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Scott Pilgrim

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Status Updates posted by Scott Pilgrim

  1. Uh...

    *There's no place like home*


    *I'm in kansas*

    :P :P

  2. Okay, I'll do ma best

    *Ground underneath opponent collapeses*

    *Sizzling noises heard*

    *Fly to saftey*


  3. I am unfamiliar with this concept, but it sounds fun.

  4. Not a whole lot. Check out my banner.

  5. Very scenic place you're at :P

  6. But you just did...Here I go.

  7. If you told me I would've looked and commented.

  8. They do battle until one gets bored and wants to play Parcheesi instead.

  9. Thanks, I'm learning.


  11. I see. What would you think if I were to make a multi-co-author series "based" on the odessey?

  12. How are you friend?

  13. Where's your Vahi?

  14. Congratumalations

  15. Now your Zato spaced?

  16. That is my opinion. And I believe we should cut this particular conversation before we tick each other off

  17. The old transformers cartoon wasn't really all that great.

  18. Blademan procrastinating on his current project 100%

  19. If you wish Blademan to change hisavatar, dial 1-800-COULDN'TCARELESS.

  20. Summer's already started hasn't it?

  21. ( 0 ) ( 0 )


  22. Um, hey Zak, your new comic series doesn't work.

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