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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yeah. I wish I had time to get back into SS now. I miss reviewing and hanging with the community.

  2. Yeah... and then problems with everything else too. xD

  3. YEAH... We love school don't we? =P

  4. Yeah...I get better, then I get sick again for another week. xD I don't mind telling you, I just didn't want to jabber when you might not be interested; I'm just very sensitive about annoying people with suck things.

  5. Yeash, Amelia is very cool. And yes, yes, me and my guys...=P


  6. Yep, 24 is really awesome. Can't wait for the next season.

  7. Yep, I'm quite excited about it. You going to check it out?

  8. Yes Flyleaf is like my fav band.

  9. Yes I am, Ghost in the Shell is cool. =)

  10. Yes I saw, thank you very much! I'll try to get around to reviewing some of your stuff to. :

  11. yes you are. Quick, escape in a haystack!

  12. Yes you may, thank you for asking. :)

  13. Yes, sadly. It's both entertaining and somewhat flustering--I always get confuzzled when I see a different image up.

  14. Yes, she is very weird... D:

  15. Yes, you did everything wrong, 'ferna. Kidding--I forgot to update it with everyone (only added Vorox Chief's 'cause his was almost done).

  16. Yes... lurking around. Drank some mountain dew stuff too late accidently; I'm all hyped up. DX

  17. Yesterday was yer birthday, oh noez! D: Happy belated berfday man!

  18. Yo homeslice!

    See now that is awesome fancy way to say hai. =D

  19. Yo Omi, what's up in your heat? BD

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