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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yup. One of my favourite games.

  2. Pah, fine, but you're missing out. Blogs are addicting, and you don't even have to talk about your life.


  4. It's on your wallpaper? Well I'm honored! =) Oh and that's a good idea, maybe I'll try it out sometime.

  5. I'm so overemotional in movies for some reason, I think I can cry over almost any sad or emotional scene. =P

  6. The new one? Arrrgh I want it so bad! 0: Well, awesome for you!

  7. I approve of your personal photo.

  8. Congrats Nukaya.

  9. That be Imatron's avatar. D:

  10. How on earth could you dislike Coldplay?

  11. Hi Turakii! Do you plan on entering the new AC?

  12. Oh and...did you say MO earlier? I'm so out of it. Yes, I have been there. Stayed there awhile last year, and I was up there visiting family recently.

  13. Oh, heya. :) And I don't mind.


  15. *Looks around* Have I come at a bad time? =P....Hi Turakii! Thanks for getting me back into FMA again!

  16. Yesterday was yer birthday, oh noez! D: Happy belated berfday man!

  17. Uhh...not really sure. xD

  18. So maybe I did a typo? Everyone does them once and awhile. ='(

  19. Hey we haven't talked in awhile; how goes things?

  20. Yeah that's cool, she is really nice. ^^

  21. Your Pahrak Bond makes me eeee. 8D

  22. That's a good idea, methinks, we can start doing that the next round. Oh, and it's updated now! I had so much trouble with this chapter...but hopefully it didn't fail too bad. ^^;

  23. I agree. Hopefully we'll be getting a lot of auditions over the next week or so because schools out for most, and we can get all the cast finalized by the beginning of June.

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