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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    10/10 for originality.
    Anyways, I'm leaving to go to my other house at the shore. Where I can hang out at the pool for hours on end. Yay pools!
    But it looks like it's about to rain. Which happens every weekend when we decide we're going down.
    But rain is awesome. I love going in the pool during rainstorms. Until thunder comes. Then we stay for a few more minutes until the lightning actually comes.
    And I'm really close to getting Matoro Inika.
    Hm... what else should I say in this really pointless entry?
    Hm. Yep, that's it. :wakeup2:
    *Llamas a'splode *
  2. DudeNuva
    Darth Vader: I am going to destroy DudeNuva. He has not included me in his AC12 entry like he promised.
    Dude, I never said you'd be in it. I said you would be somewhere inside here:

    That be my Death Star final sketch, matey. You like it?
    I think it's horrible. It has not I, nor the Emporer, nor my awesome spaceship.
    And one more thing; look forward to a MOC that will most definitely mark me as 'Obsessed With VeggieTales'!
    ~Cap'n DN~
  3. DudeNuva
    ... of room.
    Greetings, fellow cool dudes of BZP.
    I know, I am cool. B)
    Curse these word filters. >_<
    Anyways, DN is going to make a crossover with me for AC12! I'll be a star!
    But we all know that Turakii is going to conquer with her Spork.
    Oh, you mean DJ Funkdaddy McSpork?
    No, don't even talk about that. O_o
    I feel like I'm getting ripped off of a Blog entry.
    Maybe you are.
    Nah, that can't be right.
    Why do I feel like some kind of low-budget cereal-box comic?
    What do you expect, you're a Blog entry.
    Okay, I should end this entry before it gets stock lowerage. For all who care, I'm trying to enter AC12 and AC12b.
    What about-
    ~DudeNuva Ooh Ooh and Darth Vader!~
  4. DudeNuva
    If I counted correctly (which, chances are, I did ), then my Premier Membership will be expiring tomorrow... and besides, Dlakii said something about me getting PM on his birthday or whatever, so I must be right. XD
    That said, I consider my mission to be fufilled... I had a summertime of Bloggehness, which I didn't entirely use that much... which basically means that I won't be renewing Premierness again in the near future, if at all. But it was fun. I'll be reverting the Blog back to its original theme before I lose it. No good having Minas Tirith as my memorial.
    A few last updates. Check LGD tonight or tomorrow for a new film from Legosfilm Ltd.; I hate to say this, but it's not Imperial Inspection. It's another PSA, kinda, explaining why it's not Imperial Inspection. It's hard to explain. Just watch it when it comes out.
    Speaking of that film of death, it's still not even in the editing stages yet. But it will get done. Before 2009. That's all I can promise at this point. :annoyed2:
    And I know I said I was going to post the pics of my new Star Destroyer... look for those in LGD as well. And maybe some pictures of Kashyyyk, Echo Base, Mos Eisley, the new Death Star... lots of goodies.
    Since I can no longer use this as a base... or rather, a rarely-used base (I should call this place Dantooine... OOH! NEW BLOG NAME!), I'll just be... heh, a fleet on the move. Mainly in LGD. Which I've mentioned three times now...
    For now, ladies and gentlemen...
    Semper Fi.
  5. DudeNuva
    "The Emperor rules the galaxy through fear. You must destroy a symbol of that fear."
    -- Darth Vader to his Apprentice
    My Star Destroyer has been completed on schedule.
    I didn't have many shortages; those I did have were in one specific area, and I managed to get around those. All in all, I got some good resources for this project, and they prevailed.
    About half of my Imperial minifigs are now on display in the Star Destroyer's bridge. They look AWESOME, especially because I designed Vader to be taller than the rest. I'll have pics, a ton of them, as soon as my Dad returns from Mexico (business trip) with the camera. Until then, all of you must wait in agony. Like Torhuki. XD
    Soon To Be DudeNuva Again
  6. DudeNuva
    I finished my AC13 entry draft; I'm not sure if I'll be making changes after this, but I won't be entering it yet.
    Here it is: entry draft.
  7. DudeNuva
    Everyone knows I'm in
    Over my head!
    Hence the title.
