: Yukiko Makuta Muurax: Biocore Ancient: SPIRIT Lariska: Lady Kopaka An Un-named Onu-Matoran: SPIRIT Un-named Bounty hunter in Jiahk: Eeko A grouchy Matoran sailor: SkullKid Another Matoran sailor: SkullKid  
    It was a very hard choice, and I want to thank everyone for auditioning (I have over 70 files of auditioning!). I'm very excited to officially being this project soon. As of now, congratulations! Get warmed up for your parts, go tell your friends about this, point out any suggestions...or run around in circles being ecstatic!
  13. Lady Kopaka
    First off, concerning 24…WHAT THE HECK TONY!? :[
    Why can't Star Trek come sooner? ; 0
    New Fullmetal Alchemist episodes at last! First episode was ownage. Can’t wait to properly watch them on DVD later (even though I enjoy watching it in Japanese, lets hope the dubbing will be good if they ever do that).
    I’m not very a materialistic or a TV/Movie fan, but wooaaah…this has been awesome.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Finally beat Mass Effect 2 (I know I've had this game for over a year, shaddup). It was so amazing.
    Cept' Mordin died.
    Really. Can't figure it out. Everyone was loyal, followed my bro's advice (who saved everyone). WHHYYYY. Going to need a serious talk with my Ron cloned relative...
    Time to go replay two hours of gameplay, if I can. *hugs Mordin*
    oh. college started today. hopefully I'll have a better semester... but who cares about that when the reapers are coming?
    EDIT: Fix'd, now my lovely Salarian Scientist is well. Working on the Shadow Broker DLC now! (or maybe I should go to bed...)
  15. Lady Kopaka
    I have a question for everyone, concerning upcoming projects I’m doing. (don't feel obliged to do this; this can just be for people interested in my projects)
    A comic series involving original Bionicle characters (focusing on Dark Hunters most likely), in a somewhat altered HB world? A large-scale fantasy epic? (inspired by Princess Mononoke and Treasure Planet) A comic or epic (sequal/prequel/midqual; undecided) for Glitch in the System? Or maybe you guys would just like something else, or me to start commissions again? I just realized my head is exploding with ideas and I can’t really decide what to jump to first. I can’t juggle them all at once, but it doesn’t mean if you choose one, you may never see the other. So yes, what would you guys like?
  16. Lady Kopaka
    i'd love to get to a point in my life where i'd actually start finishing drawings i started. yeah. that would be amazing.

    click for high res
    does anyone even remember the characters to guess who is who? i'd love to actually finish this...with all the other drawings of mine that desperately need to be finished...my artistic ideas move faster than my patience. sigh
  17. Lady Kopaka
    and i'm not just saying that in a anti-social way. i'm referring to bad dumb life. i miss bzp and my postings and reading and reviewing and posting art and stories and glitch in the system and all you wonderful guys who make me laugh aaaaaggh : ( i need more awesome Bionicle in my life, like it used to be. that always made things better
    i need to blog more for sure...but i seem cant think of anything decent to talk about. i remember when i was younger i could talk y'alls ears off. what do you guys like to hear me talk about? or show? maybe i should make this more of a sketch blog...
    what's up with me? life is ewww, commissions are on hold until summer (sorry...), gas is stupidly expensive, i'm sooo exhausted, school is driving me crazy (roughly just one more month...one more month...), and...i may be moving to missouri all on my own. i'm kind of excited about that one. : )
    how are you guys? i'm behind in bionicle and bzp...what's been the dealio? links? pictures? kopaka?
  18. Lady Kopaka
    got back in Bionicle
    and this happened before there was some weird rumor about Bionicle returning, too? (idk anything on that just something I've heard from various friends)
    anyway totes been hiding out in BS01 a lot refreshing my memory and will probably watch the movies soon, etc. Lots of nostalgia and feels.
    What I've really fallen into is making my own fanon universe. Which is pretty much the same as the original but everyone is 'human' (somewhat? depends on speices? still working that out) and some of the later stuff has been changed. Well, a lot of the later stuff has been changed but I'm still trying to decide how much I'm deviating from canon.
    so if anyone wants to talk bonkles with me that'd be awesome or even if you are mildly interested in my dumb human!Bionicle universe let me know. I'm already drawing and writing lots for it.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I’ve been really proud of myself on the progress of my writing recently—not in terms of skill (I have so much to learn), but how I’ve been finally getting over so many fears I used to have. It’s been so relieving to finally stop letting all my ideas rot away in my head, and actually put them on paper.
    Now, I know a lot of you guys are wondering if there will be a sequel for Glitch in the System—a few months back, I probably would had said yes. Now, I’ll still say yes, but it probably won’t be anytime soon. One of the major reasons is I really don’t want Glitch to be milked out or overused, if you know what I mean. We have a lot of random projects: a possible short comic series, a audiobook, stand alone short stories…I think it’s just wise to let it chill down a bit, then maybe later I’ll continue the series.
    I do have good news, though. Aside from the common short stories I intend to show here, I actually have come up with a brand new epic idea that I’m contemplating on writing. What’s my possibly story? Not saying yet…but I am hopeful about it. It’s going to be in a completely different reality/setting than Glitch, and instead of a cyberpunk feel, I’m going back to a much more mysterious and fantasy genre. I’m looking forward to drafting some drawings of places/characters, and writing story info about it. I’ll definitely keep you posted on this.
    Finally, I’ve been doing a lot of studying concerning writing. Writing is a bit harder to ‘learn’ about, unlike art, nevertheless, I’m curious (sorta a survey):
    • When you pick up a book, what are you mainly looking for? What gains your attention?
    • What are you favorite genres or writing styles?
    • What types of things don’t you like in certain writings or styles?
    • How picky are you concerning the originality of a certain story? Is it more about the portrayal and depth of the world/characters/setting that makes it interesting, or the overall plot and freshness?
    I may have more questions…but those are the ones I could think of. If you have any important critique/points I should hear, feel free to say. This is important to me because, even though I want to write how I want to (and enjoy writing, above all else), I still think it’s always a good idea to be open minded and see what other opinions there are. So if you guys could spare to write up something quick (or long) it would be really appreciated. I’m currently backtracking and see if there is anything I should be focusing on more, or improving upon.

