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Status Updates posted by Jalajohn

  1. Politics are banned here. *unpersons you*

  2. PS: your intrest are really LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!

  3. That y in your should of been uppercase. You also forgot the period, or perhaps the exclamation mark.

  4. Thats cool your dad is on BZP!

  5. The World is Quiet Here. Have you been good to your mother?

  6. Those are two of VFD's codes.

  7. We should have a sub-forum for people who enjoy a good debate to have, well, a good debate.

  8. Welcome to BZpower!

  9. Welcome, and five stars!

  10. Wumbology, The study of Wumbo, it is first grade.

  11. yeah me too, Now I have an 09 white Macbook

  12. Yeah, it's of my favorite series. I like The Penultimate Peril best. And in my profile picture is really my cats eye, I like how it looks like the V.F.D. eye.

  13. You like monk to? I LOVE it!

  14. You might want to check out the rules soon. it is the very top forum. Then under it checkout the New member questin and answer. Have a great time!

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