    But yeah, a lot of things are happening that make me say that. The most important of which is the departure of my long-time buddy, Sir TMN, the ex-author of my comics. I needed him to help me with stuff, and now I can't contact him. >_<
    Then there's the problem that I can't continue any stories until I settle with DNComics 2, which I had planned to start... last week. And with no stories, my reputation as a great comedy writer is going downhill very quickly.
    My homework is piling up, and I have limited time here anyway; most of my spare time tonight will be spent trying to fix a problem completely unrelated to BZP.
    And then, I haven't PMed any of my friends for over a week.
    HELP ME!!!
  8. DudeNuva
    I've got two awesome trailers coming at you today.
    The first; a movie trailer for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End, as seen right here.
    The second; a considerably smaller trailer, made by me, for my new and coming comedy, Crazy Metru Happenings, for those of you who read its prequel. This can be found on my Brickshelf, here.
    Enjoy! And of course, I'd like comments on the CMH trailer.
  9. DudeNuva
    Opening quotes...
    King Neptune: For the crime of sinking Atlantis, Cosmo, you will be fed to the Kraken.
    Timmy: Oh, come on! That seems like a pretty harsh punishment for sinking Atlantis one time!
    Cosmo: Actually, I sank it nine times.

    So, I would tell you about the stuff I got for Christmas, but it's way too much, and barely any of it is LEGO. So instead I'll inflate my ego.
    I'll begin writing comedies again sometime in January. For now, I'm on vacation. But I realize the situation set by Exo, that the comedies forum barely has comedies anymore. I can change that.
    But not right now.
    I'll create my new comic emporium in January, too.
    Oh yeah, Turakii gave me an idea for my next username: "Some Purple Guy".
  10. DudeNuva
    Well, I have to go back to school tomorrow. And it stinks, because I haven't done anything over vacation except for slack off.
    Though I did beat LSWII.
    But yeah, I really don't wanna go. >_< I wanna sleep in!
    So I guess my BZP time will once again become constricted, due to my homework and after school stuffs. And my laziness.
  11. DudeNuva
    I have sustained yet another injury in my escapade of weapon-wielding. This one isn't as serious as the swordblade wound from Kung-Fu, but it's twice as odd.
    Okay, so you're all familiar with Indiana Jones, right? And you know he fights with a bullwhip.
    The sharp ones amongst yourselves already know where this is going, right?
    Anyway... I got curious. And no, I don not have a bull whip, but I do have a remarkably similar weapon like a rope (although my academy owns it.) I practiced cracking it, and I'm actually pretty good, but then, WHAP. Right across my chin. It's just a huge red mark, with a distinct whipcrack mark in the middle.
    Go ahead, tell me that I should be more careful.
    Okay, now, to the brass tacks:
    Oh wait... those were the brass tacks...
    Curse you, Turakii, for spreading these ellipses to me...
  12. DudeNuva
    Some updates for the Blog...
    First, DV and I are still fighting for the Blog, but I'm winning...
    And secondly, I added a quotes museum! Half are ones that I found around BZP and half are ones from Onuki's collection that I really liked.
  13. DudeNuva
    Yeah, I kinda forgot about this both last Monday and the previous one... so yeah, here's another newly retitled Bloggish Thing of the Inordinate Times.
    BTotIT #2: How many Blogs are posted at the top of your Community Page? Who are the owners of these blogs?
    Have fun and stuff.
    ~DudeNuva: All-American Noodle~
  14. DudeNuva
    As the title suggests, I am very, very bored right now. >_<
    I feel like writing some kind of new comedy, but my brain is kinda on "standby", and I can't get through a beginning paragraph without laughing in frustration (as odd as that sounds) because the story is so stupid.
    TCOF needs to be updated, but I really don't feel like writing a 1,500 word+ chapter that I don't have heart in, because then the whole story will just crash.
    The Comic Emporium hasn't seen any replying activity in a week now; that may be because of the lack of comics, but some people haven't commented on the last five anyhow.
    Half of my friends on here seem to have imploded, or else been abducted, or stuffed into a pinata, so I haven't had a conversation with anyone in... hm, six days, yep. This isn't helped by the fact that most of my remaining correspondents haven't sent a PM in a long time.
  15. DudeNuva
    Just picture it.
    My work here is done.