  20. Lady Kopaka
    I CRACKED. I'm listening to Christmas music already. Usually I don't until after Thanksgiving, but for some reason I couldn't bare to wait any longer. I'm pitiful.
    I. Love. Hair straighteners.
    I saw a car on the way home that I like; not something fancy, but a simple '99 red Cavalier. Price wasn't bad, so I'm going to check it out tomorrow. I need a car so badly!
    Job hunting stinks. Did one for two targets; one said they are not hiring, still waiting on the other...in the meantime, filling out some for Gamestop. Gotta go in town to grab some more applications.
    ....Assassin's Creed II...Star Trek...Chocolate....NEED NOW.
    Wasted $3 on a Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks. Totally worth it.
    As a final note of this completely absurd entry, please pray or keep me in your thoughts as I find a job and car. This isn't really just a desire, it's extremely important and I need some income to help support my family; a car is needed obviously to get to said job, and for college next year. I can't afford to drag this out any more.
    I hope everyone is doing all right!
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Well if some of you guys were uniformed, I got my license yesterday. The driving test wasn’t that bad at all.
    But to the point of the entry…bah. Over the past month, I don’t think I’ve ever slept past 10am so much in my lifetime. Awhile back, I couldn’t conceive myself sleeping later till 9, but now, well, blah.
    As a homeschooler, I’ll be truthful and say I’m not totally concerned about getting up at 6 or something every morning. 7 or 8 are perfectly fine. But recently, I inexplicably messed up my sleeping habits. My mom and I theorized that it’s taking a long time for me to actually fall asleep (which is true :/), and when I do its very light. And then close to morning is somehow when my body actually decides to really sleep, hence I snooze late. I assume my body is trying to compensate for the loss of sleep. I'm not sure about that though, it's only a guess.
    I’ve tried forcing myself to get up, but when that alarm goes off, I am really asleep; I don’t want to even move.
    Do you guys have any advice, or have been in the same situation? I’ve experimented a bit on going to bed at certain times and such, but nothing is really working out. I’m getting a bit concerned about it and I don’t want it to continue either, it’s not a good habit.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Well apparently we have a house now.
    A house with 2 acres, a house I can have my own room, a house we can directly move into on Monday and has plenty of space.

    …I feel very odd saying we actually have a house. Cause I keep expecting there to be a downfall. After 4 years of searching for a house here, and then having so much trouble with prices and contracts with our house hunting where we’ll be moving, it’s very disheartening. But we actually bought this one, and the only way this would fall through is like…if the world ended or something.
    So no going to hotels, apartments, rents or staying at grandparents like we’ve done over the years. We actually own a house, and it’s really nice. I could poke in some problems but right now I could care less.
    We…have a house…??? What?!
    Edit: And for some more good news Assassin's Creed just came in the mail today for me.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    As much as I was hoping December would be a good month, it's shaping to be pretty rough. Ignoring dumb reality issues, I completely ruined a drawing by accident, got so frustrated with trying to repair it a moment ago, I give up. So here's a drawing of (unfinished) HB Glatorians...yeah, I still do that thing.
    Yay link~
    Testing with styles...sorry, I'm still kind of unfamiliar with the characters this year.
    I'm losing motivation for everything. *nibbles on chocolate in a corner while watching GitS*
    EDIT: just a quick note...the topic for the Glitch in the System Audiobook is now posted!
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