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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka


  2. I'm on AIM atm.

  3. I'm trying to keep opinions on 08' sets to a minimum till I have better pictures or got one in me hand, but so far I like Kopaka very much. ^^ HE HAS WINGS.

  4. Well, she is a character--but yeah, that's me.

  5. Hey sorry it's taking awhile to respond. Trying to repost Glitch and finish my EC entry is taking up all my computer time. I'll catch up with you when I'm done with this mess.

  6. Really? Thank you, but just remember you don't have to--my entry anyway, is pretty fail. I would still like to read and review yours soon.

  7. Yeah... and then problems with everything else too. xD

  8. Dude, that's so weird! I have been planning something similar to that (about a war deal) too. ^^

  9. I liked the first, and I'm sure the second is good--I'm still waiting for it to be released on the PC.

  10. Oooh yus, cept the ending makes me cry every time! :(

  11. Sorry, I completey forgot about it. I've been getting a lot PMs lately. I'll try to respond asap.

  12. Hey, are you doing okay?

  13. No problem, you're a very talented writer!

  14. I'm still trying to beat it, but I'm really enjoying it.

  15. How dare you don't have my msn!! *will send it via pm asap*

  16. Gotcha, I'll check it out soon. :)

  17. I feel quite special that you and some others are using my crummy drawing as a av/banner, haha.

  18. I'm okay, just life is being very crazy. How're you?

  19. I never liked Gone With The Wind that much; a classic, but it was sooo long. But choosing a classic ftw.

  20. Eh, nothing much. :/

  21. Oh I did, I'm sorry!! I keep forgetting to catch up with all those PMs...responding asap.

  22. No rush on the PM. And, it's not much of a trip. Just drove a bit less than two hours to hang with family for a day or two, but still, it's nice.

  23. Yo! =) I'm doing okay.

  24. You're very welcomed. Now, make a blog. I demand this.

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