    Nah, so here's the deal, I'm working on a Star Destroyer command bridge for use in my movies and, overall, just to be awesome and have one. It'll be a nice size, good design, lots of high-quality minifigs... it'll be fun to build, too. As soon as I get around some architectural hurtles... XD
    So yeah, when it's finished and stuff, I'll have pics. And of course, you'll see it ASAP in a movie.
    (BTW, Imperial Inspection is still alive. But like the fourth Indiana Jones, you might have to wait 19 years to see it.)
  16. DudeNuva
    Have you ever gone onto Lego.com and completely lit up a dozen so-called "Brickgame Champions" in Brickgame? It's fun.
    But seriously, these members are obnoxious. They're going all "you play like my little sister/brother" or "good move for a beginner" and then I turn around and totally maul them.
    The sad part is that none of them really have game logic.
    Except one. I played one member, something like ONEONE something, and we came to a draw; we actually filled the playing field until we tied. He was actually good.
    It's fun, you should try it.
  17. DudeNuva
    Prepare for one of the longest and most random entries you'll ever see in DudeNuva's Object.
    Okay, let's start out with a quote:
    "He spent 9 years in a labor camp in Ti... Tibe... Tibequador!"--Timmy Turner
    Now then, to my ramblings.
    Okay, so I was in math class today. It was my last class. And through the whole day, I'd been hiccuping like mad. I was doing fine with them, actually.
    Me and my friend had wandered onto the topic of Canadian bacon. We're not sure how we got there, but were pretty sure it had to do with the bottle of Canadian water we mauled. Anyhow, we were paying no attention to class. And I was in the middle of saying "bacon" when I had this huge hiccup. Every single person in the room looked at my friend. He pointed at me, but I pointed back.
    Then for five minutes afterwards, we were laughing really hard, and I had laughed so long that I had actually lost my hiccups!
    So, DN's wise words of wisdom: if you have really bad hiccups, starting talking about Canadian bacon. They'll stop after a megahiccup and a few minutes of laughing.
    What this has to do with anything, I do not know.
    Next; I'm planning on restarting CKH's sequel, which as yet is being called "Crazy Metru Happenings", though that could change easily. I wrote a prequel to the sequel (which really happens during the original) called The Ride of the Ponies, without competition one of the most random stories I've written.
    And that's it. I'll leave you with another quote:
    "Those people are trying to kill us-"
    "I know, Dad!"
    "Well, this is a new experience for me!"
    "It happens to me all the time..."--Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  18. DudeNuva
    I just got Carapar today.
    He is awesome.
    I seriously think that this Barraki is the greatest of them all; he really captures the essence of sea-creature-ness from 2007.
    His bulk is in perfect accordance with his body size, too, and the Inika legs as his arms work perfectly. He comes with tons of Metru-gray pieces that were unavailable before, which is an added bonus.
    And his pincers are a definitely great weapon.
    Of all the Barraki I own, which has now gotten to four, I have to say Carapar takes the cake. He completely represents the year 2007 himself.
    Way to go, Carapar. Go tell Pridak to fall into an underwater ditch.
  19. DudeNuva
    And no, I'm not talking about the musical. Chicago: The Musical is just all-out psychopathical. Like Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker. Except instead of a guy with a purple coat and war paint, it's a bunch of... you know what, how about I stop now and get to the point.
    So Torhuki just flew off to Chicago for his trip to that Lego Discovery Center or whatever, which is an amusement park of some sort. There's also a Lego Store there. I WANT TO BE THERE.
    He even has a chance of meeting Avohkah Tamer. I really want to be there.
    And guess what? I am going there. OVER HALLOWEEN. Which isn't at all helpful. And the worst part is, I was gonna go out as The Joker this Halloween. Even though I'm 15. The Joker is awesome.
    Whoa. This blog entry is oddly interconnected so far.
    So anyway, I'm heading in the same direction as him, except I'm going far from Chicago after I get there, to South Bend, to visit a cousin who attends Notre Dame University. And while we're briefly in Chicago, I might try to persuade my parents to go to that Lego Store. Woohoo.
    Ready for the final interconnection? The Dark Knight was partially filmed in Chicago. Avohkah Tamer will back me up, methinks. And The Joker's in that movie. See, this is incredibly strange.
    That is all. As you were, gents.
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