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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Sisen

  1. More than one update within a years time, what the what.

  2. I. Am. An. Argonian.

    1. Makaru


      Stay moist, friend.

  3. So. Many. Feels.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      I know the feel

  4. My bro is back and RPing again? This is truly amazing!

    1. Advent Child

      Advent Child

      I couldn't stay away forever, I suppose. Feels nice to get back into it.

    2. Sisen


      Your timing is truly amazing and uncanny. Something is rising from the deep... returning from the past... going toward the future... a stand must be made.

    3. Advent Child

      Advent Child

      I'm well and truly excited. Let's do it.

  5. Does anyone know what a Zuzumiki is?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sisen


      Just imagine if it was a Sumizuzu. Then you'd have two heads on your shoulders. :o

    3. Sumiki


      That would be taking the phrase "another mouth to feed" to a whole new level of madness.

    4. Sisen


      At least you'd have a pair of good heads on your shoulders. ;)

  6. Good welcome, I'm Sisen. Wait- you knew that...

  7. Be unburied!

    1. Disky
    2. Sisen


      yes, unburied and alllllive

  8. A taco just died.

    1. Kothra



    2. Wotz


      2012 truly is the end of the world.

    3. Hexann


      *Sniffs* OH WHY, WHY!!!!!!

  9. No idea what that series is. Sadly I won't be anything but textbooks for school for a while.

  10. I want to watch it when I get a chance. I have a limited bandwidth and I don't want to waste it.

  11. I meant "that I did not know who it was." I read your post and found out. :P

  12. Yeah, I need to get back to reading. I have multiple stacks of books to read.

  13. Maybe someday. I've watched all of the Death Note anime though. I've always heard Manga > Anime for pretty much anything.

  14. The last one I read was The Final Warning... it sort of killed things for me.

  15. I read so many other books I've just never gotten into reading Manga. =/

  16. Quite possibly maybe so even in fact? Spink might watch it, but other than him I don't know of anyone else.

  17. Ah. Mulch the flatulent dwarf... I forgot The Artemis Fowl Files were on the bookshelf next to me.

  18. What's that gnome(?) who ate the dirt and... well he's hard to forget and I don't think describing the process is appropriate. :P

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