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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. And I'm visiting it for a second time! Oh noez!

  2. i like your profile picture. you like Egyptian culture?

  3. It's really good. You should see it sometime.

  4. Ahah! I knew I knew you. xD I thought we were pretty cool buddies till the other website pretty much...did an epic fail over a year ago. *laugh* I'll have to throw you a PM sometime. :)

  5. Oh hey VF! I haven't seen you in awhile, but it's okay. =) And yes Batman was super cool,

  6. *Follows fad* Congrats Niki. =)

  7. Thank you for reading and reviewing my epic! I have a new chapter up. :)

  8. All righty, I will! He's busy at the moment watching a movie he got for his bday, but he'll be happy to hear a birthday wish. :)

  9. Hi; sorry I didn't respond, I accidentally had my comments disabled and didn't see yours until a few days ago.

    I would like to review it, there's just a lot going on. I'll try my best to make some time for it.

  10. I was just playing GW a bit ago. I'm so busy I don't have a lot of time to play anymore...but when I can, tis' awesome.

  11. You're making me hungry! D:

  12. Happy Birthday, bro. ;D

    ...You need to get on more and stop lurking.

  13. They probably will for another sequel or something, lol.

  14. Eh, Christmas as usually was small, nothing amazing, kind of stressing in truth, but I'm fine now, kind of sick though. =(

  15. You're welcome, hope it was a good one. :)

  16. Hi; sorry I didn't respond, I accidentally had my comments disabled and didn't see yours until a few days ago.


    It's a really old story, and I don't like it, but I glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to read my stuff here--a lot of it is down sadly, but I'm trying to fix it.

  17. Eh it was ok I guess (being optimistic =P) hope you had a fun time yourself.

  18. Yeah, again, no problem at all. Merging sounds like a good idea, so we are not trying to balance two PMs at once...haha. I'm doing a lot better now, thanks for asking. How are you?

  19. I like your profile picture!

  20. You can't attach, sadly. a) copypasta b) email me c) im me

  21. Dood someday I will be as cool as you!

  22. Awesome GW banner/icon is awesome.

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